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Edited by KoRn5979: 4/16/2015 10:04:34 PM

Girl Gamers are being banned for being GIRLS. Are you going to allow this?

This is an email to from my wife, who was banned for not only being a girl gamer but for muting a guy who kept following her around in the forums and harassing her and saying he was going to keep reporting every comment she made. Please bump and like if you want to help bring her back. [spoiler]Hi, I'm one of the few female gamers, I get sh*t talked to on a daily basis, I get told I'm worthless in gaming, among other things. [u]I muted this one person and he was still able to reply to me and he kept saying he was reporting me.[/u] [i]Then I got banned.[/i] Why has this happened!? Why have you not taken means to support your female gamers? I took means to block this guy who kept reporting me, yet y'all found it necessary to ban me and not him, who was being a sissy and reporting me for bringing up that I was tired of doing the same playlist and the same bounties, there was nothing wrong with my original comment when he just came out saying he was reporting me. [b]How about you treat your girl gamers right instead of giving into blocking us since we deal with soo much more negativity than your average male gamer.[/b] Thank you for taking time to read this, hopefully you look at the female gamers a little better, instead of taking means to report and ban! ~ XoXJulietteXoX[/spoiler] *EDIT* Here is the culprit who reported Julie multiple times. There are some images of the other two who are his butt buddies and defend him to no end and also reported Jules. I'm not saying report them, because I am not stooping to their level, but I am saying they are 12 year olds and should be dealt with if they can't handle others voicing their opinion. [url][/url] and [url][/url] Oh, and lookie there, sexist comments, but you don't see Julie reporting, you see her basically laughing and made me comment back with "" [url][/url]

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  • Your whole post is based on the assumption that Bungie took a sexist stance in banning you. I'm just wondering how you came to that conclusion? Because you're a female+you got banned= sexism? :s Don't get me wrong. I'm sure Bungie made some kind of mistake or a moderator got a bit hasty in keeping the communication clean, but turning this into a question of sex is a knee-jerk reaction and unsubstantiated as far as I'm concerned. However I do hope they un-ban you. Good day

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