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Edited by ShadowWolffe: 5/21/2015 11:14:22 AM

Arrest Warrant for Xûr, Agent of The Nine

Attention Guardians, By order of the Vanguard, any persons associated with The Nine will hereby be detained, in light of the events that had just occurred, pending a full investigation. Last night, three fireteams raided Mr. Agent of the Nine's home and took him into custody. Evidence suggest that the suspect allegedly had connections with the escape of Skolas, the former Wolf Kell. Mr. Agent of Nine is due to face the Queen's Court on Friday. In the spirit of the Vanguard's new alliance with the Queen of the Reef, the Guardians will hereby be deployed on Venus, the Moon and Earth to provide security. Any resistance will warrant the Guardians' use of lethal force. Eliminate any insurgency with extreme prejudice. Special teams will be deployed to the Prison of Elders to provide extra security. Good Hunting, Guardians.

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  • No arrest i want a search warrant and confiscate everything as "evidence"

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  • Edited by TitanKnight: 5/21/2015 7:38:56 PM
    Sorry but, I'm with Xur on this one. I heard what the Speaker told to Osiris... The Traveler, The Speaker, they are all lies. Join me fellow Guardians, let us seek Osiris and the Agents Of The Nine. We must find out who we truly are!! Are we killing to protect the Traveler? Or are we merely a tool? A tool the Traveler uses to vanquish HIS enemies, not ours. In reality, deep down my EXO heart, I feel like we are the bad guys. The Traveler is the darkness, the Fallen, the Hive, the Cabal, The Vex... the reason they vanquish our light, is because they are relinquishing our chains, they are freeing us from the Travelers mind control powers. They are making us slaves of no one. The ghosts, they bind us, they control us, keep us in check and fills us with false hope and stories. The Vex aren't trying to wipe us from existence... They are trying to erase the Traveler from time and space in order to protect us. THINK ABOUT IT GUARDIANS!! If the Traveler never showed up, we would be full of happiness, the collapse never would've happened, and Humanity wouldn't be facing extinction anymore. Join me Guardians! Become disciples of Osiris and find out the truth! The Traveler is a false God, the speaker a false prophet!! Toland, Kabr, Pahanim, Osiris, Malphur, all of them knew the truth. Ask yourselves? Why aren't they no where to be seen? The Traveler has silenced them. Kabr and Pahanim were actually helping the Vex perfect their methods. Kabr sacrificed himself in order to provide Atheon the means of reality. Pahanin was killed by Dredgen Yor by order of the Speaker, Toland and Osiris are still alive, but not for long, unless we find them. Guardians, travel to the reef, earn the light of Osiris, and he shall reveal to you what he has revealed to me!! Be the brightest light during the trials, and ye shall receive thy answer. Members of [b]The Cause[/b]: The Purple Ball has joined the cause. IceColdVengeance has joined the cause Skolas has joined the cause Valus Ta'aurg has joined the cause Toland the Shattered has joined the cause Xur has joined the cause Agents of The Nine support the cause Prince Uldren supports the cause Firefly9715 has joined the cause EDIT: MordorLord9837 has joined the cause Broom-bot has joined the cause Atheon has joined the cause Variks the Loyal has joined the cause House of Judgment supports the cause

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    • Doubt we'll see him in the reef this weekend lol

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      7 Replies
      • We have no further answers about our security deployments at this time what is on the news is what we know at this time please if you know any person who may be affiliated with the nine eight her call our hot line 1800 nine stoppers and send a anonymous tip Or come to our nearest hub to report this information thank you and stay safe "A Titan investigator states after a new questioning and guardian council interview

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      • *turns around to show his gjallahorn to the space cops* *points to full fireteam with Max gjallahorns* Yeah we're going to be meeting with xur later

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      • I hate that hand out vendor. Basically giving away exotics for little grind. Hang him from the tree in the tower!

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      • Dude he has to wake up with that face everyday. Leave the poor guy alone.

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      • Im afraid the defense has a case against this. After all, the Nine say that his will is not his own.

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        • I'm pretty sure the queen is evil, the 9 appear to be plotting against her

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          • "Joo got tha mohny? I got de yeyo." - Xur

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            • I'm sorry, since when did the Queen have any authority over whom an Exo conducts business with?

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            • I'm just here so I don't get fined..

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              • He has never had any allegiance to the Tower.

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              • Edited by crusher0627: 5/21/2015 2:02:50 PM
                Unless Xur (aka basterd) sells ghorn, we arrest him

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              • Xur must be detained. He is the final boss on the level 36 PoE. He's 6 stories tall, throws exotic engrams the size of cars, and tosses strange coins like darts. Be careful guardian. He knows all exotics and there counters. You must use things he's never sold.

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              • Maybe we can be jail mates and he can hook me up with a G horn.

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              • Well I'm not helping arrest him until someone else starts selling cheap heavy synth, and exotics.

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                • While Xûr is handling his "small misunderstanding", his twin brother Trôll will be running the family business, selling exotics, exotic upgrades and other curios that guardians from the city have come to rely on and curse. Trôll is actually a familiar face to most guardians although they don't know it. He was the one who sold Gjallarhorn week two while Xûr was at a trade convention on Europa. He also handles the back-end of the "Agent of the Nine" family business. He is therefore the one who has packed NLBs every time Xûr's planning sheet said to pack Gjallarhorns. While reluctant to leave Trôll in charge, Xûr has been reported to have been left with little choice. His other sibling, his sister Hôpe, although ever present during the early half of the week, tends to disappear on days Xûr is in the tower.

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                  • So... This queens court... Are there spankings?

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                    • Will the templar and Atheon be providing detain?

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                    • Edited by Wraithlegend: 5/21/2015 12:02:02 PM
                      Time to get rid of xur. Bounty hunter gets no land beyond if dead. Ghorn alive.

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                      • Lolwhat

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                      • I thought he was in position of gjallarhorn

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                      • Pefff as if anyone could handle Xur. He would just destroy them all OR say, "hey there guardians, look at all these pictures of Gjallahorn and exotic engrams on my galactic space iphone43. I can have these transferred to your vaults with just one phone call. Now you are going to let me go so I can make that call right?"

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                        • I'd also like to sue him on behalf of all the warlocks. 4 straight weeks of sunbreakers, then another 4 straight weeks of voidfang vestments. He then has the audacity to sell 4 weeks of starfire protocol... The monster. We also have reports that he has done the same to Titans with Armamentarium. He needs to pay for his crimes!

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                        • Ok :P

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