Hey Everyone (Especially Bungie),
I'm back with what I think is an awesome idea.
I've noticed that the perks on the weapons and the gear are now very beneficial against certain enemies and certain situations. For example the boosts on the Queen's "sidearm" against Fallen is nice.
Another example is the armor this past week for the PoE that grants you the bonus against the Hive waves. These are all pretty cool in my opinion.
However it got me thinking. What about the Crucible Gear??? I mean the legendarys and stuff you find aren't really any different from the stuff you can get doing strikes and what not.
So I was thinking you could take these same sort of "Special Enemy" type perks and apply them to things that matter in Crucible.
#1. Boots or Gloves - Perk - Slows "Thorn" Poison Damage or Time "Poisoned" is shortened for wearer.
#2. Helmet - Perk - Allows "Ward of Dawn" to deflect bullets back towards the enemy.
#3. Chest Armor - Perk - Shotguns and/or Fusion Rifles don't do as much damage to wearer.
#4. Boots or Helmet or Gloves - Perk - Allows wearer to see "Invisible" enemies.
#5. Chest Armor - Perk - Shows Enemies Super Gauge
#6. Chest Armor - Perk - Nullify "Rocket Launcher Tracking" if wearer is being targeted.
These are just some ideas that I think would ultimately benefit a PvP that has become filled with nothing but people using the SAME EXACT weapons.
I strongly believe that in order for this game to survive there needs to be variety and tons of it. Currently there is no variety when everyone just runs around using the same weapons and gear.
Let me know what you think and thanks for listening!
Nope - don't screw with Thorn unless you make poison last longer or the impact higher/ROF higher...Thorn is irrelevant in endgame PvE which is a shame for an exotic hand canon, therefore it must make up for it in PvP to make it worth the hell that is its price...guns gotta match the lore and acquisition difficulty, if armor will counteract it, it's gonna need to be Exotic Bounty Armor