So... vault space. Are we really expected to do raids for raid gear, find exotics, and now be upgrading old legendaries and rerolling the new ones all in our tiny vaults? I mean, I know I'm not the only one that filled the vault immediately after the last patch and that was just by making some room on my characters so they could pick up the odd engram. I still have sh*t in my postmaster I don't want to grab because I'd immediately be out of room. Are they trying to make app transfers so easy that we should only keep one of each gun?
We've got a new dlc coming with a host of new gear. Where are we going to put it? Should I just junk guns that have some much speculation and potential around them like the Khostov, or the stranger's rifle; only to be told in an upcoming patch that those guns will be made into leg/exo? Just like all the old 300 guns we can now ascend through their terrible new plan for endgame. I've seen all the comments from people wishing they didn't trash their shadow price or fatebringer or whatever. This doesn't make any goddamn sense.
Now I know, they blame last gen for it. They say they can't make it bigger. But then they turn around and say keep all your old gear? WTF
People are also saying this could be an issue for PoE, having to constantly switch guns and damage types for modifiers. That's why my characters run full already! To be prepared for the sh*t! But if I were to only have one of each gun, I couldn't do that. Or every time I wanted to play the game I'd have to spend 20 minutes swapping loadouts from one character to another.
How are YOU handling all the gear and planning for the future? I sure as hell don't know what to do at this point.
To those wanting a poll, you can't edit in a poll. Polls are always biased anyways, and I for one prefer actual conversation over faceless votes.
I'd rather see them increase how many weapons/materials you can carry on your guardian. Won't have to keep using the vault then.
For now yes but with HoW drops we may need a bit more space say another 30 slots for weapons and 22 other and armor slots
I have 80+ maxed weapons I need more space.
I'm contempt.
I swear they said somewhere that this was only a temporary fix until they can increase it further. I have faith that they'll make the vault bigger. Either way I still have a bit of room and could use one of my characters as a pack mule lol.
I am happy with the size if our vault right now because, and only because, they bothered to increase it in the first place. In saying that though if given the choice I'd definitely want more space! Mine's full.
Should have done a poll dumb ass
never will be satisfied. But im happy with it xD
No! We need more. Give Xbox one and PS4 more, leave the last gen as is.
Need more general space. Too many shaders. The other spots are no problem for me.
I need more room ready
[u]Go to the hospital for an increased vault lasting more than four hours [/u]
No, it's so small. I wish it was bigger... Oh you said vault.
I think it's fine for now, but in HoW its gonna be tough cause there is a lot of new stuff and I prefer to keep it all in vault so we will see. I wouldn't be suprised if we get more in the near future
I need a [i]Swedish made Vault space enlarger pump[/i]! This is usually not my [i]bag[/i] baby, but I'm desperate!
No, I wish I was bigger.
Mine is 12 inches! Oh wait..
No, my vault is full and I've only got 4 free weapon slots per character
Kinda wish they would make the space different. Instead of having 24 armor, 36 weapon, and 24 item slots make it one number. 84 slot in total for the vault. My weapon and item space is almost filled. The armor has nothing in it. Just doesn't make sense.
No. Bump this.
I agree that it would be great to have a paged based vault system but I'm struggling to understand why people are running out. Surely no one is keeping anything blue anymore? I'm close to three of every exotic weapon (only 5 to go), have every exotic armour piece and raid armour piece for all characters. Also have a bunch of legendary vanguard and faction weapons and still have a little space left. Expect I'm going to get a bit of salt back though and fess up that I'm going to struggle with HoW if I stick to the three of everything goal.
Its full -.-
I thought this was sexual... Lol
I had to do a cleanse today. I had 3 of every crota weapon but sadly there is just no room for me to keep them. especially with all the new weapons coming in HoW. Im pretty sure ill have to do another soon too. I wish i could keep what i want.
Make a poll. No.
[b]Bigger is always better.[/b]