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originally posted in:Kill the Varelse
5/18/2015 2:08:21 PM

SGA HoW Bounties

I've found the best place to farm these (for me) has been Venus. From spawn I head to the ember caves and then to the citadel. Usually within a few minutes (five tops) I see an event start. The chest is usually in the back of the map in the citadel. Right next to the minotaurs or over by the hobgoblins. It's a quick shit back to the ember caves if you're quick enough you can get the chest multiple times. Over in the ember caves thr chest is either on the path to the citadel, over by the cave by the shanks and vandals, or up by the one on the platform with the captain. hope this helps, Guardians. If you want me to show you personally add me and I'll be online tonight around 7 PM eastern

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