I like to think that we (Humans) eventually become so powerful as an empire they we expand the entire observable universe, and [i]we[/i] (Humans), create the aliens and sprout all life in the universe.
Tyranids waiting for your hopes of survival to rise to max
Friggin' 'Nids and their Genestealers.
And bio titans
My friend we as humans even know it ourselves but we are killing ourselves...just look at all the things we have made nuclear weapons we pollute the earth and still do not give 1 f*uck about it.
We would have to settle our petty disputes that occur throughout the world though.
-blam!-in' uniformity up in this bitch.
We'll kill ourselves long before we reach that point technologically
[quote]We'll kill ourselves long before we reach that point technologically[/quote]
[quote][quote]We'll kill ourselves long before we reach that point technologically[/quote][/quote]
[quote][quote][quote]We'll kill ourselves long before we reach that point technologically[/quote][/quote][/quote]
[quote][quote][quote][quote]We'll fu[i]c[/i]k ourselves over long before we reach that point technologically[/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote]
Nice idea but the sad truth is that we will be extinct before we can do that.
What if we gain the technological feats to carry stars around to warm the planet, and when a star reaches a certain age, we let go of it. But 15 billion years until life on earth is heat wiped by the sun. Son, do you know how long that is? That's 15x100million years.
5 billion. Still lots of time though. But its not only the sun that can kill us.
Pretty sick. I like it.
I usually think of weird things like this.