originally posted in:Famous 8
Welcome to Crota's End Raid Normal Finder. Be sure you "LIKE" or save to your "Favorites" so it will be easier to find in the future.
Post Your
~ Level/Light
~ Type
~ Weapons
~ Check Point Needed
~ Gamer Tag
{Example ~ Gamer Tag Lvl 40/Light302 Hunter, Max Gally, Crota Cp Normal}
Thank You & Good Luck Out there!! :)
P.s. I'm always running raids so Message me or Add me if needed help and if I'm not busy I'll be glad to help you out!
~ Lvl 40 Hunter
~ Lvl 40 Warlock
~ Lvl 40 Titan
I also have a Clan for XboxOne players to get connected easier, We are Open for everyone and always down to help out each other and have fun doin it and of course making new friends. You can also join our Famous 8 Alliance!
Yes we help with all raids!
~ Famous 8
~ Easy way to find us.
Wow, thank you so much for 10k posts!! Bring on more posts!!
need 2 crota hard
Need 1 for crota hard at crota kno what your doing have fun feel free to cuss and be you,wanting to get it done msg for inv gt same as above
Looking for 5 crotas raid I'm a level 40 warlock with 240 light my gamertag is Raid Messiah send a message or invite asap I've tried posting all day long but can't find anyone
Looking for 5 to run crota hard mode for the ship gt above msg for invite xb1
Need somebody to carry me and my buddy through crotas end level 310 hunter message me Gt same as above
Need 4 for crota. Gt hjrino
3 310+ guardians who are looking for 3 more fun people for hard crota. Msg for invt :)
Doing kings fall on normal fresh I am 318 msg for inv
Need five Crota hard at the end lets go message in game it's easy now let's go
Looking for a Crota raid Message me or invite me 310 Warlock with a Gjallermahorn
Looking for crotas end raid members, message Xr Overlord
316 warlock. Need 3 more on normal oryx challenge. 305+. Msg for inv. Gt above
Looking for 2 for hard fresh need to have done hard and be 305 light up
Need 2 for hard Crota. GT: i3rokenParadise
Anyone need help send me an invite 307 hunter gt same as above
Edited by Establish Recon: 1/31/2016 2:17:46 AMNeed 4 gt above
Hey guys! Still down to do the Crota Raid all day if anyone needs a person. Warlock/294. gt: Slickback5431
Need four for normal fresh crotas end message T3RMINAT0R369 for inv
Need to do some Crota Raid! Need the shader, but i havent done the raid ever before. I want to do normal then hard for the shader. Warlock/294. Please assist! Lol
Crota anyone???
Any one want to do hard Crota message me gt as above
Edited by doub1eOh7: 1/31/2016 10:21:12 PMAnyone want to go for flawless for the achievement? Only need one or two more.
Looking for some people to play crota. 316 warlock. Message for inv
Need 3 for quick fresh raid run msg for invite gt the same
319 hunter trying to go flawless can kill crota easy just need someone to drop him message me for a invite
I'm at Atheon but I can't kill the deathsinger and a gorgon is watching me jump the platforms help Crota hard