[b]Destiny Fan Fiction Archive[/b]
[i]Hey guys, now that my collection of work has been growing and pressing character limits to the brink on my actual story-pages, I'm making an archive of all of my fan-fiction. I don't do this out of arrogance, but for practicality's sake. Having more web links means less words I can use to craft my story. Anyways, here's most of my series and shorts below. Please read, like, bump, and most importantly, enjoy![/i]
[b][url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Post/823422/130498480/0/0]To Kill a Queen (New)[/url][/b]
After Petra Venj accidentally killed nine Guardians in an airstrike many years ago, the City had sent two of their most powerful Guardians to kill the Queen in secret. They failed in their mission and were locked away inside the Prison of Elders. Now they have been released and corrupted, still hell-bent on completing their task to kill the Queen. Only the Vanguard can stop them now. But it won't be easy taking down Warlocks that have unearthed every last secret to their Light-given power. Due to demand, this is my first non-canon series, so the plot and lore of this story does not line up with the actual lore of Destiny. Keep that in mind. So there will be new characters, but most characters in this story are familiar. Enjoy!
[b][url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/103939962/0/0/1]The Legend of the Iron Lords[/url][/b]
In the darkest times after the Collapse, nine leaders emerged in every corner of the apocalyptic wilderness and assembled a host of broken colonies, defending the helpless against the Fallen, traveling through the ruins of shattered cities, until they were safe under the protection of the Traveler. This is what earned them the title of Iron Lord. According to lore, there was once a dozen Towers in the City, but no one knows that the ambitious rulers built the first nine. Saladin Forge, untrained in Light, is newly reborn at the onset of their power struggle to rule the City.
[b][url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/113454984/0/0]Red Death: An Exotic Story[/url][/b]
The Dark Age was a time of vast suffering and terrible evil, a time that birthed heroes and gods and monsters. It was a time that most couldn’t remember, and trying to remember was like trying to catch fraying, half-forgotten dreams. One particular story was consigned to oblivion. It was about people who couldn’t handle the weight of their own fears, and one man couldn’t, so he built an underground shelter to protect himself from the threat of the Darkness. He populated it with survivors. He reveled in bloody battles and open combat. He sealed the entrance. He hid, even when his screaming Ghost went mad and silent. However, as much as he tried, he couldn’t stop one intruder.
[b][url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/92779240/0/0/1]The Battle of Twilight Gap[/url][/b]
This five-episode series retells the events surrounding one of the most famous battles in post-Golden Age history: The Battle of the Twilight Gap. I have taken a unique approach to this story, as every episode has a new point-of-view. You'll be following favorites such as Shaxx, Ikora, Zavala, and more as they defend the City against the united forces of the Fallen Houses.
[b][url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/98283573/0/0]The True Story of Toland the Shattered[/url][/b]
This five-episode series takes place before Toland's banishment from the City and before Crota's first strike on Luna. It is a time when the Warlock delves into Hive arcana and is tainted by the Darkness. If you like this particular character, check out my take on his infamous past.
[b][url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/90052905?lc=1033]The Untold Story of Saint-14: The Machine Saints of the Last City[/url][/b]
This five-episode series is mostly a work of pure fan fiction, in that there is no basis or lore surrounding Saint-14 other than vague mentions in class items and the like. However, I try my best to capture the spirit of the legendary warrior through his might and his fabled Crusade against the Fallen. Note that he leads a special force of Exos renamed after himself, which is why there are more "Saints."
[b][url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/98121812/0/0/1]Dredgen Yor in the Crucible: A Battle Against Ikora Rey[/url][/b]
This short-short story takes place in the Crucible, and it is the moment the notorious Dredgen Yor meets Ikora for the first time, in battle. They have never fought according to lore, but there are various class-items such as the "Cloak of Dredgen Yor," that states he competed in the Crucible with Thorn at his side. I take this quote as inspiration for this story.
[b][url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/83562521/0/0/1]Light and Fury: A Dark Below Story[/url][/b]
In the spirit of the release of the expansion, The Dark Below, I had written a five-episode series based on Eris Morn and her fireteam's ill-fated journey into the Hellmouth. Though there is some controversy as to what class Eris belongs to, I have chosen her to be a Voidwalker in my story. I felt like this sub-class embodies Eris and her mysterious demeanor and it would work for the darker nature of this particular story. Although, others may be right in thinking she's a Hunter.
[b][url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/81238723/0/0/1]Angel of Astana[/url][/b]
This short story is dedicated to the heroes during the Collapse. This particular one takes place in Old Russia (Present-Day Kazakstan) and how the colony ships in the Cosmodrome escaped. It is pure fan-fiction, and I have taken creative liberties due to the fact we’re only at the beginning of this game’s story. However, I wanted to write about some of the most powerful guardians in the universe, before the Traveler was weakened. I wanted to create stories of how Guardians discovered their special abilities and of how humans survived the Darkness.
[b][url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/102825681/0/0/1]An Insurmountable Skullfort: An Exotic Story[/url][/b]
This work of fan fiction is based on the exotic helm, An Insurmountable Skullfort. Purely fan fiction and set during the Dark Age on Venus when the Traveler first started resurrecting Guardians, an Ishtar Collective-funded facility is overrun with Vex, and only one helmet can save the scientists within. It's pretty short, but I don't know if I can call this my best work. Just something I whipped up due to requests.
[b][url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Forum/823422]JOIN OR FOLLOW GROUP FOR FAN FICTION UPDATES[/url][/b]
This is fantastic