just asking him if ever use any weapon other than Thorn and Matador (uses it as primary btw), and I get perm banned. lol
Also, called out ProfessorBroman for saying he would punch someone in the face at a meet and greet if they said something rude to his friend. Then proceeded to say, that he would instead pay a person to beat someone up because he's getting that "Twtich money".
Why are these streamers so damn sensitive and defensive. If that's how you play, just own up to it and not be ashamed. I was legitimately curious to see how he would play with something other than those weapons.
I think the exposure that Goth and Broman is getting from the Destiny community is starting to go to their heads.
And these are the guys Bungie supports and represent this game in the community? Desperate measure I guess for desperate times.
[b]edit: [/b] I'm posting here to talk/post in a concise and honest way on my thoughts about this Streamer that Bungie clearly promotes and supports. Some of the stuff they (Goth and Broman) say and how they handle anyone calling them out on their wrong doing should be pointed out, that's all. They shouldn't get a free pass to be dickish just because they are on Twitch and get supported by a developer.
[b]edit#2: [/b] Please list some other Destiny streamers that some of you think is worth checking out and viewing.
[b]edit#3[/b]: For the record, I NEVER subbed to either of them... I will not give money to a smug pretentious manchild.
[b]edit#4:[/b] I've been told that since my thread... that these guys have cleaned up their antics a bit. So it seems, they do care about what people think! In any case, I'm glad to know they are now learning how NOT to be such Dbags towards non sub viewers.
Broman is the most unintelligent person i have seen in my life. Remember the HoW pre-release when him and deej couldn't beat The Arena with level 34's and maxed weapons, it takes a whole new level of stupid to be that bad. Whats worse was the part where they showed him new things and he was screaming like a 10year old. I can't stand him and have been banned in his chat numerous times. He's literally Goth's retarded little cousin who gets half his views for pity. I like goth, but i feel like Broman makes him look a lot dumber and worse at the game then he actually is.[spoiler]My opinion. Don't comment hate because I'm not going to reply. I get it if you're a Broman fan.[/spoiler]
Having been subbed to goths channel since destiny launched I find it really really hard to believe he banned you for that. It's either a mistake or you did something else to deserve it.
Streaming on twitch is like working as a cashier at walmart, your going to get shitted on by everyone
I like Gothalion. Not familiar with the other dude, though.
So let me get this straight, you politely asked them about gun choices without being condescending or rude, correct?
I will unsub Goth. Never liked Broman that much anyway.
That's the curse of most streamers. They're doing this for a point of fame, not of passion. If you actually look for it you'll see it's not there.
well what did you expect lol their stream and they can do what they want I stopped watching their streams for different reason, don't find them to be genuine/honest, in fact, extremely annoying
Edited by Muted: 8/19/2015 1:51:33 AMYoure a god. I dont even have to read the post
Yeah that's kind of what happens when your trying to troll people, you weren't asking legit questions simply criticizing in the form of question. You were trying to create controversy to draw attention to yourself which is immature. That's why you got banned.
Sounds like they were in the right.
Cry me a river kid.
Edited by TGS_Ringo: 8/20/2015 5:24:42 PMI sometimes watch their streams when I am in work and I do find them entertaining. However, both can be annoying at times. Especially Broman. Earlier in the week, one of his teammates coughed into his mic. Broman ranted about this for about 10 minutes. He just wouldn't shut up about it. It was just a cough ffs. Also, when doing raids he has to do sword, relic etc. He gives his team members no warning when he wants rockets, or is going to take the Templar shield down. He is not interested in those he is playing with. I wouldn't want him in my fireteam.
Your first mistake was watching them. Getting banned is the best that can happen. One less moron to throw money at them hoping they say their username
Can someone tell me why people watch these guys? I mean I'd rather watch tripleWRECK play some pvp and learn a thing or 2 from him... but what's the point of watching a person play pve? With such big streams there is little interaction with the viewer so it's even more pointless...
Thx I'll un sub now
If you want to watch a real steamer; watch TheHM05
Edited by Average: 8/20/2015 6:24:16 PMi would say that there is a little bit of obvious arrogance on both of their streams. but not the kind you see on really competitive crucible players' streams, where their arrogance is in their skill. it's almost like they feel like they're famous or something. it's not like out of control or anything, but anyone who can read people and body language etc (and i have a degree to back it up) can tell in a matter of seconds that these two feel pretty ego-inflated when there are something like 5k people watching them. i'm sure they're nice guys, but not exactly a lot of humble pie being served lol. have you guys watched kraftyy? that guy is the most normal, chill, down to earth dude on twitch. on a personal note, broman and goth are just flat our annoying imo
Bro man is a chump.
Their bitches anyways who cares
Lol yeah I ha e been banned for calling a spade a spade she's my nerd banned me for calling him out when he claimed the other team wasn't taking damage when he was shooting left of the guy on on him lol he was missing
Datto. Just so good.
Butthuuuuuuuuuurt Soooo sensitive and dramatic.
Teawrex for life . Seriously though , while I do love goth and broman streams , you just gotta be careful . If they're streaming for 3000 people, they can't spend time trying to figure out if you were serious or not . Follow the rule that if you say anything negative , you'll get banned . Unless you put Kappa at the end . Also, goth effectively started the " primary?" Meme cause so many people asked , so he can take a joke if he knows it's a joke . Broman Is more about entertaining and interacting than playing the game , same with goth . You just gotta remember that it's hard to be sarcastic online .
Goth and broman are pussy Thay are only good because thay. Use Thorn matador felwinters lie and g horn That depend on thare cruch weapons because thay have no skill Look at mr fruit he could 1v2 both of them with no land Beyond and still win And datto he's 4times better than them He uses necro universal remote no land Beyond to kill crota And it would not be so bad if thay at leased had Some personality I mean all goth dose is get drunk on stream I mean have some dignity And broman all he dose is yell Like at leased goth has his sexy wife on stream To distract you from the disease creeping in to the destiny Community goth and broman are the reason people demand g horn and the reason it is getting nerfed . Sincerely a loyal destiny fan
Watch me carry with my teammate in trials. That's a good show. Plus I'm chill nd don't ban people for asking questions. Lol check my trials stats they are God Tier