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Edited by Hettar393899: 6/1/2015 3:54:54 PM

Reaction to dishonest forum managment and Deej's loss of what little credibility he had left. (3.0)

So, since bungie decided to bury the thread from "trending", for the 2nd time in 2 days(redo was top of trending with 25 likes and 30ish people posting in roughly 6's a 3rd run!!! :D update: Deej has decided the proper way to respond to the thousands of people asking him the same questions is to try and be cute with a flippant 3 word rhetorical question instead of an actual response. Let him know what you think. UPDATE: Read the op to a thread by lost sols, got me thinking I should try to be less hostile. Hell of a good post. Bungie is actively removing hot-button topics (such as matchmaking) from the Trending and Highest Rated tabs. Do you believe it is their right to censor these forums to make topics they don't agree with less visible? Or do you feel that these forums are supposed to be our place to have a voice and a place where we can champion causes for change? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The questions it forces us to ask. According to DeeJ Player feedback is one of the most important components of the conversation on Dedicated teams at Bungie survey the forums in search of support issues and development ideas. Specific user-created topics that trend as a result of community interaction are more effective in providing us with that information than blog threads with thousands of competing replies. If that is in fact true and their teams search TRENDING topics, it effectively squashes a thread to remove it from that tab. We've had hundreds of individual Guardian's weigh in on this topic and have about 10 of the most liked posts in #feedback, including 2 of the top 3. This is another DeeJ quote. Let me get this straight. The player is never “wrong.” I believe that down to my bones. At Bungie, I represent to the developers what you say without prejudice. If that is the case, we've been asking for answers for a week now. Again, there are literally hundreds of stories explaining why people would like in-game matchmaking options and why LFG sites (as awesome as they can be for some) just don't work for them. If a player is never wrong, when one writes a heartfelt post that they don't want to have to use LFG or go outside the game to play the game, how can you reconcile the above quote when you answer them with "Go form your own clan"? Another Bungie quote (not sure DeeJ or another) in response to Asa's question: I love the game... But some don't. Can you shed some 'light' on your feelings toward these negative reviews and feedback? Bungie thrives on feedback. Never feel like you need to stick up for us when you see someone expressing an honest opinion about our games. We’re harder on ourselves than anyone else. Players have been asking for in-game options to play with other Guardians since launch. With each new expansion, raid and batch of new content, that frustration grows for those who want to get on and play, but don't have friends on and don't want to go search outside sources for a team. As much as it sucks that the raid for HoW was delayed, I have to admit that part of me was completely stoked for whatever PoE was going to be because I couldn't imagine that it wasn't going to be endgame content that was finally easily available to EVERYONE and not just raiders. Joke was on any of us who thought that, huh? We are almost 9 full months into Destiny and it is more of a chore than ever to access meaningful content in this game. We've been asking for change the entire time, but have our voices been muted this entire time too? Again, let me go back to this quote from DeeJ, because this is very important: Let me get this straight. The player is never “wrong.” I believe that down to my bones. At Bungie, I represent to the developers what you say without prejudice. DeeJ is our voice with the developers. Well, if DeeJ doesn't believe in our cause, how much faith can we really have that we are being heard? This is DeeJ from way back on November 11, 2014 in response to the call for more matchmaking: It's no secret that the highest quality teammates are the ones you choose for yourself. Anyone with a robust friends list will testify to that. We hear the feedback about matchmaking, and there are conversations about it's future. In the meantime, anyone posting to this forum has a galley of potential teammates to recruit. This is tremendously important because it clearly shows that all the way back then, DeeJ was showing bias against matchmaking. If you're curious, my reply that day: Uh, no. Sorry DeeJ, but that's nowhere close to true. Some of the highest quality people you'll ever meet are in matchmade games and you all know it was ridiculous to not give us that option. Ask anyone who's played any online game how many amazing friends they've made that they met randomly online in a game. I met my wife in a random group in an online deathmatch. What you all did is indicative of the sad social practice of trying to protect us from ourselves. Is skydiving dangerous? Potentially. If I understand that risk and I'm okay with it, should I be able to jump? Yes, I should. Is there a possibility I may get grouped with an asshole in a random game online? Yup. If I am okay with that and willing to wear a headset, should I be able to talk to the 90% of people that aren't asshats? Yes, I should. As an online community manager, you should know that even though the bad seeds may be loud, the majority of people are cool and drawn together by a shared passion. After HoW released, we posted yet more dismay at the unnecessary degree of difficulty just getting to run the new endgame content if friends weren't readily available. From DeeJ. seven months after having to respond to our initial calls for mm: At current, our philosophy about endgame content is that part of the challenge includes forming up a team. This is a strong community filled with players who are looking for teammates. Why not seek each other out here and band together Well, we responded and we banded together and we have over a thousand likes over dozens of posts and instead of being heard, instead of being represented, instead of being engaged, we are left with flippant remarks, corporate-speak mantras and silence. Again, we have asked reasonable questions. We have given in depth answers as to why we feel so strongly in our beliefs. We have engaged in conversations with those who feel differently. We have searched for answers and common ground and have offered ideas for solutions. And in response, our posts have been removed from all but the "Latest" feed, which in and of itself tells us volumes about how much our opinions and experiences truly matter. I'll end this by again saying that the reason we all are here is because we love Destiny. We are all Warlocks, Hunters, Titans. We all have battled the Archon Priest, Sepkis and Rockets McD**kface together. We're not adversaries (well, outside of PvP) and we're all trying to make this game the very best it can be. So how did we get here? Thank you to all who believe, support, never give up and always #bumpfortruth. (copy/pasted from lost sols's post elsewhere) Remember to like the op, bump and start threads of your own about this!! update: 100+ posts and 50+ likes later, this one is still here and going. You guys kick ass!!! Had to go to 4.0, link:

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  • [b]~Customized Bump~ Don't limit yourself(To LFG Sites). Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do(Only LFG Sites). You can go as far as your mind lets you(OPMM+). What you believe, remember, you can achieve.[/b]

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  • #Deej-Bag. #Deej-Head

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  • The interesting thing is that since the game offers no competent social tools to meet other players, matchmaking is one of the best tools to do so. You could be matched with a great team in Vanguard or Crucible playlists and add them to your friends list in result. This is how I did it with Battlefield (Bad Company 2 and BF3). With matchmaking you have already seen these people playing. It's a more organic way to meet people than hustling for strangers in forums. Bungie's response to the issue -since before the game launched- makes them look not just arrogant and tone-deaf, but the fact they outsource matchmaking to outside sources makes them look lazy and incompetent.

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    • Edited by billebats: 5/31/2015 4:59:35 PM
      I posted this in a thread below, wanted to add to the top. This is my response to those who are against matchmaking: [quote]How is it different from getting a random from LFG? I don't understand the argument. I have used LFG and at times the players were cool and the other half of the time?... Awful. Going AFK, leaves mid game, rude, cheating, an just flat out incapable. Those are the arguments you use on in-game matchmaking. But it happens no matter what. The issue is not matchmaking it's the damn player. Stop thinking that matchmaking is responsible for jackasses and punks out to selfishly ruin everyone's experience. Worst of all, Bungie still has not given the real reason on why there is no matchmaking. Furthermore their insane push for us to use LFG makes it outright suspicious. The only conclusion is they do not want to spend their time or money to overhaul their already inadequate servers to be able to handle matchmaking on all activities. Other than that o have no idea why a multiplayer game does not have one of the most basic and popular features that exists in online games... Especially console games. But whatever. Who am I, right? I'm just a filthy casual scrub who needs to git gud. This community man... It makes you lose hope in people.

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      • +1 Dirty Sanchez for DeeJ

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      • Good post. I do believe there is more than one sadist at bungie that truly gets satisfaction from making thousands of their own customers miserable. They dont seem to be able to engage in a meaningful adult conversation with anyone who wants to discuss matchmaking. Instead of being bullheaded and leaving things like they are, they would gain a lot more praise and good publicity from critics, not to mention possibly getting some players that left for that reason to come back. Deej said make a clan, hell I made a clan, got to 5 members then people started leaving the game, a few months later bungie deleted my clan. Great advice. We just want to play bungie, we dont want to look for a group 15 times a wk every single wk. Its a stupid length of time to expect people to spend on their pc's to play a console game. If I had known before it came out that I would always have to form a group outside of the game for all the top lvl endgame content then maybe I would feel differently. As it stands I want optional matchmaking with options, I want a way to txt a player in game and an option to not recieve txts, I want more vault space(if the last gen systems cant handle more then increase it for next gen only, the game should not stay stagnent just to satisfy the last gen specification requirements), raised cap on glimmer, ammo synth and materials etc., I want to sell ships I dont want to the shipwright, I want to be able to lock in perks when reforging weapons, I want crucible map voting, I want to skip cutscenes, I want a forum where I can post a question about the game and get an answer from bungie not a mentor who may/may not know the answer, I want to trade planetary materials for marks again that was one good idea you took away and I dont know why. I want these and other things that should have been in the game from day one, and have made many posts about the same things. whether the community agrees or not one thing is always the same and that is bungie never acknowledges any of my posts or the hundreds I have seen asking for similar things, and from what I understand they do not just ignore them, they remove or censor the most popular ones.

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        • [i][b]Water(Guardians) Does Not Resist, Water Flows, When you Plunge your Hand into it, All you Feel is a Caress. Water is not a Solid Wall,I It will not Stop You, But Water Always Goes Where it Wants To Go(OPMM), Dripping Water Wears Away Stone(Bungivision). Remember that, My Guardians. Remember You Are Half Water. If You Can't Go Through an Obstacle(LFGsites), Go Around it(OPMM). Water Does.[/b][/i]

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          • Bump

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          • Why is your post hidden?

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            • I dislike matchmade activities because usually the random does not participate as part of the team. The inability to drop random partners leaves no recourse if someone isnt playing ball. And with the ability to drop players comes the potential for a lot of bullying. There is matchmaking for 28 poe, its the harder content that requires you to put all the players on the field yourself. When I was playing wow, they did something similar. This isnt wow but ill draw the comparison anyways. Im a huge fan of trying out the clan thing as the social rewards are a lot better than anything the game inherently gives you. You learn each others playstyles. Doing things with a close knit set of friends online can be very rewarding. The ability to communicate in social settings is a huge boon that hasnt fully been explored in my oppinion and would allow ingame lfg options for those so inclined. Whether this communication was voice or text makes no difference. A simple general chat in the tower or reef would be awesome. Would be cool to actually transform social settings into something more social. Just my $0.02

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              • Edited by harperjamess: 6/1/2015 2:38:37 PM
                This is Bungie's forum. They have a right to manage it how they want. If you don't like that right, then build your own forum and manage it the way you want. Now--if they are deleting threads to make it seem like a certain point of view is less prevalent in the game.... That is morally wrong. However, they still have the right to do things that are morally wrong. Edit: Just to add, I'm also bumping this because I want optional matchmaking. :)

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                • Nice work keep it up

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                  • I'm sure bungie does have some right to possibly delete some threads due to content or whatever... it's wrong for them to delete posts of people talking on here and i dont understand why they would even delete it. First off, deleting the thread containing negative content towards bungie only makes the community more upset(go figure). Second, taking away the forum doesn't remove peoples opinions about the game anyway so why delete it at all? let people vent.. lol

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                    • Edited by Slpi2: 6/1/2015 1:40:02 PM
                      Bump. I add awesome players on PSN from matchmaking over time. But they get lost in all the noise from randoms added from LFG forums. Just cleared over 150 PSN friends with all the good ones gone too for sure, because I can't blam!ing remember their PSN tags anymore!! Bungie, add matchmaking for everything. I don't tell you how to make friends at work or in your social life! So why the blam! do you tell us how to in ours.

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                    • Are all gaming communities like this? I'm really curious because I can't remember seeing so many conspiracy theory posts about "our threads are being hidden by Bungie". I have no idea how it's classified what is in trending and/or highest rated, but I seriously doubt anyone else on here does either so why take the leap to "Bungie trying to hide negative feedback"?

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                      • Bump

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                      • Bump

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                      • Bump

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                      • There's so much protest here over a "material object." it's just a game...

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                      • Bump bump bump.

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                      • Bump for honesty

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                        • The only way i see them listening to us is if we do not pre order the next big dlc, comet. That way they have to deliver on promises. Once they have our money they can do what ever they want which is what we have experienced so far. They sold us half a game to start with cause we all got sucked in by the hype and not only commited to the game early before reviews but alot of us commited to buying the dlc too. They had our money already so had the power to decide what they gave us and when. If we reverse it hold our money and wait we gain that power back. Then they have to prove to us that the games new dlc is worthy of our money. Maybe we should be posting about that. If we are unhappy with the state of the game lets band together and not preorder the dlc. Of course if you are happy with the game and you believe they will deliver a value for money expansion you will love by all means do that for the rest of us lets voice what we dislike and back it up by closing our wallets until we see the evidence we have been heard and they have made the changes needed to sort out the issues with the game. Also for godsakes hire a decent story writer bungie cause I dont even know what the story is in this game. Some thing about light and darkness and a traveller and we shoot a bunch of different aliens. Hell I could write better stories at school when I was 11.

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                          • Bump

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                          • Bump

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                          • [quote]The player is never “wrong.” I believe that down to my bones. At Bungie, I represent to the developers what you say without prejudice.[/quote] Assuming that is true, I notice that honest feedback from the developer(s) is NEVER brought back to the players. Anything we hear is always some vague comment that has no meaning. Communication should always be two way.

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                            • #bumpfortruth

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