You said... "1 of every exotic, 1 of every raid weapon, and class specific guns on chars...that is much less than what the VAULT can hold."
The VAULT can hold 36. You are INCORRECT, sir. The VAULT cannot hold all of those guns. If you start passing them out to your characters, of course. But we in this topic, and you in your sentence are speaking of the VAULT.
Edited by AllahRidesCamels: 5/11/2015 12:44:46 PMSo you run with 0 weapons on your chars until you do a mission? No. You keep about 3-6 guns in each category on each char. I know I said in the vault, and I shouldn't have, but that is besides the point. 9x3x3=81+36=. 117. You have 117 spots to put guns if you use literally all possible space. You have no reason to complain.
So you want me to transfer 9-18 guns every time a character swaps out? That makes no sense.
If you're running out of space, then yes, it would make more sense than not having room. Kek.