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Edited by Guardian3192: 6/3/2015 3:19:23 PM

Vault space

I am an avid Destiny player I am a titan at heart and have a warlock and had a hunter. I run everything crucible,iron banner ,trails of osirus,poe, raids, nightfalls , patrol etc...etc... I run with some of the best in my opinion were always maxed out weopons and armor. But as great as everything is I find my self with not enough space. Why? In such a cash game with so much gear do I have such limited vault and inventory space? Space was limited before the vault expansion then the space they gave seemed like a joke. Now with H.O.W. and ethric light there's lots of new gear and you can upgrade old armor to level cap. So to me that's a lot of gear and guns and not enough space. Destiny I say to you give us unlimited space. Why not let us collect and delete and do what we plz with the space. Postmortem Inc

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  • If they are able to do it, I'd say the amount of vault space we have right now for each type of item (helmets, chest, primary guns, general items, consumables, etc.) would do is fine for a good while unless you horde every legendary in the game and multiples at that. But more vault space would be nice. Also being able to delete ammo synth would be killer. Postmortem Inc.

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