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originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
Edited by DigitalNinja: 8/4/2016 7:46:02 PM


[b][u]Before reading further, something you should know:[/u][/b] [spoiler]This is an RP thread. If you don't like that kind of thing, than I suggest you hit the back tab now.[/spoiler] Welcome to the [DIGITAL_DOJO], a safe haven for warriors of any kind. Here, all are welcome to train for whatever purpose they may have, whether it be a war, or for personal improvement. You may bring weapons, or buy them here, as we can provide for the unarmed. OUR POLICY: The dojo will remain neutral to all other groups, and anyone is welcome to train. This also means we will not interfere with other battles, nor will we start one ourselves. There is one exception however, it is the sovereignty. We have declared war on them, and we will grill their corpses... If you wish to truly join us, you must go through testing by me or by designated personnel. If not, you do not have permission to take up permanent residence. This place is centered around fighting. This includes a multitude of different fighting techniques, ranging from bladed weaponry, ranged, magical, to even firearms. We have specialists for each, and we also carry some forms of each in stock. Another important notice to everyone: do not add or make adjustments to the dojo without asking me first. This includes relations with other groups, buildings, particularly dangerous equipment, and new members. NEWS: [spoiler] WE'VE HIT 50,000!! DON'T SHUT US DOWN NOW![/spoiler] IMPORTANT THINGS TO NOTE: [spoiler]I'm not always going to be here! If I don't respond, look for one of the Lieutenants.[/spoiler] [b]RULES[/b] [spoiler] 1-the dojo will remain neutral under any and every circumstance, with one exception (see rule 6). All members are required to follow this rule. 2-Any member attempting to take another members life without consent or approval from either the person in question or me will be removed. This becomes effective immediately. 3-Godmodding will grant you a removal from the dojo. 4-lieutenants will now be selected based on merit, not time spent. It is still a factor, but not the main reason for selection. 5-Remember that you cannot win every fight. Try to win if you can, but if you are put up against impossible odds, do not resort to godmodding 6-Anyone and everyone of the sovereignty is our enemy. Kill them and bring their corpses back to the dojo for grilling 7-Ookshmook383141 is not permitted to participate due to constant harassment. No one is permitted to allow him entry. General RP rules will be discussed in the group[/spoiler] [b]For those that don't know what this thread is about, this is an RP thread. Which means you can leave if you were here for something else.[/b] [b][<>---------------------------------<>][/b] [b]And yes, we still exist.[/b]

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  • Edited by Inflatablepants: 8/22/2016 2:22:49 PM
    [b]Reform #2: Lieutenants[/b] As was stated before, A lieutenant is one who upholds the rules of the dojo. They have to ensure order, fairness and of course Fun within the digital dojo. BUT in our goal to achieve these things we have kind of just caused the opposite(Much like the rise of communism in China, as soon as you want something you somehow become the opposite of it). SO. It's hard to be a lieutenant with such a broken rule system, which we aim to fix, but I'm more wanting to talk about solving problems as a lieutenant. Lately we have just been using banning as a solution. It's...a very lazy solution. For reasons that honestly were not necessary. We mainly did it because we did not have time IRL to really think over solutions. This is completely unacceptable. Banning should be treated like a death sentence. It's the LAST RESORT. Not the first. This will always be implemented and you will find that if you screw up, you will have more freedom still in the future. Instead of being banned immediately. Also, some have called for a complete change in the me. And while ya, it's a dick move I'm not really listening to that, it's still a valid point. The lieutenants just haven't been acting how they should. And that's why we aim to change that. For now though. In the past day. We've taken on two lieutenants. The first is probably one of the most respected members in the community. His attention to key detail and his calm level headed Canadian nature made him an obvious choice. And in fact, the lieutenants have been eyeing him for around a month now. I would like to congratulate JT on becoming our latest lieutenant, and I know we can do some kick ass things in the future. And the second? Well...this one may seem strange to you. But to me this was, in a sense, my first regret. He represents the CHAOS of the dojo. The randomness, the freedom to post crazy shit and just roll with it. He's one for the old ways, and from the past few days we clearly need that. Either way he's back, and he's shown that he's willing to do a whole lot for this place. I would like to welcome Sargentubbs back, as a lieutenant of the dojo.

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      Bramd - old

      *At the massive gates of the Dojo, a familiar face waits. Thin, 5'10". But the one thing that makes him known are his blazing crimson eyes. He's looking at something on his PST, as if he's face timing someone* Man: Come on, Cyan, why'd you guys leave? Cyan: The place is dying, and you know this. Man: Yeah I do but that doesn't mean I have to leave. Cyan: If you wanna stay, stay. And if the place gets better, we may join back. But for now I need to give the Exiled a better life. Man: Fine. But don't expect a big gift on your birthday. Cyan: I never do, and you do it anyway. Man: Because I love my sister, okay? *Before she can respond he hangs up and puts the PST in his pocket*

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      • Edited by Inflatablepants: 4/16/2016 4:17:00 PM
        [b]Stratos and Maya meet on the battlefield. Suddenly, holographic screens begin spinning multiple images. On Stratos's side, a tundra is selected. On Maya's side, a mansion is selected. Behind the contestants there side begins forming. Stratos's being a tundra, and Maya's being the Mansion FIGHT![/b]

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        56 Replies
        • So, as my friends before me have stated, this place has gone to shit. With the loss of these guys that actually made RPING here enjoyable, I'll be leaving as well. It was fun while it lasted. See you guys.

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          18 Replies
          • Edited by Sp00ky Ostrich: 5/25/2016 11:23:56 PM
            [url=,f_auto,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/itxtnbttmn8dt4z0tfcx.gif]gif of deej laughing at you[/url]

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            66 Replies
            • Okay guys. So, I came back last night, and guess what? FIVE PEOPLE LEFT. So naturally, I freaked the hell out. In my entire year of being in this thread, I've never seen so many people leave in such a small time period. This really struck me as strange. So, after bathing in the blood of demons in DOOM for around ten minutes, I asked around in the group and and to the people that left. At the time of this post being typed, I've only received a response from Vio. Side note: Pretty sure Vio is pissed at me now. Anyways, I still haven't really found a solid, good reason for people leaving besides one. The complaint I saw the most was godmodding. Now, I also saw people complaining that the Lieutenants were being jerks, which I think is bullshit. I thought they were doing a good job compared to admins for other RPs, that includes me. Anyways, back to people bitching about godmodding. I will preface this with saying; there is a difference between being very powerful, and being a godmodder. Avoiding every attack, doing infinite damage, and one-shotting people is godmodding. Taking not that much damage from an attack from someone leagues below you is not. Example: [b]Timmy shoots Jimmy's tank with a 9mm pistol. The tank takes no damage. Timmy screams Jimmy is a godmodder.[/b] That's an example of completely fair play. This, [b]Timmy nukes Jimmy's tank from orbit. The tank takes no damage.[/b] is godmodding. Now that that's out of the way, onto what I think of this whole situation. I think that this is upsetting, but I feel that this doesn't exactly kill the Dojo as an RP. Not even close. All this 'The Dojo is dying' shit is just that. Shit. This place is doing pretty good, and that's coming from the guy who saw it in almost it's prime. This will be not easy to sort out, but not hard either. I also want to address the admins, or Lieutenants. Lieutenants, you're giving yourselves too much shit about this. It isn't your fault. They have no one to blame, so they blame you. You guys have been doing awesome, and will hopefully continue to do so. Happy monitoring, my friends. Okay. Now this is where I really come into my own post. I'm starting over. Simple as that. I'm wiping everything I had(Except whatever Pants has planned for a certain monkey). Literally all my characters are gone. Darion, gone. Purity, gone too. All the progress I made with Celin? No longer exists. I wish for you guys to try to wipe my collective slate with all of you. And that about does it. Type to you guys later.

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            • With all the reforms happening... Where the hell is Ninjatal?!

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              • [spoiler]Hue Hue Hue[/spoiler] [quote]The Treaty between The Lenny Sovereignty and The Digital Dojo: Digital Dojo & Lenny sovereignty peace Treaty: This treaty will ensure that war between the groups does not occur. All of these are terms and conditions that could lead to war if violated. 1. No SOVEREIGNTY lennys are harmed by the dojo 2. No DOJO member are harmed by the sovereignty 3. Any lenny armys posted by first born are in no way connected to the sovereignty, fire at will if they attack. 4. Shall any conflict occur, only the leaders of each group can declare war. 5. Rouge attackers will be dealt with and stopped by their home group. signed, Stanman lvl7 of the sovereignty Signed, Cobalt Phoenix, Lieutenant of the Dojo Signed kaneki ken lieutenant of the dojo Signed LeftShark The fagg ott who almost quit over this shit Signed, xBadCompany338x, Commanding General of Edgewater PMC and Camp Edgewater Signed Unbalanced_EVIL of the sovereignty Signed N7 Sentinel member of the Dojo & the Sovereignty Signed Tiber Septim of the Lenny Sovereignty Signed by Insert name here, member of the Sovereignty. Signed JJ1042 of the Dojo Signed Super Saiyan God of the Sovereignty Signed Khamsin of the Sovereignty Signed Lucario "Lucy" of the Sovereignty Signed Inflatablepants Signed Mulligan, arcane teacher Signed H3ADSH0T DUDE Signed TwiggierTiger22 Signed BrimMcRoy, techmarine of Khorne Signed Lewisagnew666, the satanist of both groups Signed Agent Missouri, Freelancer and member of the Dojo Signed Orsus Infinity, total asshole Signed Digital_Ninja Signed BUTTMUFFIN Signed TheLonelyGame347 Signed Dinorush Signed Ginger Signed Cjnfl Signed Itè Signed Sargentubbs Signed DinoManDerek Signed by Deadpool Signed by Mystogan Signed Jack Reacher Signed by The Almighty Booty[/quote]

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                • Edited by ultimatelifeform: 8/22/2016 12:18:31 PM
                  Sup I back bros what I miss? [spoiler]open to anyone I'm returning bros[/spoiler]

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                  6 Replies
                  • You guys are a bunch of losers.

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                    14 Replies
                    • [u][i]The wind rustles loosely through the long grass that leads up to Po's hill. Leaves rustle loosely and fall, yellowed and browned from age. The grass grows tall, unkempt and untrodden upon. Resting alongside the tree is a hammer, a book and a strange guitar. Leaves cover them, as if they've gone unused for months. In the hut beside the tree, the door lays ajar. Inside, dust floats through the air, covering the barren surfaces. No books fill the shelves, all taken hastily as if somebody had been rushed. Beams of light shine through the window, illuminating the empty room. Nothing but dust remains, all evidence of their existence gone. The weapons left as a monument to their presence, there for those who knew them to remember. To remember the times that were had. To remember the highs, and the lows. Upon the monument lies a single sliver of paper.[/i][/u] [b][i][u]Goodbye.[/u][/i][/b]

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                      • Edited by BrandRobKus: 8/22/2016 3:58:13 PM

                        Bramd - old

                        *Cyan, Crossbow, Caesar, Cole, Wit, Erika, and Mion are sitting at a couple benches at the gates of the Dojo. Cyan and Wit look a little depressed, because they know what they are doing. After days of consulting with each other they decide to leave the Dojo. All of them. Permanently. They all get up, picking up their own suitcases and Caesar opens the massive gates, walking out. Everyone follows, leaving the Dojo. Forever. [spoiler]Yeah, I'm leaving. Just like Orn and Vio. Even as a member i gotta admit, it's sad. With all of the quests, it makes the main post look like it's full of inside jokes and references no new people can jump into. I've been here for over half a year, and that half year has been fun, but it's obviously gone downhill. Now, if you would like to try my RP when it comes out, go ahead. And if this place improves then I may join back. I really didn't wanna go, but look around. Its going downhill. I need a break, at the very least. Sorry my friends, we shall cross paths again, I'm sure of it. Goodbye. For the last time[/spoiler] Edit: Shouldn't have left. For two reasons: A) If we're reforming I should help rather than be a bitch and leave B) I left to take a break but since I left the Dojo was all I could think about. So, as the Dojo reforms, so will I. I will have a clean slate. Mortar will be my only character at the Dojo, and new ones will come.

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                        23 Replies
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                          [b][i]Within the was quiet. The rooms that once belonged to Ornstein, Smough, Yuria, Anri, Isabelle, Isaac, Shal, Ella, Ailanna, and Angry? Empty. Nothing was within them, except for notes.[/i][/b] [i]Dear Nora... It has been decided among us. We've decided to leave the Dojo for...a while. I don't know if you or Royal are coming, but...if you do...It would make one particular Dragonslayer happy. Anri decided to travel alongside Iza, Angry, and Isaac. She wanted to see Vio again. The King has...forgiven Anri about something. Don't know what. Yuria wants to see Royal again. I don't blame her, to be honest. I'd love to see that maniac somewhere else too, and so would Smough. Tell Royal that Yuria loves him dearly, Ornstein.[/i] [b]Dear Omn, It's...Isabelle. Or Iza. We've decided to leave the Dojo for a bit. Me, Angry, Ella, Isaac, Shal...even Ali. We thought that it would be for the best, honestly. Oh...And Anri traveling with us. Just in case Vio wants to start up their relationship again or something, IDK. As for you and me...well, we can always get married on the NTR Crusader or something. You think Gydaton would be a good place? JK. Love, Isabelle.[/b] [b][i]And last note. Taped to the gateway of the Dojo.[/i][/b] [b][i][u]Dear Digital Dojo... This is the Voice. No ø, just Voice. Heh. The others are gone. Ella, Isaac, and Iza went back to serving the NTR. I think Orn and the rest headed off to some nice, cozy planet. Got some nice places, all that...Oh, and Vio? Royal? And especially Nora? Make your way to Xarkonos. Give me a call if you need help. That's where they're staying. 1-234-5678 I think...Yeah. Got it. I'll see you guys around. Somewhere else, I don't know. Anyways...GG. ~Voice.[/u][/i][/b]

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                          14 Replies
                          • Reform 1: Plots! Plots are, in short, badass. They allow a thread wide event and are more open then quests. Unfortunately, the dojo has had a lack of these in favour of quests. So, it makes sense to add some rewards for making such awesome things! If you make a plot, you will be closer to becoming a potential lieutenant. Nevermind you finding yourself with more recognition then before! Whether it's small or massive, all plots would be appreciated. With that being said...I would like to do the first plot. As you all know I have made a rather large quest. With that quest I have told all of you about a war that will be coming. An assault. Originally this would have its own thread but.... -blam!- that. The Assualt? It's happening here. In This thread. Get ready, because it's gunna be badass. Not only that, but once the quest is completely over I will be doing mainly plots. I will become the plottingpants. Mwahahahahahahaha! Seriously though, it's gunna be great.

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                            16 Replies
                            • [b]A Farewell To You All[/b] Even with what you're trying to do, it won't help. With everything that's been going on, losing your biggest RPers... You can't recuperate from that. *laughs* When I first saw this thread, I wondered [i]What is this?[/i] I saw the posts, said [i]Oh, this would be cool.[/i] And it was. Then I got banned for 1 reason. I tried to kill someone. It was literally my first week here and within three posts I was banned. To Ninjatal- Thank you for making this thread. It was awesome while it lasted. To Inflatablepants- **** *** ***** ***! To Ornstein/ All of his ALTS- Thank you for what you did to try to get me back in. To Mortar- Thank you for being the chillest RPer in the Dojo. To JT- Thank you for your awesome plot lines. To everyone else- I will miss you, and you will not be forgotten. If you, in some miracle, are able to repair the Dojo, please contact me. This is The Arbiter, signing off one last time...

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                              38 Replies
                              • [b][u]THE DOJO REFORMS[/u][/b] Over the next week many reforms will be made. Whether these be small things, or large, each will revise the dojo. Each of them will be numbered in the thread, and once each one is out a thread will be made that includes a collection of them. Right now, these are suggestions. Feedback is widely accepted and appreciated!!!!

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                              • Edited by Inflatablepants: 8/21/2016 10:09:15 PM
                                [b]An apology. [/b] This is long overdue. Clearly this posts tardiness has resulted in many friends, or as an old bird once said, "brothers," leaving us. These new absences are at the fault of us. The lieutenants. The lieutenants, and this includes me, have made some VERY AWFUL DECISIONS. This month especially. The way we banned Lego as an easy solution was pure bull shit. And the amount of People that have been turned away is also insult to injury. Lieutenants of the dojo are required to uphold the law of the dojo. The rules. But when the rules are so damn broken, and vague and have never been changed, we are just a bunch of guys with sticks too far up our asses. This is why we need a reform. The rules must be changed, updated. The Thread needs to be updated. Such things include... >Testing >Banning >plots >the thread itself >Lieutenants >what the dojo really is. >and everyone's favourite, God modding. I will not include everything in this post. I will go over each topic in a separate post. But, now I must say some words. Some of the best people I have known have left the dojo today. This is a result of the lieutenants decisions. Hell, my decisions. Ever since I started work this month I have not been able to really assist in...Anything! This is my fault. It's my fault for not being here for you guys. And I'm sorry. Hasty decision making and stupid solutions to problems have resulted in you guys leaving. And that's on me. The dojo is a place about freedom and creativity! Yet lately to achieve that I have only made it the opposite. Change will happen. I can give you my absolute word on that. I hope these next posts of revisions will give you hope for the future. I am sorry for everything. I'm sorry for ruining your experiences. That's not what the dojo should be. And neither should I be.

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                              • [b]My apology[/b] Friends and brothers, I am so so sorry for the way things turned out. As a Lieutenant I have failed this place, this second home. I'm not as active as I should be, and 3 good people have left because of it. I can't say how sorry I am, and I hope you guys can forgive me. If needed I am willing to step down as a Lieutenant. Yours truly, Zane

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                                14 Replies
                                • Wait there's a group?

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                                  13 Replies
                                  • [u]hovark's past[/u] [i]hovark is walking across the dojo reading something by the look on his face he looks absolutely pissed and mumbling to himself as he wads it up. Later on that day someone is walking up to gate its a woman with jet black hair tinged with grey, she has ice blue eyes. She has very cold demeanor about her. She looks somewhat similar to hovark but she is much taller then him. She reaches the door and knocks three times. She looks around as she waits. [/i] [spoiler]open [/spoiler]

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                                    154 Replies
                                    • Edited by mannagement: 8/21/2016 7:10:03 PM
                                      [b][i]Manan is shitting in everybody's beds.[/i][/b] "SCREW ALL YOU GUYS!" [b][i]Manan is flipping everyone off that he comes across. After he's done, he begins throwing buckets of Pena's manure in everybody's closets.[/i][/b]

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                                      25 Replies
                                      • Edited by Devious_Melons: 8/21/2016 12:25:20 PM
                                        [b]Team VNLAs new dorm[/b] [b]in the room previously hosting lego now is reurposed into a dorm for 4 people. Nate, Niña, Luke and Amaranth.[/b] Nate: certainly a lot roomier than our dorms at beacon. Amaranth: i love it! Niña: finally, private rooms. Luke: i have a place to practice my tricks, I'll miss you guys. (Open) [b]Next to theirs the Warband are even more impressed because they didn't even have beds before they arrived. [/b]

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                                        4 Replies
                                        • Can I post a link and description to a group :o?.....

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                                          • Edited by FlimsyRoastBeef: 8/15/2016 3:14:56 PM
                                            [b]A man approached the Dojo, carrying an old revolver in a leather holster, and a sword that seemed to radiate a dark energy. He reached out his arm, and a chair materialized. He sat down, waiting for someone to talk to. He didn't seem evil, or good, depending on your definitions of evil and good. He seemed like the person that would choose the option to kill everyone if it was the right thing to do. The "right thing" depending upon your perspective... [/b] [spoiler]open[/spoiler][spoiler][/spoiler]

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                                            • Edited by mannagement: 8/21/2016 4:09:23 AM
                                              [b][url=]Manan Gén't[/url][/b] [b][i]Manan walks up the mountain path, Nuske resting on his shoulder and Pena following close behind. The snowstorm blows quickly and powerfully around them. He stands at the doors, knocking on them.[/i][/b] "Yo! Anybody home?" [spoiler]This is an entry post for the admins.[/spoiler]

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                                              152 Replies
                                              • Soooo... Character sheets?

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