originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[b][u]Before reading further, something you should know:[/u][/b]
[spoiler]This is an RP thread. If you don't like that kind of thing, than I suggest you hit the back tab now.[/spoiler]
Welcome to the [DIGITAL_DOJO], a safe haven for warriors of any kind. Here, all are welcome to train for whatever purpose they may have, whether it be a war, or for personal improvement. You may bring weapons, or buy them here, as we can provide for the unarmed.
The dojo will remain neutral to all other groups, and anyone is welcome to train. This also means we will not interfere with other battles, nor will we start one ourselves. There is one exception however, it is the sovereignty. We have declared war on them, and we will grill their corpses...
If you wish to truly join us, you must go through testing by me or by designated personnel. If not, you do not have permission to take up permanent residence.
This place is centered around fighting. This includes a multitude of different fighting techniques, ranging from bladed weaponry, ranged, magical, to even firearms. We have specialists for each, and we also carry some forms of each in stock.
Another important notice to everyone: do not add or make adjustments to the dojo without asking me first. This includes relations with other groups, buildings, particularly dangerous equipment, and new members.
WE'VE HIT 50,000!! DON'T SHUT US DOWN NOW![/spoiler]
[spoiler]I'm not always going to be here! If I don't respond, look for one of the Lieutenants.[/spoiler]
1-the dojo will remain neutral under any and every circumstance, with one exception (see rule 6). All members are required to follow this rule.
2-Any member attempting to take another members life without consent or approval from either the person in question or me will be removed. This becomes effective immediately.
3-Godmodding will grant you a removal from the dojo.
4-lieutenants will now be selected based on merit, not time spent. It is still a factor, but not the main reason for selection.
5-Remember that you cannot win every fight. Try to win if you can, but if you are put up against impossible odds, do not resort to godmodding
6-Anyone and everyone of the sovereignty is our enemy. Kill them and bring their corpses back to the dojo for grilling
7-Ookshmook383141 is not permitted to participate due to constant harassment. No one is permitted to allow him entry.
General RP rules will be discussed in the group[/spoiler]
[b]For those that don't know what this thread is about, this is an RP thread. Which means you can leave if you were here for something else.[/b]
[b]And yes, we still exist.[/b]
JT rolls up to the Dojo and drives through the open gates in a big ass truck. He opened the back of the truck up and a blackjack table immediately sprang to life, hookers started setting up a bar and a robotic horse was on its hind legs, just chugging oil like it was a whiskey. JT starts to host a game of blackjack in his drunken stupor.
[b]baby dragons fly around drunk, crashing into everything, and pooping on everything[/b] [b]Ghost Tubbs and Smaug chug Ascendance[/b]
[b]As the party is in full swing, a familiar face approaches the Dojo. It's Cabbot. He carries cases of alcohol of every kind.[/b]
That's a ton of responses. 0.0
[b]Ghost Tubbs is clearly somehow drunk and possesses a random civilian[/b]
[b]some new dude is seen drinking and enjoying the party[/b]
[b][i][u]ASSUALT DANCE PARTY[/u][/i][/b] [spoiler]we'll just take a break for the night lol[/spoiler] [b]The entire battlefield begins to dance. And the fighting halts. Liberty prime shoots lasers into the air as everyone celebrates 100k. Whether this is cannon or not...we will never know.[/b]
So close
You've got mail!
Bumping post!
[b]Tubbs comes back as a ghost for one final party![/b] [b]him and Smaug start getting stuff ready[/b]
Bramd - old
[b][i][u]Wrath of the Underworld. Arc 1: Part two: Mortar's army.[/u][/i][/b] [b][i]As the Dojo is attacking the Twilight, Mortar's father, Garuud, considers it the perfect time to ambush those who are friends with Mortar. Killing them off to reach Mortar, that's a risky plan. But, high risk means high reward, his reward being able to revert Gore to his former glory.[/i][/b] Garuud: Servants. The time has come. Send the War Beasts. [b]At the gates of the Dojo, twenty massive men walk out of a portal. Each look somewhat different, but have the same build: Large, muscular, hulking beasts carrying either a massive sword or a club. One with a massive shield and black and crimson club, probably the leader, runs up to the gates, trying to ram it with his shield[/b] [spoiler]Open[/spoiler] -
[b][u]Main army 19[/u][/b] [i][b]Lord Gwyn is fatally wounded, but continues to fight the hordes. SARGENBUFF RIDES INTO BATTLE! SOMEHOW ENRAGED FOR SOME ODD REASON! Khalosh comes under heavy fire from the massive towers and missile launchers. They've gotten a report that the kage clan is dead, so their moral is near non-existent.[/b][/i]
[b]Smaug sits in the ship waiting, wondering when this battle will end and Tubbs will come back[/b] [b]he would be furious if anything happened to Tubbs, he'd kill the ones responsible, even if he died in the process[/b]
[b][u]Main Army 18[/u][/b] [b][i]The shields are down, and the army has refilled spirits. The aether and exiled make their way back to the battlefield to assist and Liberty prime slowly makes his way to the two massive towers that are charging some form of energy. The two towers are ten stories high, but very narrow. There is no staircase on the side but the army can see through the glass that there is an elevator. Even though the army has high moral, lord Gwyns Knights have been taken down. And he stands alone to fight the surrounding horde.[/i][/b]
[b][u]Some good news(main army)[/u][/b] [b][i]A ringing sound echoes and covered the battlefield in which the two armies stand. It sounds like someone shut down their computer or like electricity dying. Either way, the massive blue shield around the castle reveals itself, then begins to flicker. It flickers more and more before it completely disappears. The shield has been take. Down.[/i][/b] Deity: "THE SHIELDS BEEN TAKEN DOWN BOYS! PUSH. FORWARD!!!" [spoiler]Closed[/spoiler]
[b][u]Main Army 17[/u][/b] [b][i]Lord Gwyn still attempts to hold off the beasts but his Knights begin to fall. The large towers emit massive blue balls of energy. And Liberty prime still tries to make his way to the towers. But the beasts still hold back the rest of the army from reaching the towers. The army has reached 500 steps.[/i][/b]
looks interesting, how's this work?
Edited by Inflatablepants: 8/28/2016 3:45:37 AM[b][u]The Phantom Tubbs[/u][/b] [b][i]Meanwhile, while the infiltration team makes their way through the castle and fighting Ralphus,[/i][/b] [b][i]Saregenttubs lay bleeding on the Floor. He was betrayed. Or, that's what it looked like. Either way, his face was deformed from the bullet and it almost immediately swelled, resulting in him not being able to look out his left eye properly. Blood pooled around him as his head still rung like church bells on a Sunday morn. Shadow beasts began to advance slowly on him. Their prey in sight. The riflemen readied their weapons quickly, and it seems that this was the end of Tubbs story. But then Tubbs heard a shot. Not being dead yet, he was confused. Then a riflemen dropped. The beasts turn around and they all begin to get shot and slaughtered by some unseen force. At least, that's what it looked like from Tubbs place.[/i][/b] [spoiler]for Tubbs[/spoiler] [spoiler]Infiltration team if you wanna be surprised don't read this. In fact, don't read this.[/spoiler]
Edited by Inflatablepants: 8/28/2016 12:20:55 AM[b][u]Main army 16[/u][/b] [b][i]The Nekuloga(sorry for butchering that mortar) begin sweeping the enemy off their feet. And the Sable church begins to assist them do so. But then, lord Gwyn was surrounded. He uses his Knights to cover him but they are failing. The heavy towers in the distance seem to be charging something.[/i][/b]
[b]Smaug sits in Tubbs's ship watching the Twilight[/b] [b]the ship A.I. approaches him[/b] A.I.- If he dies you become the new commander. Smaug- He won't. He's faced worse than this. A.I.- But isn't the Kage Clan with him? They almost killed him before. Smaug- Only 2 are left, and besides, he can handle himself. And if he can't, he's got Zane and Shadow with him. Fellow Lieutenants. They'd help him no matter what. A.I.- Well, just in case... he's prepared something for you. Smaug- I'm telling you, he's fine. Now go.
[b][u]MAIN ARMY 15[/u][/b] [b][i]The Aether and Exiled flee the battlefield, and the song falls off the mountain to his death. Rorek also falls, and it seems as if it's the end. But, a large pair of wings fly underneath him, and accelerates high up. Rorek was saved by the nameless King. The dojo army keeps pushing up. But massive towers lie in the distance, heavily fortified. They seem to be charging up a sort of beam. But the dojo army has to push their way towards them first.[/i][/b]