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5/10/2015 10:55:23 PM
You guys are so lost. "I need 3 sets of every burn on every gun category, with 3 sets of all exotics, raid weaponry, and maybe a few cool looking guns for fun." 1 of every exotic, 1 of every raid weapon, and class specific guns on chars...that is much less than what the vault can hold.

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  • 51. Between exotics, raids, and IB. The vault can hold 36. 51 > 36. That excludes any vendor weapons. Any interesting blues. This is BEFORE HoW and ToO. Lrn2number.

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  • I don't keep blues. And 36 + # that can be held by each char (9x3) gets me 63. 63>51.

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  • You said... "1 of every exotic, 1 of every raid weapon, and class specific guns on chars...that is much less than what the VAULT can hold." The VAULT can hold 36. You are INCORRECT, sir. The VAULT cannot hold all of those guns. If you start passing them out to your characters, of course. But we in this topic, and you in your sentence are speaking of the VAULT. Lrn2english.

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  • Edited by AllahRidesCamels: 5/11/2015 12:44:46 PM
    So you run with 0 weapons on your chars until you do a mission? No. You keep about 3-6 guns in each category on each char. I know I said in the vault, and I shouldn't have, but that is besides the point. 9x3x3=81+36=. 117. You have 117 spots to put guns if you use literally all possible space. You have no reason to complain.

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  • So you want me to transfer 9-18 guns every time a character swaps out? That makes no sense.

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  • If you're running out of space, then yes, it would make more sense than not having room. Kek.

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  • Except now there's going to be PoE gear, ToO gear, as well as a new set of vendor legendaries no doubt many people will be ascending.

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  • The PoE gear will be pretty painful I agree. But I keep all my sets of armor on each char and have enough room for 4 more. I have enough room for 3 raid weapons of each type on each char, plus a LOT of space in the vault because I don't hog every weapon and keep multiple sets in the vault.

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  • And we carry people like u every nightfall and weekly cuz u dont have a good burn weapon for it. U r welcome

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  • I solo'd the nightfall... Lol, raid weapons ARE the good burn weapons. I don't need to have multiple sets in my bank for that to be obvious.

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  • Edited by fortunatedad: 5/11/2015 12:00:35 AM
    So what raid void machine gun is there? Or solar sniper? Or raid void rocket launcher? U must not have any of those types of burn for those weapons. And...when the nightfall is everything, doesnt really count. Might as well say none. Just makes it go faster.

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  • Don't forget corrective measure. Unless you mean assault rifle, then it would be Atheon's Epilogue.

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  • I have 95% of exotics. Which include solar sniper, void rocket, and etc. As I've said, you only need 1 of each exotic and raid weapons for everything you possibly need. Get over it, learn how not to be an elitist desticle already. Practicality > Being ash ketchum.

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  • Im not elitist...u said u only need raid equip. U were obviously wrong

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  • Solar sniper .... Errrr black hammer derp

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  • U r right, meant arc. I apologize

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  • There isnt an arc one. But i just use patience and time for arc burn sniper

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  • Edited by TH3xCHIN: 5/10/2015 11:25:09 PM
    Or. OR. People still have all the burns they need, they just swap them between characters because it takes less than a minute to do on the companion app. :O I know. Your mind might be all over the wall right now.

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  • Edited by fortunatedad: 5/10/2015 11:39:31 PM
    Says the one who hasnt played I made another response in this thread addressing your comment. U people r deluded with the whole a minute to switch stuff out. It takes longer even assuming the app works well...which it doesnt always. I have minimum and am still pushing the limits. The point is with the new dlc coming out, we will run out of space. I only have a few duplicates of exotics, and they r perm on those chars.

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  • Takes me 1 min to swap gear round.Between my 2 soon to be 3 chars using the app. I just have 1 of everything i need and use and still have plenty of weap space.ive never understood needing 3 of everything.

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  • So I'm deluded even though my experience has been literally less than a minute to switch at least 4 weapons around my characters, and as soon as I press "Take from vault", I watch it appear in my inventory on my TV screen?

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  • Yes

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