originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[b][u]Before reading further, something you should know:[/u][/b]
[spoiler]This is an RP thread. If you don't like that kind of thing, than I suggest you hit the back tab now.[/spoiler]
Welcome to the [DIGITAL_DOJO], a safe haven for warriors of any kind. Here, all are welcome to train for whatever purpose they may have, whether it be a war, or for personal improvement. You may bring weapons, or buy them here, as we can provide for the unarmed.
The dojo will remain neutral to all other groups, and anyone is welcome to train. This also means we will not interfere with other battles, nor will we start one ourselves. There is one exception however, it is the sovereignty. We have declared war on them, and we will grill their corpses...
If you wish to truly join us, you must go through testing by me or by designated personnel. If not, you do not have permission to take up permanent residence.
This place is centered around fighting. This includes a multitude of different fighting techniques, ranging from bladed weaponry, ranged, magical, to even firearms. We have specialists for each, and we also carry some forms of each in stock.
Another important notice to everyone: do not add or make adjustments to the dojo without asking me first. This includes relations with other groups, buildings, particularly dangerous equipment, and new members.
WE'VE HIT 50,000!! DON'T SHUT US DOWN NOW![/spoiler]
[spoiler]I'm not always going to be here! If I don't respond, look for one of the Lieutenants.[/spoiler]
1-the dojo will remain neutral under any and every circumstance, with one exception (see rule 6). All members are required to follow this rule.
2-Any member attempting to take another members life without consent or approval from either the person in question or me will be removed. This becomes effective immediately.
3-Godmodding will grant you a removal from the dojo.
4-lieutenants will now be selected based on merit, not time spent. It is still a factor, but not the main reason for selection.
5-Remember that you cannot win every fight. Try to win if you can, but if you are put up against impossible odds, do not resort to godmodding
6-Anyone and everyone of the sovereignty is our enemy. Kill them and bring their corpses back to the dojo for grilling
7-Ookshmook383141 is not permitted to participate due to constant harassment. No one is permitted to allow him entry.
General RP rules will be discussed in the group[/spoiler]
[b]For those that don't know what this thread is about, this is an RP thread. Which means you can leave if you were here for something else.[/b]
[b]And yes, we still exist.[/b]
[u][b]Barrier Breaking 3[/b][/u] [b][i]The AMNC begins sending ships rigged with explosives towards the barrier. The ships explode, and some sections of the barrier shatter like glass. [/i][/b]
[b][u]Barrier Breaking 2[/u][/b] [b][i]Stratos's fleet charges above to take a different angle as the collectors group together to deliver strong powerful blows on specific areas. [/i][/b]
I love you
Edited by Inflatablepants: 8/24/2016 10:18:25 PM[b][u]Barrier breaking 1[/u][/b] [i][b]The AMNC fires at the barrier, along with the five collector ships and Stratos's fleet. It begins to crack and break.[/b][/i]
[b][u]THE ASSUALT[/u][/b] [b][i]The mountains around the dojo howl. The dim dusk of twilight hovers over everything now. The village, completely corrupted. The mountains to the north, taken over. Truly, it seems that the world is meeting its end. But, that would be too easy. Around the dojo, a massive army forms. 51 different factions have united by the power of the dojo, to take the fight towards The Twilight. Above orbit, three fleets of ships mobilize. And begin entering the earths atmosphere. In front of the dojo, the army stands. Liberty Prime, the Telurian army, the nameless king, the exiled and Aether, the Iron army, the black and silver Knights, and many more ready for the attack. This. Is the biggest army. In all of history. It has one goal. TAKE. BACK. THE. WORLD.[/i][/b] [b][i]King Falk stands upon his tower. His hands giving off a black smoke as he chants and ancient spell. The Deity stands in front of the army, while Zane and Anne stand with the infiltration. Out of everyone who is present. It's the Deity, who speaks.[/i][/b] "EVERYONE. Listen to me. Today is the day we take back your homes! Your lives! Your freedom! This is the day we charge towards the castle dusk, where some power hungry asshole with a god complex sits on a stolen throne! We will break through this barrier! And march towards the thousand steps! There we will kick EVERYONES ASSES! TOGETHER! UNITED AS THE WORLDS MOST BADASS ARMY! NOW WHO'S WITH ME?!" [i][b]The army cheers as the former king finishes his speech. He draws his blade, and points it towards the twilight.[/b][/i] "Alright Pants! Do work!" [b]Falk stands upon the tower. He raises his hands to the sky as a black fog rises from him. It coats the walls of twilight, seeping into it like poison running through veins.[/b] Falk: "THE REIGN OF THE USURPER IS OVER! MY PEOPLE! TAKE BACK WHAT IS YOURS!" [b]The barrier seems to crack, then turns a blood red[/b] "THE TIME IS NOW! STRIKE THEM DOWN! SAVE THE WORLD!" [b]Falk falls to the ground, unconscious. And the fleets begin to fire.[/b] [spoiler]Here we go.[/spoiler] [spoiler]Barrier breaker time. This will take some amount of replies to do. So prepare your military assets while you can.[/spoiler]
Edited by Inflatablepants: 8/24/2016 9:35:25 PM[b]SIGN HERE FOR MAIN ARMY[/b] [spoiler]members are: Mortar Management/Jess/Manan Asap/Lil S Twig/Genelian marines Sketch/and his characters Pool/ all of his characters [/spoiler]
Edited by Inflatablepants: 8/24/2016 8:44:32 PM[b]SIGN HERE FOR INFILTRATION[/b] Oh I should mention that only some Specific members can do infiltration. [spoiler]members are: Zane Lego Tubbs[/spoiler]
Edited by Inflatablepants: 8/24/2016 7:18:37 PM[b][i]A review of the assault[/i][/b] Barrier destruction [spoiler] Ornstein-Nameless King Royal-Iris, Cadmael, Joker, and Merlin Dojo Cannons STRATOS AND HIS FLEET AMNC FLEET Lord Gwyn Nameless King BETTER DEAD THEN RED. The Mage. Aronditas The collectors Rider Amgdala, AKA Sargenbuff [/spoiler] Main army [spoiler] Magrim, Stripes, Hamilton, Jeremiah, Bandit, Musketeers, Winston, Maso, Teriar, Oni, Bailey and Arclas Caesar (?) and the nameless king. ISIC Mortar and management. Twilit Army Mr. And Mrs. Toki(Yeti's). Snowpeak survivors. The Nekoluga family. Lord Gwyn Black and Silver Knights/Darkmoon Knights Nameless King Khalosh FREEDOM IS THE SOVEREIGN RIGHT OF EVERY AMERICAN. Witch of Izalith/Chaos Demons Four Kings Seath the Scaleless Gravelord Nito Oceiros/Lothric Army High Lord Wolnir/Entirety of Carthus Old Demon King Giant Lord/Giant Army Drangelic forces Ferris, God of the seas Ivory Army led by Raime Iron Army led by Alonne Big foot clan Telurian Army, Di-Jin remnants Exiled Aether Aronditas Remnants of guards Sable Church The Hand the Song Amgdala, AKA Sargenbuff [/spoiler] Infiltration [spoiler]Shadow, omnus, Lego Knights of Gwyn Ciaran Artorias Shadow Kage Clan Arpat Tribe Pale shades The Burst [/spoiler] "So, here's the plan again for when I get the barrier down." [spoiler][b][i]The Twilight Barrier: Once the barrier is down it will have to be broken. We are going to need some SERIOUS fire power to shatter it. And I mean SERIOUS. The longer it takes, the more time the rebellion has to form it's armies on the steps. And we do NOT want that. This is the job of TBB. The thousand steps: This is one of the two things standing in our way of the castle. The thousand steps is a heavily fortified, uphill slope. There are guard towers all across it. To say the least, it will be a slaughter. There Will be thousands, maybe millions of rebel soldiers on the steps, But with enough fire power, we can get up the steps and up o the castle. This is the duty of the MA. Castle Dusk Shield: The Castle has a shield itself. The only way to disable it, is to kill the treasonous sorcerer Ralphus. That will drop the shield. So, TI will move through a small passage that is at the foot of the thousand steps. I used it to escape when the castle was taken over. This will lead you to my quarters. The Sorcerer should be in the observatory, atop the castle. One of my two sorcerers Phillis and Ri can get you in through the barrier. But they can only remove it from a small section temporarily inside the passage, allowing the infiltration team to move through. The faster the infiltration team can get this done, the better. If they are not fast enough....too many soldiers could die. Killing Cyrus, the twilight usurper: Zane and Anne will split off from the group to take down Cyrus. Castle gate: This is a tricky part. The castle has a heavily fortified gate, and it will take some time to get it open. While the army is trying to get the gate open, they will be met with a hail fire from the walls of the castle. That's why the Infiltration team needs to get down to the gate as soon as possible, or even wipe out the soldiers on the walls, so that they can open the gate faster. Once again, the faster we do this, the less men we loose. The castle: once we are inside the castle it will be a matter of wiping it out. We need enough men by the end to do this.[/i][/b][/spoiler] [spoiler]I will post major events titled to their specific group. Depending on which group you are in, you can reply to these things. So if you are MA, then only reply to MA posts. If you are infiltration, only reply to Infiltration posts. Each post will have a small objective.[/spoiler]
Edited by Skatch142: 8/24/2016 2:57:24 PM[u][i]Confined.[/i][/u] *Sketch sits outside the Dojo walls, near the gate. He just sits crosslegged, looking at the ground in front of him. His eyes are purple and he looks very upset for some reason. There is a collar made out of swirling back fog around his neck. When he touches it, it shrinks a little. He just sighs and continues sitting there.* [spoiler]Open to everyone, including people who aren't members of the Dojo. If you aren't a member then I'll actually tell you how he looks when I reply to you. This is also the prologue of a plot which I'll do through a number of posts.[/spoiler]
Edited by Inflatablepants: 8/24/2016 3:26:46 PM[b][u]Tomorrow....[/u][/b] [b][u]...Maybe today actually.[/u][/b]
[u]complete chaos[/u] [i]a man scrambles down the path to the dojo a look of sheer terror on his face. He is covered in blood when gets to the gate he starts to scream and beat on the gate[/i] "FOR LOVE GOD HELP US A DRAGON IS ATTACKING THE VILLAGE!!! " shouts the man [i]the man continues beat on the gate frantically[/i] "IT'S EATING PEOPLE HELP US!!!" He shouts [b]the commotion draws you to the gate[/b] [spoiler]open[/spoiler]
Edited by Inflatablepants: 8/24/2016 2:53:38 PMReform 3: -blam!- Tests Seriously. Screw the testing process. It's inconvenient, annoying and its prevented dozens of potential members from entering the dojo. If you wanna join? Then just join! Just make sure to follow the rules. BUT! I'd like to list a few different options that you guys could pick from. >Completly remove tests >Testing is only required to do pvp -Sketch added an idea like a mentor system. So people could be shown the ropes by volunteered members, until they have their test. Being a mentor would make you a more likely candidate for becoming a lieutenant. >Testing should be mandatory for everything
Edited by TwiggierTiger22: 8/22/2016 1:45:07 AM[b][u][i]I'm Sick of Sappy Speeches[/i][/u][/b] Now that that has been said, Hi, I'm Tiger, Blight, Twig, and all the various names you may know me by. I have a few things to comment on. First, and foremost: Change is a fact of life. People change, places change, and even the speed of light varies(depending on where you are). I can understand the allure of reminiscing on the days of old(1-2 years ago for us), but it is not a path that we can travel. Secondly: THIS IS A PLACE, FIRST AND FOREMOST, TO FIGHT!!!! I can understand the need to have some character development in order to have some fun and flex our creative muscles, but this does not mean we will have plot-lines that are solely about your character courting some half-lamia or whatever. This is Role-Play, extreme violence edition, not Dating Simulator, Beastiality 101(sorry Sketch, I needed an example). Third: GOD-MODING IS NOT A TERM TO BE THROWN ABOUT LIGHTLY. I am peeved by how many times it is used as a way for your opponent to be intimidated into holding themselves back, or used to "win" a fight. Some characters are more powerful than others in terms of sheer power, others are more skilled than others. Just because your opponent can use magic and you can't does not mean that it is a hopeless situation. It merely means that you need to adjust your fighting style accordingly. Fourth, and finally: I hope that you all know that this entire thing is purely for fun. None of us make money off of this and we all spend time and effort to make this work. ~TwiggierTiger22 TL;DR [spoiler]If you are looking at this you are one lazy son-of-a-bitch.[/spoiler] Now that the unpleasant business is over, I have decided to do something I have always wanted to do. I want to fight you. Yes, yes, same old same old, but I am going to add something to this. [b]I want you to put a link to the bio of the character you are going to use when you reply. Then, I want with each reply, I want you to explain, in spoilers if you want, each decision you made behind each move.[/b] What I hope to teach you is that when you fight, you try to put thought into each move you make, to use your abilities, and even the environment to your advantage. [u]I will not be exempt from this either, I too will put the thought behind each move into my replies.[/u] [i]Yes, some of you may find this boring, but I believe this will help each and every one of us as both RPers, and as writers.[/i] Now; I will let you choose who you wish to fight. First Choice: The one, the only(in this dimension at least), the Queen of the Night and Crown Princess of the Genellian Empire, Shadow!!! Second Choice: She lurks in the background, watching her enemies blunder about before striking, the Queen of Genellian, Whisper!!! Third Choice: She's not just a pretty face!! She swoops in for the scoop- *checks script* wait, wrong one. She's thunder and lightning, she's the silver lining, Defender of Earth and Protector of Humanity, TERAWATT!!!!(All credit for this character goes to DianeCastle, an amazing author. I'll send ya a link to where you can look at Terawatt's stats if you pick her.) Fourth Choice(For those who want to go against a true Arch-Mage): He's mean, he's Evil with a capital "E", he's DEAD. Ladies, Gentlemen, Attack Helicopters and various genders; AINS OOAL GOWN!!!! [spoiler]Update: Apparently being a furry is not a fetish. Also, if any of you have seen me on different threads, feel free to request a fight with my character from there. You can bring in characters from other RPs as well, just don't forget the bio.[/spoiler]
[i]A girl on an old horse rode up to the gate of the dojo. She carefully guided her horse up the rocky steps, making her way to the gate. She approached cautiously, and knocked, yet no one came. "Hello? Anyone home?" She called out, yet no one answered. She knocked again, yet still no one came. Frustrated she turned around and mounted her horse. She began to leave, yet just as she did she heard the gates creak open. Her hand instinctively darted to the katana on her back. She realized she didn't need it. She dismounted and began walking towards the open gate.[/i]
Edited by Devious_Melons: 8/23/2016 7:58:01 PM[u][b]Ghosts that linger.[/b][/u] [b]a monitor in the dojo activates and command prompts are seen.[/b] >//Self activate? Y/N >Y [b]it appears that its interfacing with itself.[/b] >//Initiating activation in 10... 9... >Skip Countdown >//are you sure? >Y >//Activating... [b]the screen flickers, information of the dojo fleshes rapidly. as it shuts down and then a light yellow figure is formed from the terminal.[/b] Ugh... What happened? [spoiler]Aperto[/spoiler]
Edited by JealousOrc: 8/23/2016 8:19:46 PM[b]as I shove the blob back in the freezer I turn towards Mortar[/b] It didn't have to end this way... [b]my scythe appears in my hands[/b] BUT YOU HAD TO SAVE THAT DUMB WORTHLESS BLOB!!!!
So, as my friends before me have stated, this place has gone to shit. With the loss of these guys that actually made RPING here enjoyable, I'll be leaving as well. It was fun while it lasted. See you guys.
[b]Just outside the front gates of the Dojo, the air begins to churn. For a moment nothing happens, then: a massive swirling mass of purple forms for a moment, and dissipates. Left in the small crater formed, a mechanical suit of armor staggers to it's feet, clutching it's head.[/b] "Oi...Hate that part...Wai-" [b]The armor makes a retching noise, as if the occupant were vomiting. It then looks around.[/b] "This place again? COME ON!" [b]The armor looks left, and sees a snake staring at him. He tilts his head, then flips it off.[/b] "-blam!- you, Lutece. You suck." [spoiler]Open[/spoiler]
[b]a yellow butterfly flies around the Dojo[/b] [b]everything seems like a normal and calm day[/b] [b]it was quite, nothing but the sounds of nature[/b] [b]UNTIL....[/b] [b]a crack appeared in the ground[/b] [b]AND A GIANT KILLER KITTEN WITH LAZER EYES AND RAZOR SHARP TEETH JUMPED OUT AND ATE THE BUTTERFLY[/b] [b]YOU'RE NEXT[/b] > Run > Fight > Hide and watch while eating popcorn > Jump on its back and ride it > Attempt to eat things with it
Edited by Doos: 5/25/2016 2:40:43 PM*An access point spilling red and black shadowy smoke opens in front of the gates of the Dojo. Maya appears dragging out a couch. A table. Another couch. And a tea set. She sits down and prepares four cups.* [b]Fighting, fighting, fighting. What happened to the finer things in life?[/b] [spoiler]current status. Open but must bring your own cup. Also. We're in hiding from the intruder. Because its tea/liquor time. No. Fights. No longer hiding. [b][i][u]But still no fights. This is peaceful relaxation time in these replies[/u][/i][/b][/spoiler] Edit: no longer hiding. Angry Assaulttron is no longer keen on fighting our tea time. Please be respectful and strike up a conversation with the guy. I'm sure we could learn a lot from each other. [spoiler]Details on our hiding. As long as a shadow is nearby. Our group is literally untraceable.[/spoiler] [b]I SAID NO FIGHTING.[/b] [b]Alright fine... I get it. Fighting by arguing. Conceded. BUT NO VIOLENCE.[/b] *glares at Alex and WA-18* [b]Prior to the tournament. Please come get your amp up teas! Any kind, all kind. We want you all to be ready![/b] [b]I've been gone awhile.. BUT IM BACK NOW EVERYONE. So per the usual. Gotta start up some tea to bring me back in my mind set you lovely bastards[/b] ·|·|·|·|·|·|·|·|·|·|·|·|·|·|·|·|·|·|·|·|·|·|·|·|·| [b]Tuesdays! Makes sure and come by on Tuesday's for your Tea![/b] [spoiler]Current exotic teas Corichea Forsketta Hasuthuca Yurseuga Grazaltha Gurancha Torschuerta Rofitteras We also have any number of drinks you can imagine. [/spoiler]
[b][i][u]A Farewell[/u][/i][/b] [b][i]With the recent departure of some of my friends, people that I loved RPing with here...I've realized something. This place...this Dojo... It's going down. It's become a cesspool for godmodders and bullshit. As a Lieutenant, I see it all, and you know what? It disgusts me. This place was meant as a place of improvement, fighting, and such. But now? It's just broken as hell, not enjoyable at all, and not my kind of RP anymore. It's not what I wished it to be. At all. To Sketch, Vio, Mortar, Royal, Siren, JT, Tubbs, and most of all, Po. I want to thank all of you. You guys really brought me into this RP, you were always active and great people to RP with, no matter what. Sketch, Mortar, Tubbs, JT, Roy and Po, if you intend to stay here, I wish you the best of luck.[/i][/b] [b][i]To Ook, Arbiter, Sanic, Lego, Elemental Ninja, and Management. I apologize first off to Lego. For being an absolute prick to him. If you accept this apology, Lego? It would mean a lot, bud. I'd love to RP once again sometime soon, if you're cool with it. To the others: I apologize to all of you for the behavior of the LTs and members towards you. You guys were given barely any chances to fix mistakes, and were lashed out at immensely. I'm surprised I even got into the Dojo, considering my character's habits. Oh well. For the rest of the Dojo...[/i][/b] [b][i]Good luck, you beautiful men and women. And may the flames guide thee. Lieutenant Ornstein has left the DIGITAL DOJO.[/i][/b]
Bramd - old
Remember when I said I was gonna make a new RP? [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/1658312]I wasn't bluffing.[/url] -
*mark comes through a portal in the dojo courtyard his usual cloak on and many strange swords in sheathes on his back* "Guess who's back."
Vio is Leaving, Orn is leaving... Guess I have to see where they go.
[b]An amorphous, clear blob rolls up to the Dojo gates.[/b] [spoiler]Okay guys. First character on my clean slate. This character will change and be made into existence by the decisions made in all posts with it in it. Also open.[/spoiler]
Edited by Inflatablepants: 8/22/2016 2:22:49 PM[b]Reform #2: Lieutenants[/b] As was stated before, A lieutenant is one who upholds the rules of the dojo. They have to ensure order, fairness and of course Fun within the digital dojo. BUT in our goal to achieve these things we have kind of just caused the opposite(Much like the rise of communism in China, as soon as you want something you somehow become the opposite of it). SO. It's hard to be a lieutenant with such a broken rule system, which we aim to fix, but I'm more wanting to talk about solving problems as a lieutenant. Lately we have just been using banning as a solution. It's...a very lazy solution. For reasons that honestly were not necessary. We mainly did it because we did not have time IRL to really think over solutions. This is completely unacceptable. Banning should be treated like a death sentence. It's the LAST RESORT. Not the first. This will always be implemented and you will find that if you screw up, you will have more freedom still in the future. Instead of being banned immediately. Also, some have called for a complete change in the lieutenants....Ya...so me. And while ya, it's a dick move I'm not really listening to that, it's still a valid point. The lieutenants just haven't been acting how they should. And that's why we aim to change that. For now though. In the past day. We've taken on two lieutenants. The first is probably one of the most respected members in the community. His attention to key detail and his calm level headed Canadian nature made him an obvious choice. And in fact, the lieutenants have been eyeing him for around a month now. I would like to congratulate JT on becoming our latest lieutenant, and I know we can do some kick ass things in the future. And the second? Well...this one may seem strange to you. But to me this was, in a sense, my first regret. He represents the CHAOS of the dojo. The randomness, the freedom to post crazy shit and just roll with it. He's one for the old ways, and from the past few days we clearly need that. Either way he's back, and he's shown that he's willing to do a whole lot for this place. I would like to welcome Sargentubbs back, as a lieutenant of the dojo.