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originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
Edited by DigitalNinja: 8/4/2016 7:46:02 PM


[b][u]Before reading further, something you should know:[/u][/b] [spoiler]This is an RP thread. If you don't like that kind of thing, than I suggest you hit the back tab now.[/spoiler] Welcome to the [DIGITAL_DOJO], a safe haven for warriors of any kind. Here, all are welcome to train for whatever purpose they may have, whether it be a war, or for personal improvement. You may bring weapons, or buy them here, as we can provide for the unarmed. OUR POLICY: The dojo will remain neutral to all other groups, and anyone is welcome to train. This also means we will not interfere with other battles, nor will we start one ourselves. There is one exception however, it is the sovereignty. We have declared war on them, and we will grill their corpses... If you wish to truly join us, you must go through testing by me or by designated personnel. If not, you do not have permission to take up permanent residence. This place is centered around fighting. This includes a multitude of different fighting techniques, ranging from bladed weaponry, ranged, magical, to even firearms. We have specialists for each, and we also carry some forms of each in stock. Another important notice to everyone: do not add or make adjustments to the dojo without asking me first. This includes relations with other groups, buildings, particularly dangerous equipment, and new members. NEWS: [spoiler] WE'VE HIT 50,000!! DON'T SHUT US DOWN NOW![/spoiler] IMPORTANT THINGS TO NOTE: [spoiler]I'm not always going to be here! If I don't respond, look for one of the Lieutenants.[/spoiler] [b]RULES[/b] [spoiler] 1-the dojo will remain neutral under any and every circumstance, with one exception (see rule 6). All members are required to follow this rule. 2-Any member attempting to take another members life without consent or approval from either the person in question or me will be removed. This becomes effective immediately. 3-Godmodding will grant you a removal from the dojo. 4-lieutenants will now be selected based on merit, not time spent. It is still a factor, but not the main reason for selection. 5-Remember that you cannot win every fight. Try to win if you can, but if you are put up against impossible odds, do not resort to godmodding 6-Anyone and everyone of the sovereignty is our enemy. Kill them and bring their corpses back to the dojo for grilling 7-Ookshmook383141 is not permitted to participate due to constant harassment. No one is permitted to allow him entry. General RP rules will be discussed in the group[/spoiler] [b]For those that don't know what this thread is about, this is an RP thread. Which means you can leave if you were here for something else.[/b] [b][<>---------------------------------<>][/b] [b]And yes, we still exist.[/b]

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  • Soooo... Character sheets?

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    4 Replies
    • Edited by Inflatablepants: 8/21/2016 4:03:16 AM
      [b][u]SIX DAYS.[/u][/b] [b][u]ORRRRR MAYBE 5 MY PERCEPTION OF TIME IS REALLY BAD[/u][/b]

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      16 Replies
      • [b][i]Quick decisions, Quick regrets.[/i][/b] [b]The blizzard still howls. Manan stands within the thick snow with his bird like a tiger awaiting prey. Through the snow he sees a figure. One with some Type of Cap, and a massive object which takes the shape of infinity. [/b] [spoiler]For management [/spoiler]

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        • [i][u]Setting:[/u][/i] Dojo Gates [i][u]Time:[/u][/i] 20:34 [i][u]Character(s):[/u][/i] Jenna Winters, Omnus Ephiateus [i][u]Title:[/u][/i] A Nerdy Soldier [b][i]The sun was beginning to set on the horizon, tinting the bright, blue sky a beautiful orange. Omnus sat in the courtyard, simply looking at the sunset. His mind roams, as he remembers things about his past. Starting at the blinding pain of his robot killing him. To college. Graduation. Then, to high school. Middle school. Finally, elementary school, and he remembered a childhood friend. He had long forgotten her name, but remembered that they were the best of friends. That was all he really remembered, however he felt.... He felt as though he were forgetting something.[/i][/b][spoiler]Open!!! Intro for Jenna Winters, although she isn't here yet :p[/spoiler]

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          • [b] The figure stood around 6 feet 1 inch. It approached The Dojo at Sunrise, when the ball of gases was poking its head out from the mountains, only licking the surface of our lovely green and blue ball with its light. The figure wore no shirt, only a black, torn Gi bottom with no shoes. He was quite muscular, well built and toned. His skin was a very light, sickly green, his head was a skull, although it seemed fleshy and it was the same color as the rest of his body. His teeth were sharp and jagged, and white. His eye sockets were like black holes, devoid of all light. The man held a 6 foot Quarterstaff with a metal spike at the end in right hand like a cane with the spike pointing up, although he obviously didn't need it. He stopped at the Gates of The Dojo. He looked up, and then at the ground. He flipped his staff and began to write in the ground. After, he sat down on his legs, knees bent and his hands resting on his legs. His Quarterstaff laid in front of him horizontally. He waited.[/b] [i]I Request A Combatant And Entry Into Your Dojo.[/i] [spoiler]Open. I'm already in here but I'd like to fight anyway.[/spoiler]

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            • [b][i]Training Grounds[/i][/b] [i]Legion Encampment, Near the Dojo[/i] [b]The Legate stood in front of his camp, proud of all of the work he had done in just one day. His golden-colored, metal armor shimmered in the sun, as did his helmet. His sword was across his back, as normal. The metal blade glinted, but nothing near the armor. His red gauss rifle, Bloodshot was also on his back, the painted NCR skulls standing firm on its barrel and stock. His hunting revolver, Deadeye, lay holstered at his hip, looking menacing in the red light it gave off from the sun. His ballistic fist was still on his hand, a little uncomfortable when the Legate crossed his arms. The Legate watched over the camp with eyes of a hawk. Everything was still and peaceful for a while, until he heard the screams of a little girl. He searched and searched for the screaming, and finally found the source in one of the slave pens. There was one of the newer Recruit Legionnaires grabbing the little girl. That is, until the Recruit was met with a fist to the jaw, instantly breaking it. A Cursor walked to the Legate.[/b] Cursor: "What should I do with him, Legate?" Legate: "Nail him to a cross right in the middle of the camp as a reminder to the men, we may be Legion, but the Black Sun division will not tolerate sexual acts towards the slaves or prisoners. Kill him after two days." Cursor: "Yes, Legate." [b]The Legate sighed, and stood there, shaking his head.[/b] [spoiler]Open to anyone who is not an enemy of the Legion.[/spoiler]

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              125 Replies
              • Edited by Devious_Melons: 8/20/2016 9:41:07 AM
                Guys i gotta say. I apologise for my course language regarding the whole fiasco and my banished until proven worthy sentence. I apologise for expending the LTs patience with my schemes, being unaware of the shift of the meta and not adapting or explaining my aspects properly. I've been going for a no salt policy and have taken this whole blip with minimum butthurt. I wish for forgiveness and redemption, i know there are people who support me inside the group and some people who have suffered from my OPness forgave me. And i will return to the dojo with a blank slate. Thank you for hearing me out, i have accepted my mistakes and more than happy to move on.

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                • [i]Sin and Nax wandered the dojo ground, before seeing eachother. Sin frowned[/i] "You're here, huh?" [i]"yeah, I am. I guess that means the ancient weapons are going to gather soon..."[/i] "Hopefully not soon." [i]They went off their separate ways, Nax going to a tree and falling asleep under it, Sin sitting by a pond[/i]

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                • Edited by NightBloomsFell: 8/20/2016 3:52:18 AM
                  [u]Sylvie's plants[/u] [i] sylvie is sitting under a tree taking a nap as she does plants grow up around her. But she doesn't mind but her abilities with plants make her very unusual. There other powers she has but they are a mystery even to her. As she sleeps several large flowers start growing nearby. They are bright red and self aware. As she continues to sleep some of her tattoos glow slightly. [/i] [spoiler]open[/spoiler]

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                  73 Replies
                  • [b]mulligan walks out through the dojo main gate[/b] Hmph....north-east is what they told me...... [b]i unfold my wings, though they aren't feathered, they seem leathery, almost like dragons wings, yet they purple-blue color to them and they aren't scaly at all, quite strange[/b] I still don't like these.........give it time I guess.... [b]i start flying to the Easter mountain range, where the old temple of Aquarius is[/b] [spoiler]open[/spoiler]

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                    • Edited by Devious_Melons: 8/16/2016 10:11:39 PM
                      [spoiler]let me gain back my position.[/spoiler] [b]three people in armour approach the Dojo. One is a man in full armour and helmet covering his face with a Claymore. Another is an older looking man with stubble has a scythe. And the other looks the youngest and very beautiful, her massive sword is strapped to her back.[/b] Erin: Lego... Are we there yet? Lego the mule knight: Ugh erin we are here! Jago: man you're still cranky after that guy impaled you. Lego: Don't bring that back up you bloody hollow. Jago: what? I drew out my true strength i couldn't resist... And i just forgot to reverse the effects. Erin: Guys who you're embarrassing us! We're here now so stop bickering, people Are watching. [b]A group of four people walk past them. The main one has blue storm trooper like armour and an axe on his back. Another looks latina with a red dress and grappling hook. Another has a green suit and hat like he just walked out of a poker game. The final one looks strange, she looks normal but has a pair of bear ears out of the top of her head, she also has a cleaver with the handle and a leaver like from a Winchester.[/b] Nate: God and i thought our Team was dysfunctional. Niña: you're not wrong. Luke: i know right? Amaranth: ehh i wager we are worse some times. (both open) [spoiler]DarkSouls and RWBY overload[/spoiler]

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                        Bramd - old

                        [url=]Can I have your opinion on my upgraded Backstory? Thinking of making a book.[/url]

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                        7 Replies
                        • [u][i]The return.[/i][/u] *It was an average day in the Dojo. Everything was calm, there was a cool breeze, and there was a cloud of black fog heading towards the Dojo, wait, that's not normal... As it approached the Dojo, it condensed into a smaller cloud and starts floating around the Dojo, looking for something... Or someone. While all this was going on, Sketch was asleep on one of the branches on his tree, unaware of the cloud of fog.* [spoiler]Open, some of you may remember this guy.[/spoiler]

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                          214 Replies
                          • Edited by Cazberry Pie: 8/19/2016 2:19:27 PM
                            [i][u]Setting:[/u][/i] Agitato, Binard City [i][u]Time:[/u][/i] 00:34 [i][u]Title:[/u][/i] The Unfairness of Life [b][i]A child. Around age 13. Midnight, in the poor, dilapidated, and dangerous part of Binard City. Agitato. The child had long, dirty brown hair, and blue eyes that held so much pain. Suffering, and loss, in those young eyes. He wore the ragged, loose, and dirty clothes of the homeless. A torn up and loose beige shirt, and too small gray sweatpants that had large rips in various places. His once handsome face was cut, bruised, and dirty, with grease and oil covering every inch of his skin. A worried look etched on his face, and as he ran through the alleyways of Agitato, a brown and torn up sack over his shoulder, he kept looking behind his back. It seemed as though he was being chased, and he intended not to be caught. All the boy wanted was some food. It didn't matter where he got it from. He only wanted to live! To survive the pain and the reality of life. To keep ahead of the memories, of horror, death, and torture. About 20 yards behind the boy were three men. Each of the men had the same look to the boy. Long, messy brown hair, and blue eyes. The youngest was about 19, the second was 21, and the last was 25. They wore the same, torn up, dirty, and ragged clothes the boy wore, and they were chasing him. Why? Because he stole the food they had been saving up for a full 4 months now. It took them 4 months of begging passerby, hard labor, and preservation to earn that food. They needed a good meal, to distract them from the true, reality of life. The pain, the loss, and the horror. The absolute unfairness of it all. How they each had perfect grades in school, but life held them back. Shoved them into the ground.[/i][/b][spoiler]Open.[/spoiler]

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                            23 Replies
                            • Edited by Orn: 8/18/2016 10:39:14 PM
                              [i][b][u]Ready For Em All 12:00 Dojo Arena[/u][/b][/i] "You guys ready?!" [i][b]Isabelle yelled out, smiling madly within the Dojo arena. Her bright turquoise hair waved slightly in the wind, and her grey and black fiber coat did the same. Under that was a suit of steel-plated and ceramic armor, modified by Isaac to stay light but durable, to be used in combat. Her shotgun Perma-Fix was slung over her shoulder, her submachine gun at her side. On her back was her curved sword, emitting a burning aura of heat. Isabelle's grey eyes looked at the others with her. The first? Angry, the infamous Assaultron known for attempting to literally blow up the Dojo and failing majestically. In his robotic arms was his rifle, his eye laser flowing a bright red as he loaded his gun. Beside him was Isaac, his NCR coat fluttering in the wind as he loaded his 500 Magnum called Wraith, his sniper Peacekeeper on his back. R.O.K hadn't formed on his left gauntlet, but the Ranger didn't need it. Not right now, anyway.[/b][/i] [b][i]And with them, Ella and Kross. While Ella was smiling manically, even though she was far from insane, Kross stayed back and leaned against the wall, his arms crossed. There was a dark aura around him as he lowered his head. And yet, there were two more. A woman, 6'1, slightly muscular and seemed angry, and a knight, 5'10 and lean. The woman was Ailanna Eizel, wearing her typical suit of black steel armor. On her back was a massive shotgun, a submachine gun to compensate for it. In her hands, a 6'5 long crystalline greatsword, the blade glowing faintly. The knight was Shal, a happy and cheerful man. Wearing his suit of golden armor, his rifle was on his back, his revolver at his side. And finally, a slightly smaller greatsword, embedded with flames, was in his right hand. The 7 were waiting for a fight. Don't keep em waiting.[/i][/b] "COME ONE, COME ALL!!!" [spoiler]Open to anyone and everyone. Yes, Royal allowed me to use Kross. I'll put Shal's and Ali's bio up soon. Participants: Isabelle Ali Ella Shal Isaac Angry Kross SULYVAHN![/spoiler]

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                              43 Replies
                              • [b]Long Time Coming[/b] "So... Victor and Sanford told me about this place. Hopefully the people here are about my level." [i]Xavier waited for some sort of permission or test to join the Dojo.[/i] [spoiler]You know what to do.[/spoiler]

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                                85 Replies
                                • [b][i][u]I THINK IT'S SIX DAYS NOW[/u][/i][/b]

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                                • [b]Rorek walks to the arena, his Scabbard glowing a dark red. He goes to the opposite of the room and begins to meditate. It seams he's waiting for someone.[/b] [spoiler]Open, For Maya.[/spoiler]

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                                  • [i][u]Setting:[/u][/i] Dojo [i][u]Time:[/u][/i] 13:04 [i][u]Character(s):[/u][/i] None [i][u]Title:[/u][/i] A Questionable Request [b][i]A man walked to the dojo, knocking on the gates.[/i][/b] [spoiler]For Orn/JT. Only one of the two reply, please[/spoiler]

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                                    63 Replies
                                    • The Dojo courtyard would soon feel their combined wrath. One by one, digistructed corpses fell to Treyman, who bore his typical nano-fiber cloak, that took an orange and black tiger stripe pattern as he fought, which went well with his light and dark grey AntiMatter rifle, which had been equipped with a holographic sight. His revolver, Ranger Sequoia was positioned on his belt, next to the shoto hilt lightsaber he always carried. On his back was his mini Bolter rifle, fitted with explosive 50. rounds for bigger targets. Beside the trooper was JT, who was busy drilling into the chests of any who got close with his blackened prosthetic of Cobalt Phoenix, as he fired on his enemies with his Colt Anaconda. Digistructed blood lined his duster while his face was hidden by a shadow from his hat. ((Open))

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                                        Bramd - old

                                        *Caesar stands in the arena, waiting for someone in particular. His hands are gripped around his sword, a four foot long golden colored greatsword with a Dragon's head at the base of the blade, Making the blade look like it's tongue. His face is masked by his bronze colored xenomorph looking helm, the crimson red and white feather dancing in the breeze. His armor looks that much more intimidating in the sun, the shiny bronze colored plates and the white colored chainmail glinting in the sun. They are made of an Adamantium valhite alloy, meaning it's hard to break, but everything has a weakness. He turns towards a sound of stones rolling across a hard floor, and speaks, his voice gravely and dead serious* I know you're here. No use hiding. [spoiler]Mainly for Royal but Open to all who want a good fight with my good pal Caesar.[/spoiler] [spoiler]Yes I know you hate Caesar Royal. That's why I'm using him.[/spoiler]

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                                      • [i][u]Setting:[/u][/i] Arena [i][u]Time:[/u][/i] 12:00 [i][u]Character(s):[/u][/i] Vio [i][u]Title:[/u][/i] The Pissed Off Illusionist [b][i]Vio stood in the arena, clutching her longsword, Dragonblade. And she was pissed. She had had it with all the teleporting, lightspeed reaction b*st*rds that easily godmode their way out of harm, and she was going to do her very best to put an end to it.[/i][/b] [spoiler]For Royal.[/spoiler]

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                                        50 Replies
                                        • [b][u]A REMINDER TO OFFICIAL TESTERS TO TELL LIEUTENANTS WHEN YOU FINISH TESTING PEOPLE.[/u][/b]

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                                          • [u][i][b]All the Knowledge in the Universe[/b][/i][/u] [b][i]A woman stumbled upon the dojo. She had blond hair, and dull, blue eyes. She wore a red shirt, and black jeans. On her back, a large, black sniper rifle, besides a white, 4 foot longsword. On her brown belt, two revolvers were holstered. On the left, a completely black revolver with an elongated barrel. On the right, a completely white revolver with an elongated barrel as well. She looked around, sniffing the air. Turning her head quickly towards the softest of noises. She did not see the dojo, although seemed to feel its presence. She reached an arm out, feeling the dojo's wall. A perfect image of the dojo began forming in her mind, although it was merely a guess, however accurate it may be. The woman could not see the dojo, or anything around it, for that matter. To her, everything was just... black.[/i][/b] [spoiler]Open.[/spoiler]

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                                              Bramd - old

                                              [spoiler]Character intro[/spoiler] *Strangely enough, the Dojo is pretty quiet today. That is, until one man walks up the path to the dojo, walking stick in hand. He eventually reaches the massive gates of the dojo, very tired and out of breath. A lack of abilities can do that to a man. He knocks three times on the Dojo gates, and decides to look around as he waits. He notices the small graveyard at the lake, and decides to see if anyone he knew is buried there, whether it be personally or someone he read about in history books. When he goes over there, he slowly reads through all of the graves. The last one he sees seems to make him really surprised. His eyes widen. His jaw drops, he backs up a little. The grave belongs to Mortar.* No, no. No. No. He's not dead, he's just not! *He seems to know Mortar more personally than he knows the other graves. You can't help but look towards the graveyard, towards the man* [spoiler] open[/spoiler]

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                                              214 Replies
                                              • *empties trash in thread*

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