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This topic is slightly outdated. I will be revising and updating it to answer more questions and reveal more truths, until then search AnonPig for all my newer more up to date posts or just go here: [url=https://www.bungie.net/ru/Forum/Post/115658936/0/0]AnonPig’s Theories Archived[/url]
[b]This is everything we know about the traveler from in-game[/b]
The Traveler was discovered on Mars
The Traveler brought us into the golden age
The Traveler terraformed the planets in our system, including gas giants
The Traveler was chased by the Darkness
The Traveler did [i[something[/i] to banish the darkness before it came into the range of the four inner planets
The act which the traveler performed weakened it so much that it went into a coma
The traveler gave us the ghosts to find guardians to protect humanity since it no longer could.
[b]if there is anything more that anyone thinks important, please comment below
Now let's tackle the grimoire cards. for convenience i will also be adding anything found about the ghosts in here as well[/b]
Guardians states that the ghost will only select someone from the dead. [i]This leads to the theory that we are actually Dr. Shim from the ishtar collective. [b]I however don't think this is completely accurate, maybe our ghost is...[/b][/i]
The traveler brought on an entirely new race to our planet. The Ahamkara, these dragon like beasts were hunted into extinction because their bones were used to draw on for power. There are currently many in-game exotic armor pieces that use the remnant bones. [i]I believe, because of the Vex and their travels, the Ahamkara are back. They can be seen on Venus if you scope towards the sky[/i]
Ghost Fragment Human 1-4 TL;DR:
Jacob Hardy, pilot of the Ares One, recounts the events leading up to discovering the Traveler on Mars. The humans noticed it there and sent an expedition out to discover what it was. As he goes, he seems to feel the presence of the Traveler and claims[quote]But i hold to my belief: there's something beautiful out there.
It's just up to us to reach it[/quote]He jests about his slip of the tongue upon touching down on Mars. The walk from the Ares One to the traveler was recorded and is actually shown in the opening credits.[quote]It turned out well. Look at me. Look at us! You're talking to a ninety-year-old man. A ninety-year-old who's never been sharper. I'm miles ahead of every cognitive benchmark.
What's happened to me is good. What's happened to all of us is good. When we crested that rise and made visual contact with the artifact I don't think any one of us dared dream that it would end this well.
We went to Mars at the cutting edge of human civilization. And it wasn't our weapons that won the day.
It was our ship. Our training. Our camaraderie. Our belief that if we just reached out to the universe, not to grasp for profit or security but with an open hand, we would be elevated.
We were right. That makes me so happy. To this day.[/quote] As they approached the traveler they noticed oxygen in the atmosphere, warm water, and the beginnings of life. 50 years later he is telling the reporter how he's now involved in a project to study the travelers terraforming.
The Exo card reveals that before the darkness came, and probably long before, there was a great war. The exo race was created to fight them off, and then were shut down. Only when the darkness returned did they get rebooted in the travelers light.
An unsettling thought is the Ghosts. They are sent out to find their one and only guardian. I remember reading somewhere some times they don't actually find them. And based on cards like Ghost Fragment Titan, when their guardian dies, there's a chance they go insane. I say a chance because of Ghost Fragment Hunter, where the hunter sends their ghost back to the Tower to tell them Draksis was there. If the Traveler is in a coma, and a ghost only has one, AND if their guardian dies they lose their mind? How long until they aren't here to help us anymore?
The traveler comes from the void that surrounds all things. This void is not death, or the afterlife, as others may believe. I think its what religion would refer to as limbo though. It is nothingness. I believe the Darkness came from here as well. [i]Could the Traveler have made the Vex? and then from the void come out together, only to be followed by the darkness?[/i]
Ghost Fragment The Traveler TL;DR:
Honestly, this is more encrypted than the -blam!-ing bible. I'd love other input here, but from what i gather: The traveler is great, and bestows upon you great powers. The time has come to fight your enemy. The enemy that you were destined to fight. But is it your destiny? Or are you being pushed into anothers destiny? You will fight. And you are sure. You will lose. You realize now is that everything leading up to this point was not meant for you. You were full of pride, and it is your downfall.
In the previously stated Exo Stranger fragment, i believe it is her standing where she stands at different points in time, and where she will stand where she will one day die. In one reality, or point on the timeline, the traveler is shattering.
The legend of the black garden card worries me a little. I hope it implies that the traveler is pushing us into its fight, but i feel that it implies the traveler is evil. [i]I do not subscribe to the theory that the traveler is evil, only extremely selfish and uncaring.[/i]
In the darkness card it states the many theories of what the darkness is, since it never got past jupiter and everyone out there has been killed, no one knows exactly what it is. There is information about the traveler here though and i feel that in this game there's actually speculation. Read this card and you'll see several theories, but which is fact. For this i rely on xur, a survivor from jupiter. He claims the traveler has a dark mirror, and Ulan Tans thesis says the darkness is a necessary symmetry to the traveler in a cosmic balance. Now that's more the reason the darkness exists, but why are armies fighting us then? The vex seem to have been influenced by the darkness as well as the hive, there are cards suggesting the fallen have seen the darkness too, but the cabal they are running. I don't wish to get off on too much of a tangent so I'll get to the point. The traveler and the darkness have both traveled our universe touching upon different races. i do not think we are the first of the traveler. This leads into the Saint-14's position, that the armies that we fight were species rejected or discarded by the traveler. I'll get more into that in their own respective posts, and keep this more to the traveler. But to clarify, i only think the fallen were rejected, or more likely discarded.
to have all arguments however, one believes that the traveler is actually the direct cause of the collapse. [i]I do not subscribe to this either[/i]
The Ghost Fragment Dark Age:[quote]It turned out well. Look at me. Look at us! You're talking to a ninety-year-old man. A ninety-year-old who's never been sharper. I'm miles ahead of every cognitive benchmark.
What's happened to me is good. What's happened to all of us is good. When we crested that rise and made visual contact with the artifact I don't think any one of us dared dream that it would end this well.
We went to Mars at the cutting edge of human civilization. And it wasn't our weapons that won the day.
It was our ship. Our training. Our camaraderie. Our belief that if we just reached out to the universe, not to grasp for profit or security but with an open hand, we would be elevated.
We were right. That makes me so happy. To this day.[/quote]This is directly after the collapse depicting the rise of our second and third race.
And that is all from the grimoire on the Traveler, if there is anything i have missed please let me know!
This has been your friendly neighborhood AnonPig!
Remember, all are welcome to join the Collective of Knowledge! [b]link at the top[/b] to discuss things more directly.
[b] read mlongoria86's comment under my own. I COMMAND THEE![/b]
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