originally posted in:Lincolns Log Cabin
Private group shenanigans? U met ninja justice for no reason how did that happen if I'm not a part of the group? I'm confused
"Ninja justice for no reason" is the private group shenanigans Foman is referring to. It's not an actual Ninja ban. [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Post/813245/118765677/0/0]This is a group thread.[/url] An admin in that group removed your post, not a Ninja. Fret not, there are no rogue Ninjas running rampant.
Thank you. Also, I will sleep better at night knowing the streets are safe and there are no rogue ninjas.
Thank you for clearing this up it is appreciated
He's covering his own ass.
An admin of a group has full right to remove posts in their group, no one can get banned for them though.