There is a list of shit that have made me LITERALLY rip this game in half today. Unfortunately, Bungie won't give 2 shits about this so........ Here are reasons why this game STILL IS TERRIBLE! (And don't tell me that over 20 million children still play it. THAT'S WHY THEY'RE -blam!-ING KIDS.)
-Rewarding BAD PLAYERS in Crucible and PvE..................
The -blam!- is with your loot system Bungie? I can't stand seeing someone do NOTHING in Crucible and get rewarded an exotic Nighthawk/Gjallarhorn/Lord of Wolves/etc.
-Loot Table is -blam!-ED AS HELL!
I've been grinding out since hearing of the Gjallarhorn and how good it is, I STILL recieve the same 5 exotics each drop. Did you remove that weapon from the loot system? People say it's the easiest one to drop, some having 5 of them, but can't even get a different weapon UNLESS Xur sells it or gets lucky with a Legendary/Exotic Engram. I have most of the exotics, some of which I didn't even want, but I STILL haven't recieved it. Not complaining about it since the game is in pieces right now, but hey... MANY PEOPLE WANT NEW STUFF EVERY -blam!-ING TIME!
I enjoy the Crucible. You've actually balanced out the gameplay with all 3 characters perfectly. But there are STILL problems us "casual" gamers STILL have to deal with whenever we jump in.
(Level Advantages)
This is beyond me. I have 2 characters that are 33, the other 32. Trials and Iron Banner add that stupid level advantage and makes playing nearly impossible for us lower ranked players. What is the point anymore? Why couldn't there be areas where the game throws some teams who have similar levels and both sides are equal, but 1 guy is 34, the other are 33/1 lvl 33, other 2 are 34/etc. Balance the game out for the lower ranked and give everyone an advantage/disadvantage.
I'm to the point where Iron Banner is unplayable. I've been playing for 2 days now and have YET to win a single game. This has never happened before. I've lost each game because I'm thrown into games where EVERYONE is using an OP exotic weapon/exotic armor piece/SHOTGUNS. I can barely land any kills, let alone hit markers, because it's already too late. (And I don't want to hear that I should back up away. Guess what? They can -blam!-ING SPRINT AND WE WALK BACKWARDS SLOWER THAN WALKING FORWARDS.) Iron Banner was originally set up for those that have SKILL and can take out anyone with any weapon that is dropped for them. BUT, all that is used in it now are Hand Cannons (Last Word and Thorn ONLY), shotguns (any of them will do), and using that OP exotic item that gives them a boost in weapon, melee, super power. There is NO SKILL with these players. Call of Duty has more variety than the -blam!-tards who play this "competive" shit. The whole competition thing is a -blam!-ING JOKE! If anyone went to a real tournament, there would be restrictions, even BANNING of certain weapons. Why not ban all exotics and shotguns? I'd love to see if anyone would do any good in Trials/Iron Banner after that. Balance out all weapon types, ARs are what they used to be, PRs are nerfed a bit, SRs are fine where they are, and Hand Cannons are nerfed where it doesn't take 3 shots to kill someone. It would all depend on ACCURACY and play style that gets you ahead of the game. I think that would make Iron Banner more interesting than everyone using SHITGUNS, excuse me, SHOTGUNS.
--blam!-ING OPTIONAL Matchmaking in Raids, Nightfall Strikes, and Trials of Osiris.
Did I say it enough times? Make matchmaking OPTIONAL for these gametypes. Every MMO that I've ever played GIVES YOU THE OPTION to matchmake with randoms. The only bad part? You just cross your fingers and pray that they're any good. Give us the damn option. If people want to suffer with randoms, it's THEIR CHOICE. I don't want to spend my entire day looking for someone/groups on external websites, or asking for some in the shit groups that are on this site right now (shit I can't even get those "dedicated" players to join mine for this very reason) when I could just press a button, puts me in a queue and pairs me with someone looking for those to do nightfall, fresh raids/endgame, or even start solo games and have it open for anyone to join in progress. IT'S NOT THAT DIFFICULT. MAKE IT OPTIONAL. EVERYONE HAS ASKED FOR IT, BUT YOU AS A SHIT COMPANY WON'T LISTEN TO YOUR COMMUNITY.
-Finally, the community themselves.
I've seen it all. I've been a follower of Bungie for 5 years now (almost 6). I've played all the Halos, played that shitty Marathon game, and played with some of the biggest retards of all time. The majority of this community is of either old veterans of Halo that are actually chill to play a game or two with those that need it, but the rest are impatient -blam!-s who only care about getting their shit done and moving on without calling back for a replay next week. I thought the CoD community was bad, but Bungie, the community you have created here are full of children. I'm sorry, but I'm NEVER supporting your shit again. You can burn down your shit and I won't give two -blam!-s. I bet half of the community who are in it for the game but don't know who or what you guys are wouldn't give two shits. You "spent" over 2 million or so making a game that has less content than the campaign from CoD MW3. This game was beaten in 2 hours. All the raids, strikes, and arenas, another 4 hours. Less than the multiplayer from CoD: WaW. You ruined this for me. And I HIGHLY doubt that "The Taken King" so-called "DLC" will be any better than the current state this game is in. You'll charge us another $50 for a new DLC that we can get done in 30 minutes. -blam!-ING SHIT. No more.
This is the last forum post. I'm done playing with a company that is shit in my book. Good buy community. You all need a life.
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