originally posted in:Sapphire
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For number two, I mean it as 'you asking Sapphire' for acceptance in.
Once upon a time there was a fabled land called the Kingdom of Harlow's Royal Guard. Eventually it died, but it's offspring, the Sacred Lands of Sapphire, was born from the ashes. After careful nurturing and grooming, Sapphire became a place of joy and beauty. But alas, it was only half of what HRG was. In a fit of rage, those who did not make it in to the Sacred Lands of Sapphire created their own haven, or rather a cesspool, and it was called Crystal. Crystal died about half a year after it was spawned, and so Sapphire grew to great power, almost entirely unhindered. What does this have to do with how I got in to Sapphire? It doesn't. Other than I was part of HRG, and shortly after Sapphire became a little bit less of a secret I got in. At least this is how I recall how it went. I was like 12 at the time and had no idea what the hell I was doing.