So... vault space. Are we really expected to do raids for raid gear, find exotics, and now be upgrading old legendaries and rerolling the new ones all in our tiny vaults? I mean, I know I'm not the only one that filled the vault immediately after the last patch and that was just by making some room on my characters so they could pick up the odd engram. I still have sh*t in my postmaster I don't want to grab because I'd immediately be out of room. Are they trying to make app transfers so easy that we should only keep one of each gun?
We've got a new dlc coming with a host of new gear. Where are we going to put it? Should I just junk guns that have some much speculation and potential around them like the Khostov, or the stranger's rifle; only to be told in an upcoming patch that those guns will be made into leg/exo? Just like all the old 300 guns we can now ascend through their terrible new plan for endgame. I've seen all the comments from people wishing they didn't trash their shadow price or fatebringer or whatever. This doesn't make any goddamn sense.
Now I know, they blame last gen for it. They say they can't make it bigger. But then they turn around and say keep all your old gear? WTF
People are also saying this could be an issue for PoE, having to constantly switch guns and damage types for modifiers. That's why my characters run full already! To be prepared for the sh*t! But if I were to only have one of each gun, I couldn't do that. Or every time I wanted to play the game I'd have to spend 20 minutes swapping loadouts from one character to another.
How are YOU handling all the gear and planning for the future? I sure as hell don't know what to do at this point.
To those wanting a poll, you can't edit in a poll. Polls are always biased anyways, and I for one prefer actual conversation over faceless votes.
nope. spent the week deleting stuff to make room for HoW.
No woman has complained about the size of my 'vault'.
Honestly I'm hoarding and dismantling exotics I dislike/have many of. I'm down to 4 gallys I mean. Yikes
Got no room for the new stuff unless I start deleting Trouble is I'm only left with stuff I want to keep Decisions decisions
Nope... I was a exotic Collector and only needed Necrochasm but i had to delete all my exotics that i never use because... Well Vault space :(
I'd like at least 9 more slots ;)
No...its full.
U don't want a big vault that has had plenty of exotic hand cannons in it.
Nope. Still fill it.
It makes my tiny weapon feel nice and comfy
I like a nice tight vault personally
It doesn't take 20 minutes to switch gear if you use the app. How is your vault full? I just don't understand that? However I would like to have more so people would stop complaining lol. The only full part of my vault is the general section.
Double what we have now! I remember when I was told 40mb hard drive in 1985 would never be filled up! anyone have 2tb hard drive now. We will always need exponential growth
I'm grateful they upped the space but yeah we are gonna need new space specially us collectors
For now, but I know I'm going to need more eventually.
I'm in the same boat, anything new I get and want to keep I will have to delete something
I'd be satisfied if they gave us substantial content and bug fixes and story.
I have 0 armor in my vault. I can keep all exotic armor on their respective characters. theres no need to keep anything that doesn't make you the highest level. the only exception is reload speed arms for PvP. gun space is decent, but still not enough. same goes for the consumable/material category.
Why would you have more than one of each gun? You can only play one character at a time... Just dismantle your duplicates and viola problem solved. But yeah I would like to see a bigger vault. There is no good enough reason to not just make it unlimited.
I think it's fine for anyone running a single character class, perhaps a maximum of 2. For those of us running all 3 classes, it's not enough.
They should just add pages to each vault section
Edited by Kovathos: 5/11/2015 5:51:16 AMFirst of all, it's not last gens fault, it's bungie's fault for programming it and releasing it for both generations. Problem would not exist if last gen was not supported, which bungie chose to do. Anyway. Nope, not really satisfied with it, I can't even hold all of the exotics, plus raid specific weapons and at least one legendary weapon of each type from regular drops. Which honestly isn't asking for a lot when you consider the difficulty of obtaining exotics and the effort put into acquiring raid specific/Poe gear. And considering there is quite the large selection of legendary weapons as well, all I'm asking for is to be able to hold one shotty, fusion, hand cannon, sniper, etc... That I find best. Doable still I guess if I use my characters to hang onto some gear but that's an exercise in tedium each time I want a certain item. In other games with lots of item types and inventory space, etc... typically your character can only use certain weapons so you don't keep them all, and/or there's a fairly large inventory space or storage to keep whatever you want available to you. If destiny had class restrictions on weaponry or any restrictions of some kind there would be less weapons everyone would want to keep. For example if hunters could only use scout rifles and pulse rifles you would probably be able to hold at least most of what you want right on your character and never really need to move them, except maybe one or two if say warlocks could use scout rifles and hand cannons so it would share scout rifles... But anyways, destiny isn't like that.
I have to clear mine out. Weapons are almost filled because I feel like o have more lol
No where near enough space for all the legendary and exotic weapons. Can't imagine how much frustration i'll have when HoW hits.
Yep fine for me.