So... vault space. Are we really expected to do raids for raid gear, find exotics, and now be upgrading old legendaries and rerolling the new ones all in our tiny vaults? I mean, I know I'm not the only one that filled the vault immediately after the last patch and that was just by making some room on my characters so they could pick up the odd engram. I still have sh*t in my postmaster I don't want to grab because I'd immediately be out of room. Are they trying to make app transfers so easy that we should only keep one of each gun?
We've got a new dlc coming with a host of new gear. Where are we going to put it? Should I just junk guns that have some much speculation and potential around them like the Khostov, or the stranger's rifle; only to be told in an upcoming patch that those guns will be made into leg/exo? Just like all the old 300 guns we can now ascend through their terrible new plan for endgame. I've seen all the comments from people wishing they didn't trash their shadow price or fatebringer or whatever. This doesn't make any goddamn sense.
Now I know, they blame last gen for it. They say they can't make it bigger. But then they turn around and say keep all your old gear? WTF
People are also saying this could be an issue for PoE, having to constantly switch guns and damage types for modifiers. That's why my characters run full already! To be prepared for the sh*t! But if I were to only have one of each gun, I couldn't do that. Or every time I wanted to play the game I'd have to spend 20 minutes swapping loadouts from one character to another.
How are YOU handling all the gear and planning for the future? I sure as hell don't know what to do at this point.
To those wanting a poll, you can't edit in a poll. Polls are always biased anyways, and I for one prefer actual conversation over faceless votes.
[b]Bigger is always better.[/b]
I'm good
Community: We don't have enough vault space. Bungie: Yeah… we'll fix that in a few months. [i]Months of putting it off later.[/i] Bungie: Here you go! Completely new vault spaces! All.. 1… 2… 12 of them? Oh, but between our Dev team being idiots and Activision reminding us that last gen sucks, you're only getting 12, since we don't know how to code in pages, complicated stuff we know. Oh, and if you're on last gen we have to inform you that Activision told us that you guys have a memory limit and that we had to get rid of stuff to give you those spaces. [spoiler]TL;DR? Bungie once again proves that they have no idea what they're doing.[/spoiler]
Nope! It's not big enough. And neither is the space in each character!
Ok for now, but I'd really like the ability to organize my vault and move stuff around.
It is [i]just[/i] big enough. I can't keep duplicates, and I have to run each character with an almost full inventory, but I can manage it ok. I have to be strict about new drops and I can't keep any blues, but I have all but 1 exotic and only the weapons & general sections are bulging. Honestly I could dismantle 50% of my weapons without really suffering however I am trying to get full faction collections to show my "loyalty" on certain characters. This is more about me wanting to roleplay a little than the vault being too small though. I just have to be prepared to shard a fully upgraded weapon because I got a better duplicate drop... This is why I never have many ascendant energy built up in reserve and most of my legendaries are capped out at 294 damage...
Muted: Hoarder
The ability to make more toons would solve this problem. You could use some as mules.
For now yeah
Needs a lot more especially in armor. I like collecting marks cloaks and bonds.
There's what 84 slots on total? They should remove the categories and let us access them all. My weapons and items are close to full but my armour is practically empty, just wasted space.
Not entirely but content at the moment.
Store items on your characters...
Why cant we have unlimited pages!? That solves the borders problem and could look pretty pleasing too. Who else likes collecting as many guns as they can? I know i would if i could, even greens and blues just to mess with people in crucible.
Here is what my vault looks like Armour: 2/24 Weapons: 10/36 General: 10/36 I can't understand why people complain about not enough space just dismantle the things you don't need anymore that will give you space. Note: I have 1 of each type of exotic on my characters all the time along with 1 of each legendary weapon type on my hunter (includes raid weapons) I own nearly all exotics apart from gjallahorn, dragons breath and MIDA.
Make the vault even big as the armor for now we want to save more mats and guns
That's what she said [spoiler]surely that had been said 100 times already... If not, kids are slacking[/spoiler]
Not really
Ya. Vault space need be 20/30 PER ITEM As in 20 for primary's 20 for secondaries 20 for heavy ect
I wish there was more general space that's it.
I have all the guns I could want and my vault barely reaches the 3rd line... My characters all hold whichever weapons I'll want/need to use on each, but I would like a 3rd icebreaker so my warlock and Titan don't need to share... But I have to say, if you need more vault space, you're a hoarder and need to let go of some of your shittier weapons. Just think 'will I ever use this?' And if the answer is anything but a definite yes dismantle it (yes even exotics)
Sort of. I am going to have to delete some of my weapons to make room for some more.
Much dismantling to do but i got multiples of some weapons, so I'm starting there. Not so bad now with app transfer
nope. spent the week deleting stuff to make room for HoW.