originally posted in:Lincolns Log Cabin
Yes. If it says posted in group _________ then if you are an admin/founder you can have it removed.
How though? I have a group and it never gives me to option to do that when someone posts and they're rude :P
Edited by Vladimir Lenny: 5/1/2015 8:18:38 PMIt needs to be posted in your group. As you can see at the top, it says "posted in group lincolns log cabin"
Oh alright
But don't do it, it rustles jimmies. Only do when it violates the coc
Little did you know what you taught him he would do exactly what you said not to lmao https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/118878948/0/0
Oh dear.
Right, As seen here...
Absolutely. A perfect example.