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6/4/2015 5:56:42 AM

Justice for the Hunters!

I play as a hunter. If you do too you will agree with at least one thing in here. In the crucible hunters are usually dead meat. the only time they shine is when they put an insane amount of effort into the game, they have an exotic equipped, they have a super charged, or if they're a complete MLG Pro mad-man. When i looked at the grenades they have (I have both subclasses fully upgraded so I know what im talking about) I noticed that two of them were the exact same thing. the swarm grenade, and the skip grenade. while other classes have pretty diverse grenades, hunters only have 4 four grenades that are actually different. and when i use my tripmine grenade. It does absolutely no damage unless my enemy standing directly on it, or attached to it. Supers. The hunters supers are much harder to time than the warlocks (from experience) and the titans supers. If you use it at the wrong time, it's wasted. And the Warlocks have a frickin resurrection! WTF bungie?! As I've posted before, our melee sucks. Warlocks can drain us or burn us. Titans have a OP punch. Hunters? we have a low damage knife... *sarcastic yay* sure we can throw it, but if you miss, you have to wait a while to ATTEMPT to use it again. invisibility. Its useless in the crucible. admit it. it's only useful when fighting the Fallen, Hive, Vex, or the Cabal. Hunters are screwed when it comes to crucible. thats just that. So Bungie, fix the HUGE unfair advantage that the other classes have on the hunters

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  • [quote]In the crucible hunters are usually dead meat.[/quote] Yup that's where I stopped. I think you just suck at the game dude. Learn some map stray, utilize your abilities and you'll easily become the most annoying class on the battlefield.

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  • Dude i play hunter and can tell you one thing, the blade dancer with invisibility and regen with every kill is op. I wipe entire teams , bubbles resurections dont matter, oh combustion gunslinger perk, you can shove your little bubble up your ass, so dont tell me hunters are the worse when realty is hunters are the most used class playing crucible

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  • Edited by shadiestkhronos: 6/5/2015 4:54:45 PM
    I have to disagree with you, the hunter by far the most op character in the crucible. The gunslinger class is really good for people who's play style is to stay back a little bit and pick people off, use the burn with the throwing knife trip mine grenade is op. The enemy doesn't even have to stand on top of it to get kill by it, throw it at the wall and let them trip it and still one boom kill. Find gears that generates your super fast and make sure to also have a gear with faster melee, more super from melee or more super from grenade stuff like this will help out alot. Now the blade dancer is also op, I love to see titans and warlock run from me when I have my super activated, titans with bubble oppose no problem for the blade dancer make sure you have health regen with arc strike and blink strike kills, it allows you to kill one and regenerate health and going for the other kill. Equip the arc bolt grenade along with the lucky raspberry chest. The way I use this combo is for people who likes to hide behind walls, your arc bolt grenade chains further lowering the enemy shield this gives you a big advantage before running into a room. Another reason is when you put to shots into enemy and they run for cover, throw your arc bolt grenade and let your raspberry chest and grenade do its magic it always work unless you suck at throwing grenades. Another reason to run the blade dancer class is the blink jump you can actually avoid the warlocks nova bomb when timed right (I've done this so many times).

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  • Edited by AshFaden: 6/5/2015 3:57:29 PM
    You clearly don't play hunter if you think they are weak...they are -blam!-ing awesome

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  • I play as a hunter and I don't agree with any of it. Hunters are doing just fine in the crucible

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  • I play as a hunter primarily and wouldnt change anything about them aside from buffing the tripmine to being above 200 dmg when someone trips it.

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  • This author is a new player to the game that knows very little about the strengths and weaknesses of each subclass... I'm a hunter, and a damn good one and while the variety of grenades is scarce they have the trip mine and arcbolt grenades that are exceptional in PvE and PvP... You just need more practice because you are very fresh in Destiny man... Everyone has a right to their own opinion, however your opinion has a lack of credibility due to your lack of experience with the game... Give it time and you'll understand with more practice with each guardian class...

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  • I play as a hunter/bladedancer and I love it. Check my stats, I'm decent. Go invisible and shotgun two people dead, easy. The throwing the gunslinger knife causes burn damage over time so do the gunslinger grenades. The knife is a one hit kill sometimes. Having a long distance melee knife is so awesome. No other character has that. The trip mine grenade, I have committed suicide so many times because I just don't see it coming when I'm running around like crazy. Or you randomly get a kill and you wonder, oh, ah, my trip mine grenade, nice! It sounds like you do not like playing as a hunter and you don't have much experience with the other two. Try other characters and classes. Mix it up bro.

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    • I do better with my Hunter then my titan. Doesn't seem hard to me. I found a lot of my problems in pvp was not knowing the maps well enough. Once i got familiar with the maps, i started improving.

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    • Tactics: gunslinger. Trip mine: use as a backdraft grenade. Place it so it faces where enemies already are at, good for clearing zones being taken in control. Throwing knife: either burn or return, burn will help kill enemies already close to death, while return if you fire a couple rounds at them, a crit knife will kill and give it back. Super, combustion. Save for intense situation or to counter supers, Titan bubble two shots to break, if you have over penetrate it may or may not break though and kill Titan. Blade dancer is one shot by it even in blade dance, and warlock self res state also vulnerable, had to put that guy in his place twice, but was worth the double kill. Combustion can kill but doesn't always so be prepared to fight. Specs: advance golden gun or massive gunplay Advance golden gun=over penetrate perk and long range on golden gun Massive gunplay= gunslingers trance and chain of woe, head shots are you friends. Hunters may be weak but they are the most tactically diverse class to date. Blade dancer tactics Grenade: flux: sticks to targets, can one shot Melee: backstab: one shot enemies from behind: useful when enemies can't find you around a corner. Invisibility is not for traversing terrain, it's for setting a trap, not visible on radar while invisible, but you can be seen if you are being looked for or in sight, hide when you are invisible. Gloves to look for are gloves of Capri as they provide stalker perk for maxed out Xp and leveled up all the way, plus 4x damage while invisible melee from behind, if it doesn't kill them, they will be poisoned also. Stalker perk also last longer than reg stalker perk. Super, either show stopper or blade wave as they both have advantages to damaging, invisibility is useless when you are on the hunt for enemies. Perks Stalker or hungering blade Hungering blade kills from blade dance and blink strike give health regen. Weapons ready or run speed increase. Unless you want to remain hidden longer Both need high agility as you will likely be running a lot more than anything else. Play to you advantage and know more about you class than the next guy, it often helps bud, my hunter is my main and I enjoy it. But iron banner and I play my warlock. Guns to note Bad juju Monte Carlo Monte helps to get melee overrides back for hits and kills with its bullets fires Bad juju charges super after from kills

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      • I main a hunter and I'm awesome at crucible

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      • PvP: Hunter > everything Else

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      • You don't know how to play. One day you will understand how OP hunters are, best super, best granade and a range melee. Warlock have the same granade too void and solar are practically the same

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      • May B u just suk skrub. Git Gud

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      • How are the titans punch op?

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      • My hunter is my main character but it's not as good as the other classes, and in pvp they are pretty good

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      • Edited by D-Von, Kell of Tables: 6/5/2015 1:14:38 PM
        I use the hunter for one reason. Its power in pvp and pve. It brings me pride when I get a titan or warlock to waste a super on one guy cause they are too chicken shit to take a death. They use thier super out of fear of my super and it makes me laugh. Ask any player, when you see a titan or warlock you think "hiding behind a single shot super" but when you see a hunter you think "my whole team is -blam!-ed by one lighted up blade or 4 golden gun shots if I dont panic". Hunters are the superior tacticle beasts of the battlefield. You just gotta know how to use that superiority to your advantage

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      • Edited by LONE RONIN2012: 6/4/2015 10:10:13 AM
        Blow dude. All I see is Hunters arc blading and throwing instant kill trip mines. Then there is the blink shotgun retards and golden didos just as constant. There is nothing weak about the class.

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      • Actually I think the general consensus is that hunters are largely feared in pvp, both of your supers scare the crud out of anyone on the receiving end, also they have the capability to use the blink shotgun combo which is extremely difficult to outmaneuver. All in all hunters are very proficient in pvp, in fact the only unbalanced part is that their strengths lie almost entirely in pvp. In pve it's difficult to get much use out of your super.

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      • Edited by Dim: 6/4/2015 9:58:04 AM
        Hunter grenades do suck. Also they need a shield when activating golden gun. I have died so many times during the starting animation after activating my super. Titans and warlocks get shields/ invincibility frames... gunslinger hunters should too.

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        • I have a solution.. Make a different class? Mind blown. Now shut up

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        • Yeah, that's why most top tier PVP players are hunters right.

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        • I play as hunter mostly and they are easily my favourite for crucible everything about them just suits me perfectly and they absolutely ruin.

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        • I've played PvP with all 3 classes and it does seem pretty balanced. Both hunter subclasses have a fully offensive super opposed to titans that have one. Warlocks are a bit of a mix: I'd class self res as defensive but admit it's debatable. What I see from posts on this forum is that folk find other classes supers overpowered.. Surely that's the point - it's a Super! I've spat the dummy with the best of them when me plus 3 others get destroyed at a capture point by fast of havoc or blade dancer. Equally though I assume others have been annoyed with me when I nova bomb a capture point.

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        • Are you kidding? I used to have nothing but Warlocks. I recently got a Hunter to 34 and used him in nothing but crucible. Way more fun and easy than Warlock, both in grenades and super.

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        • Edited by VirginStomper: 6/4/2015 7:06:05 AM
          I think it's bull shit that if a lock or titan misses with their melee, it's instantly replenished and in some cases can OHK, but a Hunter's weak ass throwing knife doesn't.

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