I swear the shoulder charge is OP. Allow me to explain: I came across this Titan who seemed to be the best in the Crucible, like in the top 10 in the world. I wanted to see how good he was so I messaged him to 1v1 me. He gladly accepted it, so we went to Rumble. My god does he spam shoulder charge like a mofo. He uses it in close quarters, in the air, across the entire map, in my spawn point, you name it.
Shoulder charge needs to be fixed, it's literally broken and this dude is exploiting it.
If you want to know who this guy is, he apparently plays on all platforms and is a king on an island called Neverland, or whatever it's called.
His GT/PSN: Shao Kahn
Edit: Looks like I'm not the only one who experienced this. Glad they know what I had to go through.
Edited by Agent Hex: 5/15/2015 2:42:17 AMI know what you mean, I rumbled with him to. The mother-blam!-er keeps pointing at me saying I suck. Unbelievable!
I hardly ever get killed by shoulder charge...
If anyone played Mortal Kombat 9, you would know that when you fight against Shao Khan, he does nothing but shoulder chargers. You kids REALLY NEED TO CHECK OUT TAGS BEFORE COMMENTING
Nobody gets the mortal kombat joke
Bwahhhhh Shao Kahn. Took me a second
Shoot him befor he gets close. Problem solved
Edited by TitanUranos: 5/15/2015 3:37:25 AMIt doesnt need a nerf all it needs is to be counted as a melee. But that is just my opinion, and if you didn't no what I meant when you shoulder charge you can still use your actual melee. So what im saying if ya have the shoulder charge on it counts as your only melee and has a shorter cooldown then other melees
nerf blink lmao
Edited by The_Death_Skull_: 5/15/2015 3:30:21 AMTake the tracking off? Only nerf i can think fair if you have to get that close shotguns are a pain to deal with
The lock on feature is the only thing I find wrong with it
-blam!- no! If anything nerf that bullshit warlock melee. Hate the range. Probably 1/3 of my deaths are from it. I'm not even talking about energy drain or scorch. I think it's fair. Leave melees alone.
AEGabrial is a beast
Haha thanks for the tag... i was about to open a can of verbal whoopass :)
Yeah also their fist of havoc shouldn't kill you in one hit #sawthatsarcastictagyouslydog
Shhhh....do you hear that? It's the sound of...[b][i]git gud [/i][/b]
#nerflife life is too hard. I get bills and stuff. It sucks. Doesnt everyone else get bills?! Ugh. I wish i could just masturbate and have free things and no mortgage..... Stop.
Auto rifles need nerfed
It's not, even datto doesn't think so, and he thinks Xur should be removed. #nohatefordatto
Use guns and don't get let home get near, long lines of sight. Also, shotguns and fusion rifles help if you can time it
I get it :)
Edited by star: 5/15/2015 2:38:24 AMnerf ur mom
Ive seen people exploiting their guns i swear i always see them using them in close quarters in the air across the map and in my spawn point.(this is how you are sounding like right now)first world problems i guess
I swear I need to read these stupid tags. I criticize people for not doing it and I keep doing it myself. At least I stopped myself before it was to late.