So... vault space. Are we really expected to do raids for raid gear, find exotics, and now be upgrading old legendaries and rerolling the new ones all in our tiny vaults? I mean, I know I'm not the only one that filled the vault immediately after the last patch and that was just by making some room on my characters so they could pick up the odd engram. I still have sh*t in my postmaster I don't want to grab because I'd immediately be out of room. Are they trying to make app transfers so easy that we should only keep one of each gun?
We've got a new dlc coming with a host of new gear. Where are we going to put it? Should I just junk guns that have some much speculation and potential around them like the Khostov, or the stranger's rifle; only to be told in an upcoming patch that those guns will be made into leg/exo? Just like all the old 300 guns we can now ascend through their terrible new plan for endgame. I've seen all the comments from people wishing they didn't trash their shadow price or fatebringer or whatever. This doesn't make any goddamn sense.
Now I know, they blame last gen for it. They say they can't make it bigger. But then they turn around and say keep all your old gear? WTF
People are also saying this could be an issue for PoE, having to constantly switch guns and damage types for modifiers. That's why my characters run full already! To be prepared for the sh*t! But if I were to only have one of each gun, I couldn't do that. Or every time I wanted to play the game I'd have to spend 20 minutes swapping loadouts from one character to another.
How are YOU handling all the gear and planning for the future? I sure as hell don't know what to do at this point.
To those wanting a poll, you can't edit in a poll. Polls are always biased anyways, and I for one prefer actual conversation over faceless votes.
For now yes. Once How has driooed probally not. I want all the guns!!! And armor feom PoE and even ToO.
Maybe you should get rid of things you don't use.
Vaultenze. Gets you bigger and better.
With all of my exotics (with some doubles) I have less than a row of space for legendary weapons. I hate storing exotics on my characters because I always forget who has what. Hopefully they make it even bigger in the future.
Maybe it's just me but I don't see the need to have more than 1 of each gun unless it's like your absolute favorite. I have an ice breaker on every character but otherwise just singles of everything. The app works great for me now so I have plenty of room in my vault. I'm sure it will be close to full after I spend some time with HoW though.
My vault is NOT big enough but only because I'm hoarding for HoW
Yea im in the same boat If you have google chrome theres an extension called Destiny Item Manager that makes moving items super easy esp check it out if you got a laptop u can use while playing U gotta be logged into for itbto work It outs all 3 characters with all their stuff and the vault all on 1 screen and u can drag and drop to swith items around. Can even move straight between character to equipped spot
Its not the size of the vault... Its how you use it that matters lol
No but I'm satisfied with the size of my penis.
I think each tower should be a separate vault. That solves the last Gen issue and triples our vault space. Maybe even a armor vault, weapons vault and an item vault
Theres so many unique weapons in destiny and part of what I enjoy is collecting them. More vault space would be much appreciated. The whole last gen thing is bs. Maybe it wont work how it is now but theres definitely a way to do it
To put it bluntly NO!
Sir I was hoping to buy some vaultagra. You have any left?
Edited by itzeMeR: 5/10/2015 5:01:30 AMWe get prison of elders gear and weapons. Queens wrath weapons and gear. Trials of osiris legendary weapons and gear. Plus new vanguard and crucible gear and weapons. Plus we get to upgrade our gear and weapons .Plus new exotics . Nope i dont think thats all gonna fit
My phone cut off the last word of the title, so I came in here expecting, well...
Am I satisfied with my vault space? [b]NO[/b]
I have nearly full weapon and misc storage, barely use armor section. We need more vault space and character storage... give us more than 9 spaces for everything
Edited by FreshKidIce82: 5/10/2015 4:54:29 AMHas nothing to do with last gen. Diablo 3 gets free addons/updates on current generation and not on old get because old get can't handle the new stuff.
nope. mine is almost maxed again. i leave 2 spots so i can move stuff around if need be. I saw where someone posted that if you had all exotics, VoG weapons, and Crota weapons,........ you would be over the limit of what vault can hold. that's not counting any other legendaries that you want to keep.
No mine is full and looking to break down more scout and pulse rifles. Launchers that don't track. Pretty much anything that's not useful so no I'm a collector and I don't have enough space.
Yeah mine is almost full already again. We are Def going to need more room
Dang. I was hoping for one of those ads about adding a "big three inches".
I'm satisfied but hey, more is always betta. Add 20 inches in a week? Hell why not...