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originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
Edited by DigitalNinja: 8/4/2016 7:46:02 PM


[b][u]Before reading further, something you should know:[/u][/b] [spoiler]This is an RP thread. If you don't like that kind of thing, than I suggest you hit the back tab now.[/spoiler] Welcome to the [DIGITAL_DOJO], a safe haven for warriors of any kind. Here, all are welcome to train for whatever purpose they may have, whether it be a war, or for personal improvement. You may bring weapons, or buy them here, as we can provide for the unarmed. OUR POLICY: The dojo will remain neutral to all other groups, and anyone is welcome to train. This also means we will not interfere with other battles, nor will we start one ourselves. There is one exception however, it is the sovereignty. We have declared war on them, and we will grill their corpses... If you wish to truly join us, you must go through testing by me or by designated personnel. If not, you do not have permission to take up permanent residence. This place is centered around fighting. This includes a multitude of different fighting techniques, ranging from bladed weaponry, ranged, magical, to even firearms. We have specialists for each, and we also carry some forms of each in stock. Another important notice to everyone: do not add or make adjustments to the dojo without asking me first. This includes relations with other groups, buildings, particularly dangerous equipment, and new members. NEWS: [spoiler] WE'VE HIT 50,000!! DON'T SHUT US DOWN NOW![/spoiler] IMPORTANT THINGS TO NOTE: [spoiler]I'm not always going to be here! If I don't respond, look for one of the Lieutenants.[/spoiler] [b]RULES[/b] [spoiler] 1-the dojo will remain neutral under any and every circumstance, with one exception (see rule 6). All members are required to follow this rule. 2-Any member attempting to take another members life without consent or approval from either the person in question or me will be removed. This becomes effective immediately. 3-Godmodding will grant you a removal from the dojo. 4-lieutenants will now be selected based on merit, not time spent. It is still a factor, but not the main reason for selection. 5-Remember that you cannot win every fight. Try to win if you can, but if you are put up against impossible odds, do not resort to godmodding 6-Anyone and everyone of the sovereignty is our enemy. Kill them and bring their corpses back to the dojo for grilling 7-Ookshmook383141 is not permitted to participate due to constant harassment. No one is permitted to allow him entry. General RP rules will be discussed in the group[/spoiler] [b]For those that don't know what this thread is about, this is an RP thread. Which means you can leave if you were here for something else.[/b] [b][<>---------------------------------<>][/b] [b]And yes, we still exist.[/b]

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  • The cracked ground lined with light sand yearned for moist as heavy hooves galloped against its hard surface. On top of it was a man with a sword holstered onto his back, technology and guns rattling on his leather belt. As the high steel walls of the Dojo approached steadily he looked to the doors with hesitance for what would lie within. For all the times this man had trekked through uncharted fringes of space and realities alternate to his own this place had to be one of the most daunting he'd ever encountered. As the heavy doors of the Dojo, sealed shut by great locks stood in front of the man he slid his weight off of the horse's saddle and firmly planted his feet onto the ground, the soles of his heavy boots crunching against plates of dry rock. The man licked his lips but the gesture hurled no relief, as his mouth was still as dry as the desert he'd stood in, no saliva left in his own mouth. As the sun beat down on him whoever would have watched his approach had a better look at him; black curling hair like cherub's own, a beard under his face, ice blue eyes, with a tan face from the twin suns that beat down on him and scars curving across the contours of his face. His leather jacket bristled in the light gust that had swept by. A line of smoke rose from the fat cigar that sat between his crackled lips as he waited for a challenger to approach, preparing himself for a hard fight. [spoiler]Open to challengers. Let me in![/spoiler]

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    62 Replies
    • Edited by Inflatablepants: 9/2/2016 2:52:19 AM
      [b][u][i]VICTORY, but with a cost[/i][/u][/b] "The usurper is dead! The usurper is dead!" [b]The large black knight ran through the hallways of castle dusk, telling his comrades AND his enemies the good news. Cyrus had been slain. The usurper of the throne, defeated. The army cheers in excitement and pride as they all raises their weapons in the air. The remaining rebel forces kneel down in surrender, and in despair. The hallways boom with excitement as Zane walks through them, the one who Defeated Cyrus, and King Falk, who greets his troops in glee. The armies of the dojo, or what remains, gather in the throne room. Massive holes gape in the ceiling and the throne itself is destroyed. But Falk, his Black crown adorned with red Gems as matching with his black hair, and black robes stands beside the broken throne. He raises the usurpers sword from the ground, Dusks Bane, the kings blade. [/b] "Today is a glorious day!" [b]The army cheers in excitement and applause.[/b] "Today was the day we took back our home! Our Castle dusk! Today was the day we defeated the usurper Cyrus and vanquished Ralphus's army of beasts! Today is the day we WON!" [b]The army cheers in even more excitement. The nameless King raises his spear high in victory As Seath the scaless's roar can be heard from outside.[/b] " did not come without a cost. We have lost many this past week. Whether this be family, friends, lovers. It is our DUTY. To ensure their lives were not lost in vain! Soon. Zane and I will venture to the tower of Fates. The tower which controls twilight itself. And we will DEAL WITH THIS PROBLEM AT IT'S SOURCE! But today...? Today...WE CELEBRATE! FOR THE DOJO! FOR THE CASTLE! FOR THE WORLD!" [b]The army cheers! Chanting Hip-Hip-Hooray! Hip-hip-hooray! Hip-hip-hooray! Falk takes his seat on the broken throne. His work nearly done. This looks's the end.[/b] "Almost...the end." [b][i]Results of the assault[/i][/b] [spoiler] Army At the start of the assault: 51 assets Dojo Cannons STRATOS AND HIS FLEET AMNC FLEET Lord Gwyn Nameless King BETTER DEAD THEN RED. The Mage. Aronditas The collectors Rider Sargenbuff Mr. And Mrs. Toki(Yeti's) Snowpeak survivors The Nekoluga family Lord Gwyn Black and Silver Knights/Darkmoon Knights Nameless King: Khalosh: Liberty prime: Witch of Izalith/Chaos Dmns: Four Kings Seath the Scaleless:560 Oceiros/Lothric Army High Lord Wolnir/Entirety of Carthus Old Demon King Giant Lord/Giant Army Drangelic forces Ferris, God of the seas Ivory Army led by Raime Iron Army led by Alonne Big foot clan Telurian Army, Di-Jin remnants Exiled Aether Aronditas: Remnants of guards Sable Church The Hand the Song The Fierce Deity Knights of Gwyn Ciaran Artorias Shadow Tubbs Lego Kage Clan Arpat Tribe Pale shades The Burst Anne Zane Asset casualties: 24 1.AMNC FLEET 2.Lord Gwyn 3.Liberty Prime :.( 4.Aronditas 5.Mr. And Mrs. Toki(Yeti's) 6.The Yetis 7.Snowpeak survivors 8.Lord Gwyn: 9.Oceiros/Lothric Army 10.Old Demon King 11.Giant Lord/Giant Army 12.Drangelic forces 13.Ivory Army led by Raime 14.Iron Army led by Alonne 15.Big foot clan 16.Telurian Army, Di-Jin remnants 17.Remnants of guards 18.the Song 19.Knights of Gwyn 20.Artorias 21.Tubbs 22.Kage Clan 23.Arpat Tribe 24.Pale shades 47% of the dojo army died in the assault. [/spoiler] THANKS! [spoiler]I want to thank absolutely everyone who participated in this amazing event that I've been planning for so many months!!!! It was awesome!!! Everyone who participated in the side quests, AND everyone who participated in the assault are amazing. You guys always make me wanna do things like this, and this event only makes me want to do more! But it's because of YOU GUYS who give me the motivation to do so!!! I really want to Thank Ornstein though. Who made this quest a thousand times better then what it could have been, had it just been me doing everything! Even though you are gone now, know that I am incredibly grateful for what you did for this quest! Especially when I started to work! But now, the quest is not yet over. There is still more to do. I would love it if you all kept reading what is to come, because shits still about to get very real! There won't be anything more for the quest this weekend. But, the lieutenants and I will work on the reforms to ensure the dojo is exactly what it can be. WHICH IS AMAZING AWESOMNESSSSSS! We are very excited for the next reform. Which of course you guys will be able to modify yourselves, accept it, or completely reject it. Either way, Thank you so much!!! You guys are awesome!!!![/spoiler]

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      71 Replies
      • Reform 4: A New life, a New thread The dojo thread has not been properly managed or crafted. We have news saying "we just hit 50k!" And an outdated rules system that doesn't go into much detail. Unfortunately, we cannot rely on Ninja to fix these things. Ninja has not been active. I know, old news. He is the founder of a VERY LARGE RP thread yet some of you newer people, Royal for example, have probably added more to the reply count then he has. I am not bashing ninja. He's my bud! And RL always has to come first. But in order for the dojo to change, we can't do it on the thread we own, with someone who can't take the time to manage it. THUS. I propose...A new thread. It will still be the same dojo. But it will be INCREDIBLY organized and updated to the advanced rules that have been formed over the past year. Of course, we will Make a poll about this. I want you guys to decide! But currently, this is the layout the lieutenants were thinking for the new thread. Which you can add on too! THE DOJO -Short physical description of the dojo, as well as what we are about. -Rules -How to PvP -Bio's -Physical description of dojo(full)(ABOUT DAMN TIME) -What we are about(full) -Our goal(Still in the works) -The reforms -Sections of the world -News -Tl;Dr These things will be shown through spoilers that link to public threads. Each topic Will have its own thread! Probably under #DOJO. This is something many(or all) RP's do for organization sake. Also, I will be making this new thread. But I do not "found the dojo." It's still founded by Ninja, the lieutenants are just updating it if you will. With this said, the dojo will no longer have a defined leader. It will simply be the Lieutenants, or as I now want to call them, the Sensei's! Ninja will of course still be an admin and a sensei. So, to another point. With this new thread, we will probably have to have a new group. This is a different decision al together and doesn't come in the package with the new thread. So there will be a poll on this too. BUT. With a new group, we would be able to manage everything much easier. Especially because right now their are only three admins in the group when there should be five. ANYWAYS. Unfortunately we would be abandoning past works...which is something I'm not a fan of...but I believe it is necessary if we want the dojo to run at full capacity, and be able to promote new lieutenants with ease. One again, these decisions are up to you.

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        25 Replies
        • More cancerous than #Destiny and 4chan combined.

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          • [b][i]Long Time, No See[/i][/b] [b]Outside of the Dojo Gates[/b] [i] Alex Wilson approached, standing in a full suit of heavily modified X-01 MKVI Advanced Tesla Power Armor. His M134D sat atop his left shoulder, the skull of an alpha deathclaw atop his right. A large knife was situated in a leg holster on the inside of his left leg, and two large revolvers sat at his hips. Two belts of 7.62x51mm NATO ammo crossed his chest, and on his back, beneath his Old World Flag cloak, an M240B, an M1 rifle, and a machete. On the rear of his waist, a sawback Bowie, and an M1911 in a shoulder holster. The helmet he wore was still spattered with blood, and the insignia of the Cobalt Phoenix graced his chest-plate. It had been some time since the Courier had seen the Dojo, let alone set foot on its grounds. Familiar and yet different all the same, the place he had come to really learn to fight was still a cool place to return to. Thinking back, he remembered all of the fights, the wars, the battles, and the legends he had helped forge with others; Cobalt, Salazar, JJ, Zane, Tubbs, Pants, and all the others who had been there. It was strange to see the new wave of people here, the new groups and individuals, all making names for themselves as the next set of legends. [/i] [spoiler]Open[/spoiler]

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            175 Replies
            • Edited by Royal Blade: 9/3/2016 2:20:23 AM
              [b][i][u]Fallen Dight, Arriving Knight[/u][/i][/b] [b]The sun was just beginning to set, casting a beautiful orange color over the lake. There was a slight wind, causing the grass to flow east. At the Graves of Midnight and Patches, were four new ones. Royal stood over them, as did the rest of the Dight. Then, interrupting the peace was the sound of hooves beating against the ground. Coming towards the Dojo. They stopped, and there was a knock at the gates, which swung open with a creak. Entering the dojo was a small group of Knights, their weapons not drawn. Lancelot Galahad Thea Alfin [/b] Lancelot- "Quite the welcome." Alfin- "I hear they've changed things around here." Thea- "They have? Good thing to. Otherwise we'd be killed for looking for Roy." Lancelot- "Killed? Depends on who we ask." [spoiler]Open! Also, choose who to speak with. The Knights Or The Dight [/spoiler]

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              86 Replies
              • [b][u]The Garage[/u][/b] Due to an extreme lack of salvage, this Fridays deal will not be vehicles. Instead I will doing a bloodier job of servator and skitarii constructions. Servators will require living hosts, Perferably criminals or PoWs. This is normally saved as a capital punishment and should be treated as such. Please designate purpose and place them in Bay 4, limit of 3 Skitarii require willing living hosts, Perferably friendly soldiers. They remain human like but with mechanical upgrades to complete any combat situation. Volunteers to be directed to the office for a mental evaluation. Limit 2

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                22 Replies
                • 1

                  Bramd - old

                  *In the woods near the dojo, a strange cat is being chased by a pack of wolves. As it's four tiny legs move it faster than it ever ran before, it calls out for help* *Wait... Calls?* *Yes, it seems to be calling for help in clear English, it's screaming really loud for help actually. Darting around trees seems to not do anything as the wolves are gaining slightly. With no other option it spreads it's wings and takes off* *Wait... Wings?* *Yeah, it has wings. Wings that are propelling it straight over the Dojo wall, looking for safety. It has felt the safety of it's walls before. It's pretty obvious who or what this cat is. This cat is Mion* [spoiler]open[/spoiler]

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                  96 Replies
                  • [b][i]A REMINDER TO KEEP YOUR PLOTS ON HOLD FOR NOW[/i][/b]

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                    1 Reply
                    • Ew

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                      2 Replies
                      • Omg... This place still lives.

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                        58 Replies
                        • [b][u]Main army 35[/u][/b] [b]The army almost has the door open. And Liberty prime continues to fire. But the castle had one last surprise. The energy beam fires, hitting Liberth prime in the chest. His entire body begins to melt into a blue liquid as his visor is still red hot.[/b] [b][i]"C-C-COMMUNISM IS A L-LIE. MUST P-P-PREACH DEMOC-CRACY'S TRUTH."[/i][/b] [b]Liberty prime has all his power flow to his visor. His head melting with power. He fires a massive red laser at the door, his head exploding as he does. And the door is complete vaporized into ash as the Robot of Freedom melts into blue liquid.[/b] Deity: "THE DOOR IS OPEN! FINISH THEM GUYS! KICK THEIR ASSES!" [b]The army charges through the door, assisting the useless(sorry but it's true) infiltration team. The army runs through the halls, killing the remaining forces within the castle.[/b] [spoiler]Main army complete!!![/spoiler]

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                          29 Replies
                          • [b][u]Main army 34[/u][/b] [b][i]The door is almost down. Liberty prime continue to do work on the door while the rest of the army fights to survive against the castles defences. The shadow beasts have been wiped out on the exterior of the castle, but the casualty count is high. Suddenly, bug like aliens drop to the ground. They fire their advanced weaponry at the castle, suppressing fire. The collectors are here to help. But, this doesn't stop a missile from flying straight at the snow peak survivors and the remnants of the guards, killing both of them in one massive explosion.[/i][/b]

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                            20 Replies
                            • [b][u]List of casualties this far[/u][/b] AMNC Aronditas Lord Gwyn Oceiros/Lothric Army:9,000 Old Demon King:3,000 X .Big foot clan:5,000 X Telurian Army, Di-Jin remnants:10,000X the Song: 2,000 X Artorias X Kage Clan Arpat tribe

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                              28 Replies
                              • [b][u]Main army 33[/u][/b] [b][i]Liberty prime laser beams the door, and it completely dents. A rocket soars through the air and into Yhorm. He takes the hit, but more follow. Sending him flying off the mountain. The Snowpeak survivors fight to heal those who are Injured and the remnants of the Guatds from be once mind controlled city protect them. The deity keeps cutting his way though the armies of twilight. Trying to save as many soldiers as he can. [/i][/b]

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                                25 Replies
                                • Edited by Inflatablepants: 9/1/2016 2:14:09 AM
                                  [b][u]Main army 32[/u][/b] [b][i]The wall above the gate has crumbled, allowing for the army to more easily break the door down. But that doesn't stop the remaining beasts from charging the Knights, tearing them to shreds in a focused attack. The Ivory and iron Knights lie dead at the gates.[/i][/b]

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                                  19 Replies
                                  • [i]TROLLS[/i]

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                                    • [b][u]Main army 31[/u][/b] [b]The Yetis of snow peak to bash the door down. But are quickly met with machine gun fire. One particular yeti stands out.[/b] Toki: "For strong human who help Mrs.Toki!!!!" [b]Toki climbs the wall as the rest of the yetis follow suit. They are quickly gunned down by the bushel but they eventually make it through the windows of the castle and try to take out the guards within. Toki lies on the ground. Blood pooling from his chest...dead.[/b]

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                                      25 Replies
                                      • Jhulliam wakes up in the bed of his last nights partner. Dazed, hungover, and confused, he stumbles out of bed. Jhulliam walks downstairs, mead and beer everywhere. Suddenly, a wave of dread overcomes him. He walks out of the door, and sees the castle, under siege. "Well, what do I do know," Jhulliam said. [b][i][u]Open[/u][/i][/b]

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                                        21 Replies
                                        • [b]In the night a boy enters the dojo, he can barely stand as he puts down the mother of all duffle bags.[/b] I've made it!

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                                          19 Replies
                                          • [b][u]MAIN ARMY 30[/u][/b] [b][i]THE ARMY PUSHES UP. AND THE FORCES OF TWILIGHT ON THE THOUSAND STEPS HAVE ALL BUT BEEN EXTINGUISHED. Now, the main army stands at the gate, under fire from the defensive castle walls. The Knights of the iron, Ivory and Drangelic forces form together and try to break the massive castle door down. But they are met with machine gun fire from the castle. Someone, somehow needs to get to these peoples position and wipe them out. The massive energy ball also continues to charge, and seems almost ready. It's like the infiltration team isn't doing their job or something![/i][/b]

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                                            12 Replies
                                            • [b][u]Main Army 29[/u][/b] [b][i]Sargenbuff is lit up with missile fire, blowing up one of his legs. The army has reached 900 steps and Liberty prime now fires at the castle gates wall where the missile shooters seem to be coming from. The massive energy call on the castle still seems to be forming. The Drangelic forces completed their flank, and the Ivory and iron armies now begin to push forward even more. This is the final push.[/i][/b]

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                                              18 Replies
                                              • Edited by Inflatablepants: 8/31/2016 1:48:03 PM
                                                [b][u]Main army 28[/u][/b] [b][i]While the infiltration works from the inside to open the door, the main army has almost reached the top of the stair case. They near 800 steps now. The Khalosh are ripped apart and begin to retreat, and the Ivory and iron armies still try to push, even though they too are being thinned out. Shadows forces are the main focus though, and are heavily heavily assaulted by missile fire from the castle. Someone in the infiltration needs to clear the shooters, or someone in the main army needs to be a really good shot.[/i][/b]

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                                                7 Replies
                                                • [b][u]Main Army 27[/u][/b] [b][i]The castle begins to charge a massive beam(*cough*infiltrationgetherenow). The army is at 700 steps and making fast progress. The Khalosh are continuing to be ripped apart by the beasts. And some soldiers begin to run from the battle. BUT. The nameless kings Wyverns fly into battle. Picking beasts up and throwing them off the mountain. The Iron and Icory armies both continue to meet heavy resistance as the Drangelic forces continue their flank. [/i][/b]

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                                                  11 Replies
                                                  • Edited by Inflatablepants: 8/30/2016 2:59:10 PM
                                                    [b][u]Infiltration 3[/u][/b] [b][i]The burst, some pale shades and the two twilight sorcerers are all that's left of the infiltration team. They sit in the hallway where Tubbs had begun his assault for revenge. But now, he was dead. And so were the kage. Shadow waits with them, and the Wyvern flies into view. The nameless King jumps through the hole along with The legate and a small boy....hopefully he's more then what he looks like.[/i][/b] King: "Hmmmmm. So this is our team. It shall be enough to vanquish our enemies. Now, this is the plan. We will push through the castle and make our way downstairs towards the castle gate. The princess has told me that it is computer operated. So we will need someone to hack the system in order to open it. Either way, I have full confidence in our capabilities that we will be able to do this. Are you all ready?" [spoiler]First come first serve. If you reply here first you will get the first turn. [/spoiler] [spoiler]this is for twig, Lego and asap[/spoiler]

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                                                    45 Replies
                                                    • [b][u]Main Army 26[/u][/b] [b]The beasts focus on the Khalosh army, tearing them to shreds as rifle fire nails down on them. Only a few hundred remain as the Knights are seen as collateral damage. The Drangelic forces move to the side to flank the enemy, but are now at the edge of the mountain. They could use some assistance.[/b]

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