Which subclass do you prefer? Explain why below. Me personally, I use Voidwalker everywhere except the Hard Raid and a few select Nightfalls.
Honestly I don't care
Sunsinger is nice when I'm soloing or doing nightfall and don't want to go back to orbit but I love my voidwalker and almost never pull out sunsinger unless there is solar burn or really can't risk dying.
I prefer Voidwalker and tend to use that. I generally only go Sunsinger when not dying is really important.
Void Walker for pvp Sunsinger for pve
Run from the storm or prepare to face it with your dyeing breath.
I think voidbros glean a little more respect over sunbros. They're also far more badass.
PvE - Both Crucible - Voidwalker ToO - Mostly Sunsinger, but I will run Voidwalker if it fits the map.
Edited by Exidaun: 9/7/2015 10:09:58 PMBeen a Voidwalker since my first Warlock. I made a new one recently. Gotta level him up quick. A friend once asked me which I prefer, I promptly responded to her with a message stating: "I walk the void alone amongst a sea of singing flame" Se then replied with: "That was beautiful" Don't know why but I thought it sounded like a cool answer. I was feeling very narrative that day.
Void walker I have more fun, but I feel like the sunsinger is the superior class in the majority of end game PVE and performs slightly better for team PVP games.
Be sunsinger Have Ram (extra armour) Have Radiant Skin (more extra armour) Have 1 hit KO melee (gives extra armour again) Have Red Death (Regens health) Then enjoy walkin around being indestructible.
I maxed Sunsinger first because of HoPF. Then I got Obsidian Mind and equipped Bad Juju...
Sunsinger for PvE Voidwalker for PvP
voidwalker is very fun for just regular crucible but if I'm playing trials it's sunsinger
1) delete warlocks 2)create hunter Congrats u are now the master race
Radiant skin, firebolt, praxic fire
I always use VoidWalker for both pvp and pve except for strikes I mostly use sunsinger for those but I'm more of an assault kind of player and VoidWalker is -blam!-ing destructive. The exception for Sunsinger is control matches cause if you get killed while capturing a flag you can just come back to life and stick ppl with grenades and continue capturing flags plus the reduced damage helps a lot.
It really depends on the situation tbh
Voids for pvp Suns for general.
I use Sunsinger for nightfalls and raids, Voidwalker for everything else. Obsidian Mind has given me so much more love for my warlock lady.
I bet a shit ton of people would vote Voidwalker if Sunsingers didn't have self revive and fusion nades. Just sayin...
As an avid player of both, Fusion grenades need to be nerfed. There shouldn't be a sticky grenade you get 2 of that turns 90% to hit targets when you throw it withing 6 feet of them. Just silly.
Can I vote for both?
Edited by Light3rThanSom3: 6/2/2015 4:08:56 AMI prefer Voidwalker because I feel like I'm contributing to my fireteam by killing a ton of the adds. It's also my sub-class for all PvP activities except Trials. I like to use my Sunsinger in Nightfalls and especially in the Prison of Elders. I can make a ton of orbs for my fireteam. I'll choose voidwalker everywhere else.
Love me my voidwalker. I run it for everything, PvE and PvP, except when soloing nightfall, and IrYut cause ya never know when bodies are gonna drop and ya may need that self res