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Surf a Flood of random discussion.
originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
Edited by DigitalNinja: 8/4/2016 7:46:02 PM


[b][u]Before reading further, something you should know:[/u][/b] [spoiler]This is an RP thread. If you don't like that kind of thing, than I suggest you hit the back tab now.[/spoiler] Welcome to the [DIGITAL_DOJO], a safe haven for warriors of any kind. Here, all are welcome to train for whatever purpose they may have, whether it be a war, or for personal improvement. You may bring weapons, or buy them here, as we can provide for the unarmed. OUR POLICY: The dojo will remain neutral to all other groups, and anyone is welcome to train. This also means we will not interfere with other battles, nor will we start one ourselves. There is one exception however, it is the sovereignty. We have declared war on them, and we will grill their corpses... If you wish to truly join us, you must go through testing by me or by designated personnel. If not, you do not have permission to take up permanent residence. This place is centered around fighting. This includes a multitude of different fighting techniques, ranging from bladed weaponry, ranged, magical, to even firearms. We have specialists for each, and we also carry some forms of each in stock. Another important notice to everyone: do not add or make adjustments to the dojo without asking me first. This includes relations with other groups, buildings, particularly dangerous equipment, and new members. NEWS: [spoiler] WE'VE HIT 50,000!! DON'T SHUT US DOWN NOW![/spoiler] IMPORTANT THINGS TO NOTE: [spoiler]I'm not always going to be here! If I don't respond, look for one of the Lieutenants.[/spoiler] [b]RULES[/b] [spoiler] 1-the dojo will remain neutral under any and every circumstance, with one exception (see rule 6). All members are required to follow this rule. 2-Any member attempting to take another members life without consent or approval from either the person in question or me will be removed. This becomes effective immediately. 3-Godmodding will grant you a removal from the dojo. 4-lieutenants will now be selected based on merit, not time spent. It is still a factor, but not the main reason for selection. 5-Remember that you cannot win every fight. Try to win if you can, but if you are put up against impossible odds, do not resort to godmodding 6-Anyone and everyone of the sovereignty is our enemy. Kill them and bring their corpses back to the dojo for grilling 7-Ookshmook383141 is not permitted to participate due to constant harassment. No one is permitted to allow him entry. General RP rules will be discussed in the group[/spoiler] [b]For those that don't know what this thread is about, this is an RP thread. Which means you can leave if you were here for something else.[/b] [b][<>---------------------------------<>][/b] [b]And yes, we still exist.[/b]

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  • [spoiler]Just wondering, but how old is this thread?[/spoiler]

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    • [b]Busy Day [/b] [b]The Lounge of Blades had been busy the entire day. It was stormy outside, the rain being on and off for the most part. People came inside, trying to have a good time this in terrible weather. Most of them succeeded, resulting in bar fights and forcing the Knights Hamilton and Jeremiah to take their bouncer positions more seriously. Marcus, the slave Magrim had bought and freed was leaning against the wall, Maso and Magrim talking about how to hold a weapon correctly and whatnot. Merlin, and Joker where no where to be seen, probably off somewhere reading. The bar was full of life, until a man walked in. He walked directly up to the board, signing up for a fight and turning to the crowd of people [/b] "WHO WILL ACCEPT MY CHALLENGE?" [b]The Masked man raised his sword, stabbing into the ground as he took off his gauntlet, throwing it to the ground. This single move was an ancient call. A call to a duel. [/b] [spoiler]Open![/spoiler]

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      145 Replies
      • Edited by JealousOrc: 9/10/2016 5:38:28 PM
        [b][i]Shi Canyon[/i][/b] [b]a small ship lands beside a raider outpost with a huge Adobe gate and walls made of junk[/b] [b]3 men step out[/b] [b]they're all in suits[/b] Man 1: This is where he is? On this planet? Man 2: Yes boss. That's the rumors. Man 1: Well, let's see if these people know anything. Man 2: Sure thing boss. [b]the giant Adobe gate opens and there stands a raider in very ugly armor, probably because every piece is from a different set[/b] [b]the inside of the outpost is a small village with little houses made of junk but one throne in the back, it's high up and got Adobe stairs leading up to it [/b] Raider: WE GOT SOME FRESH MEAT BOYS!!! [b]countless raiders surround the 3 men, the raiders all have ugly mismatched armor and have pipes, swords, guns, everything you can imagine as weapons[/b] Man 1: Gentlemen, please. I'm flattered. You really out did yourselves. Raider: Why shouldn't I kill ya right here? Man 1: Well you can't. [b]he snaps his fingers and Man 3 gets a suitcase from the ship[/b] Raider: GET EM BOYS!!! Man 1: This is how it's gonna be huh? [b]Man 3 whacks one across the face with the suitcase, Man 2 gets a Tommy Gun from the ship and starts shooting people, and Man 1 walks into the city[/b] Man 1: This place belongs to us now! Any problems!? [b]the raiders inside all stay quite[/b] Man 1: Good! [b]the other 2 men walk in[/b] [b]Man 3 has a bit of blood on him[/b] [b]Man 1 sits on a throne made of various junk[/b] Man 1: Gentlemen, please gather all these scum and see if they know anything, oh yeah, and shut the gate. [b]they do just that[/b] [spoiler]closed[/spoiler]

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      • Edited by Inflatablepants: 9/10/2016 2:41:05 AM

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        16 Replies
        • Edited by Bill Nye: 9/10/2016 5:28:00 PM
          *Casually moonwalks into the horizon* [spoiler]open I guess[/spoiler]

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          • jesus christ i was almost done with this post last night before I fell asleep and it got DELETED!! for NO REASON!! *rage mode activated* *starts destroying everything* *accidentally blows the universe up* [b]The Shi Canyon 1200 hours[/b] [i]The noon sun beat down relentlessly on the arid, scorching, massive ravine known as the Shi Canyon. A blistering wind blew from the west, sending the dry sand scattered around the rocky terrain airborne. There was not a single cloud in the sky, and nothing to provide any shade for the inhabitants of Shi Canyon. The heat was almost unbearable; however in the canyon itself, a lone train continued along its regular path, and villagers in the distant town a few miles ahead of the train were yelling, shouting, and preparing for some sort of attack. Occasionally, rocks crumbled from the canyon's cliffs, slamming into the ground with loud thumps. The train itself had about 15 carts trailing behind it, with storage carts in the back and carts with open doors near the front. The ones with open doors were empty, aside from the fact that there were seven to ten bandits in each one of them. They were preparing to raid the village ahead of them, which explained the villager's actions. Unaware to the bandit train about half a mile behind her, a woman, in her early twenties, trekked through the arid canyon. She was used to heat, however her forehead was beaded with perspiration. Her golden-bronze eyes squinted in the glaring sunlight, and her long, waist length, bright red hair was drenched with sweat, doing nothing to help cool down the woman in the blistering heat. She was about five feet six, and wore a loose, sleeveless red shirt, with black, skinny jeans, which ended halfway between her knees and ankles. All her clothes were drenched with sweat as well, and her black boots were covered with sand and dust. She had a slight tan, but it wasn't enough to show that she was used to this amount of sunlight. On each of her hands was a silver gauntlet, MK XII FireWork Gauntlets, to be precise. They reflected and shined in the glaring sunlight, and were just as covered in sand and dust as her boots were. Soon, the train whistled by her from her left, and the woman turned her head towards it. She didn't know it was a bandit train, so she extended her left arm, grabbing one of the open car's handle. Jumping into the train, she landed with a loud "thump" into a crouch. As she stood up, she looked around the car, only to find that there were seven, tall men and women, each at least six feet tall. There were four men, and three women, and all had various deadly weaponry equipped. Knives, swords, pistols. Whistling, the red-haired woman raised her gauntleted hands in front of her self, and two, two feet scimitars extend from the top of the gauntlets, one scimitar for each metal covered glove. Before the bandits could draw their pistols, she had rolled towards one, stabbing her left scimitar into his gut. When the blade came into contact with the bandit's blood, the chemicals constantly coated on the blades began exploding into fireworks, a beautiful yet deadly spectacle of colors, which didn't affect the woman using them, however her opponent was covered in hundreds of burns and flesh was torn off. Spinning around just as the other bandits were opening fire, she raised the dead bandit's body as a meat shield, which took all the bandit's bullets. Raising her left gauntlet, while the right continued to clutch her meat shield, she extended her left hand to point her palm at the bandit directly to the left of the one she had just eliminated. A small, one centimeter long barrel extended from the palm, and fired a single firework missile in the female bandit's direction, which struck her right in the chest. Another explosion of bright colors, and the bandit fell to the ground, their chest blown out, and the bandit besides her suffered major burns as well, tumbling out of the open car door. Dropping the body, the red haired woman raised both her gauntlets palms towards the four remaining bandits, a barrel extending from her right palm, the same length as the other one. The bandits, stunned by the firework show, held their guns shakily, and opened fire on the woman. However their shaky grips on their pistols made for worsened aim; most of their shots missed, while the rest the woman was able to barely block with her scimitars. She made a mad dash for the other side of the cart, causing the bandits to miss even more, and kicked off the wall behind them, spinning a three-sixty mid air as she extended her arms so the two scimitars would cut through their respective opponents. While the blades didn't make too much of a deep cut in the bandit's necks, the resulting fireworks completely blew their heads off, sending a shower of crimson red blood, as well as beautiful sparks of color. The woman landed on the car's floor, and didn't even need to do anything before the remaining two bandits jumped out of the car, running for their lives. Running to one of the car doors, the woman looked out, seeing that they were still a mile from the village. Grabbing ahold of the car's roof, she hurled herself up on top of the car, and gripped the car tightly. Slowly standing, the woman began sprint towards the front of the train, to where the conductor would be. Her footfalls were heavy, her boots getting a good grip on the roof of the train cars. She soon reached the front of the train, and hurled herself through the window, smashing the windows so she stood right besides the conductor. Having long retracted the blades into her gauntlets, she slammed a metal-coated fist into the back of the conductor's head, knocking him unconscious. Aiming her palms at the fuel tanks full of the gasoline required to drive the train, the fingertips of the gauntlets uncapped, revealing ten, miniature flamethrowers, one on each finger. A second later, and flames spewed from her fingertips, onto the gasoline tanks, and the resulting explosion was a wonderful yet frightening sight to see. The entire head of the train was blown to bits, and the cars behind were moving only due to momentum, which they soon lost and came to a standstill. 40 yards away was the woman, lying on the ground, major burns all over her body. She had jumped out of the train just before it had been blown to bits, but that didn't save her from the burns. She simply lay there, gasping for air as she stared at the bright blue heavens.[/i] Open, because Fire gave me this character

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            • [u]losing control[/u] [i]mia notices that Sylvie isn't acting like herself. She become more withdrawn not talking with anyone. This worries mia because she never acted like this before. The vines that always grow where she is are more aggressive than usual. Mia walks closer the vines sway back and forth as she steps closer[/i] "Sylvie are you ok?"says mia [i]Sylvie turns and looks at her. But something seems off because normally her tattoos glow white not a bright crimson. Her eyes a dull and no longer bright purple.[/i] "I don't feel like myself"says Sylvie [i]Sylvie mind is fuzzy like something is trying to take over. She feels like something is trying to regain control. But just like that she blacks out suddenly without warning. She falls to the ground but the last Sylvie hear is mia shouting something but what is unclear.[/i] [spoiler]open[/spoiler]

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              • [b][i]Hey Look! A Blind Girl![/i][/b] [b]This was the first time she'd stepped foot in a new place for a while. For the past six years she'd just sat around in her old pad, sitting on a huge pile of credits after a completed bounty. The first she'd been on. She stepped foot into the small town below, just to find this place she'd heard of. The place was called the Dojo, and she heard that there was some people of interest in this place, and she intended to meet them. Onlookers nearby had glanced at her as she passed, yet another traveler was trying to get into the Dojo, a feat accomplished by many, but those many were among the strongest in the universe. She knew she was nowhere near this top tier, but that's why she was going there. She stumbled over a rock, and fell to the ground. She quickly got up, and dusted off her green silk robe that covered her gray top and pants. She also wore a pair of grey shoes, dusty from sand. She had now realized that her long hair had gotten tangled with the back of her robe, that would be complicated to sort out. Her black hair usually almost dragged the ground, but it was a bit longer this time. It was at this moment that she realized that her mask had fallen to the ground, looking much like a wolf. Her backpack's contents had spilled on the ground, but wasn't that interesting. It held a bag of trail mix, and some bottles of water. There was one thing there that was interesting, though. A small, blue sphere, but it was quickly stashed away. She picked up, and put it on. The red lenses covered her murky, brown eyes, which were... Broken. She didn't have sight like everyone else. She was blind, but did "see" by using echolocation. After regaining her composure, she continued to walk through the village, and it sure took her a while to get to the steps of the Dojo. She had finally reached the steps of the mighty Dojo, being very excited by the prospect of meeting some powerful people. It was then that she began to walk the steps. She climbed the steps slowly, admiring the view of the town from above. It was at this point that she heard a soft growl, and "looked" in its direction. There stood two large wolves, looking for blood. She immediately pulled out a revolver, and she fired in its general direction. One of the wolves brains were splattered across the steps. She holstered the revolver, and pulled a sword from her hip. She sprinted at the wolf, and decapitated it with one swipe. The green sword was now coated in blood, but she wiped it against the beast's fur, then sheathed it. She continued up the steps. After a short while, she reaches the gates, waiting for anyone to respond.[/b] "Hello? Anyone there?" [spoiler]Open.[/spoiler]

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                32 Replies
                • Due to salvage shortages there will not be a weekend deal from the garage. Ty and have a good weekend [spoiler]got out late yesterday and work 2 shifts today I'll see if I can do something over the week[/spoiler]

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                • This is the place. You're sure you wanna be here? [i]Yeah.[/i] Alright. SKETCH! OPEN UP! [b]Garin pounds on the door.[/b] [spoiler]For Paint and Sketch[/spoiler]

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                • [u][b]Sithis rebuilding, and looking.[/b][/u] [i]Sithis sighed as he neared the dojo, remembering how he had left due to problems he had. He still had those... problems, but they were relatively under control now. He heard his sister, Elise, speak next to him[/i] "Are you sure you're fine to return?" [i]He let out another sigh[/i] "Yes Elise, I am perfectly fine...." [i]She frowned[/i] "Perfect? You? Never." [i]He shrugged as he now neared the gates he easily hopped over. His sister followed him, as usual.[/i] "So why are you following me? Why are you not off in our dimension?" [i]She smiled at him, and he knew she had a plan for him, as per usual.[/i] "I simply wish to... see that my brother gets off well with his return." [i]He knew she had just said some bullshit, but he didnt quite care enough. He sighed as he leaned against a tree.[/i] "Could you at least give me a week?" [i]Elise shook her head, hitting a button hidden in the tree. Suddenly, a elevator rose from the ground, and she pushed him in.[/i] "I must help you get off with your plan immediately." [i]Sithis sighed yet again as the elevator began to go down[/i] "Let me guess... you want to start the cult thing we talked about a long while ago." [i]Su grinned as she saw him remember[/i] "Correct! We will talk about it when we get to the bottom, and start planning." [spoiler]Open for people who wish for their characters to know certain... things.[/spoiler]

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                  15 Replies
                  • Edited by ThyLordIntrovert: 9/10/2016 1:03:21 AM
                    Do you still have corpsekebabs?

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                    • Edited by NOTAPUBLICALT: 9/9/2016 11:50:59 PM
                      [b]Dojoville 0200 hours[/b] [i]The full moon was about halfway across the clear, night sky, and that along with the scattered, blinking stars illuminated the world beneath the sea of obsidian that was the sky. Crickets chirped in the calm after hours, and the plant life swayed in the calm breeze, making for a cool, relaxing night. Dashing in the woods about half a mile northwest of Dojoville, a figure cloaked in black quietly glided through the undergrowth, their feet quietly touching and leaving the plant-covered ground, their legs only barely disturbing the dense shrubs and various other wildlife. The figure had shoulder-length gray hair, and dark, stormy, gunmetal gray eyes, however the rest of their face was covered by a mask, also black. In one of the deep pockets of the figure's black combat pants was a glowing, white orb, its glow unable to be smothered or dimmed by the black pants. On their back, a long, 5'5", black sword sheathe was hanging underneath the figure's black cloak, the longsword's black grip above the figure's right shoulder. The sheathe was sharp; about as sharp as a sword would be. They were sprinting southeast, towards Dojoville. As they sped through the undergrowth, the figure stepped right past a sleeping grizzly bear cub, their left foot only missing the cub'a snout by millimeters. The cub awoke with a startled yelp, awaking his nearby mother. The mother grizzly growled, her black eyes following the figure, and pounced, her 800 pounds soaring above the undergrowth. The bear's jaw was merely three inches from crunching down on the figure's left humerus, before the figure turned their body towards the bear, their right arm reaching upwards for the grip of the 5'5" longsword, still sheathed. The gloved hand gripped onto the sword tightly, and swung it around their shoulder. The blade swung quickly in a wide arc, and the sharp sheathe cleaved the mother bear's head right off. The cub wailed a horrible cry as the mother's head rolled towards him, and a look of pain flickered on the figure's face, however it soon disappeared. From underneath the cloak, the figure's left hand pulled a black revolver, which had the structure of a .357. Quickly aiming at the cub, the figure fired a single shot—however, instead of a .357 bullet firing out, a rainbow colored, hardened and sculpted paint bullet soared out, and the revolver made no noise whatsoever. The paint bullet entered the cub's right eye, then exploded into a spectacle of crimson blood and hundreds of other colors from the paint bullet; most of all, the seven colors of the rainbow. The wildlife was silenced. Crickets, birds, cicadas, and everything else had stopped their song, horrified to see the figure so easily kill the animal at the top of the food chain, as well as stunned to see the colors spout from the cub's now demolished head. Sighing, the figure shook their head, stowing the revolver under their cloak once again. They wiped most of the blood from the sword's sheathe with their right hand, before turning southeast once more, speeding off once more. Their sprint was more of a glide, their feet touching the plant blanketed ground for no more than five milliseconds. As the wildlife began their nighttime song once more, the figure skid to a stop in Dojoville, looking around.[/i] Open

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                      110 Replies
                      • Edited by NightBloomsFell: 9/10/2016 1:12:08 AM
                        [spoiler]oops ignore this[/spoiler]

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                      • [spoiler]bump[/spoiler]

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                        • [b]Fortis searched desperately around the dojo for anything that might serve as a ride home.[/b] "Doesn't anyone have a spacecraft, or even a hitchhiking thumb?" [spoiler]Open[/spoiler]

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                            [b][i][u]For Old Time's Sake[/u][/i][/b] [u][b][i]Ornstein and Smough[/i][/b][/u] [spoiler]Yes, I want a fight. No, this doesn't immediately say that I'll return. But'll be good to get to use some of my favorite characters in a battle to the death once more.[/spoiler] [i]The winds bristled. The trees waved. Everything was quiet within the Dojo's stony walls, the members inside of the fabled buildings and training grounds, preparing themselves for the next fight. Speaking of the next fight, of course...[/i] [i]The two waited within the massive arena. The guardians of Anor Londo. The Dragonslayer and the Executioner. Ornstein, Captain of the Knights of Gwyn, and Smough, infamous cannibal and brother of Ornstein, had demanded a fight. In the center stood the 13 foot tall executioner, his thick golden armor reflecting the sunlight off of him as he stood there, the massive golden hammer that was his signature weapon anchored to the cold dirt beneath him. His helmet was grotesquely made to represent the smiling face of a male human, which was soon to be covered in the dark blood of his enemies. Suddenly, Knight Ornstein crashed down from above, landing with a thud next to his brother. The golden armor that he bore at the moment gleamed just as brightly as his brother's, bright red rubies decorating the chestplate. His helm was shaped like a growling lion, metal teeth bared in hunger. He pulled out his 7'6 long spear, which flickered with electric energy. The two waited. For a worthy challenge. [/i] [spoiler]Open for all.[/spoiler]

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                              Bramd - old

                              *Mortar's house. It's not hard to notice, despite being hidden. Of course, it is easy to spot a two story concrete building with a glass pool room off the side of it. This is a safe haven to those that know of Mortar, if you are a friend of his at least once in your life you will be able to visit. Inside, Mortar seems to clean up and prepare for god knows what when there's a knock on the door... [spoiler]open. You're the knock. Short and simple, that's how i like it[/spoiler]

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                              • Thine quaff [spoiler]Quest it up bois[/spoiler]

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                                • [i]BUUURRRRRUUPPP[/i] [b]A Belch resonates across the dojo yard, and dozens of horrified people watch as one of the rocks in the Sonia lawn begins to shift and slowly rise out of the ground.[/b] [i]Jesus Christ... PANTS! What day is it? [/i] [b]The voice seems to be coming from the rock, the cluster of people watching the current happenings unfold has now grown to a crowd. [/b] [i]MMRRPPH[/i] [b]The grass heaves and splits as a tall humanoid hunk of metal unfolds out of the ground. One woman faints as she realizes her favorite rock to sit on for the past 3 months was a robots butt.[/b] [i]WHERE THE -BLAM!- IS MY SKIN[/i] [b]The figure climbs out of his hole in the ground and begins to awkwardly waddle around the yard, mumbling incoherently.[/b] [spoiler]My acc got permabant inv me bois[/spoiler]

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                                  5 Replies
                                  • It's that time where I post a random ass post on this thread.

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                                    • (OOC) congrats on 100000 replies

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                                      18 Replies
                                      • [i]nanos is sitting under tree he just watching the twins spar with each the both surprisingly quick on their feet. They both equally skilled when they spar but their just doing for fun at the moment. But they both trade kicks and punches. Nanos just watches them.[/i] "Your too slow sis"says Keira "No im not "says kimi [i]kimi one swift movement sweeps a leg under her sister making her fall but kimi quickly flips backwards and lands on her feet they both pause for a bit[/i] [spoiler]open[/spoiler]

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                                      • *stares at Pants* Well? We are still waiting.

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                                        3 Replies
                                        • [b]Works walks around the Dojo, trying to learn his way around the place[/b] [b]his eagle, Mikey, is on his shoulder[/b] [spoiler]open[/spoiler]

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                                          21 Replies
                                          • Edited by Royal Blade: 9/6/2016 4:01:58 PM
                                            [b]There dojo was full of the sounds of clashing metal and fighting. Within the courtyard, Magrim was training with a gentleman with a scar on his left cheek. The gentleman had light brown hair and was fighting very poorly. In a single swing, Magrim knocked the man's sword out of his hand and it stuck out of the ground some feet away [/b] "You must have a tighter grip on your weapon!" [i]"I know, I know. I'm trying!" [/i] [spoiler]Open![/spoiler]

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