[b]TO CLARIFY: this ISNT asking what's the better game, or what is more addicting, I'm asking who would win in a all out war, who has better weaponry, fighting, leaders, etc[/b]
A lot of these kind of polls have been popping up so I decided to make one. Which would you choose?
Edit:brought this to destiny topic
Edit:Weird, all responses say borderlands, but the votes say otherwise... If you vote destiny please say why
Edit: Do not count unknown power in destiny, like the actual darkness. Just the things we know
Well the borderlands characters have a WAYYYY higher damage output and way more health than anything in destiny
Borderlands had millions of guns and many more types of bad guys than destiny.
Destiny universe because I don't know shit about borderlands and don't really care.
Bramd - old
Do u have to ask? -
Cough cough terramorphous the invincible
Destiny. As borderlands would probably help out by destroying it's self.
The Reapers. That is all
Edited by HolyHeadcrabbu: 4/30/2015 3:03:40 AMSo, what are the limitations of such a battle? Because, with no limits and any allegiances allowed, it would be a curbs top victory for Borderlands. The various companies shown in game, the ones we see anyway, are HUGE, system - wide conglomerates. Their space travel is more sophisticated, their weapons, despite what you may think, are more advanced than the Guardians, and they have far greater numbers. And no, Guardians being immortal doesn't mean they'd win. There's only so many times you can throw yourself at a brick wall before one of you falls, and it ain't the brick wall. So it'd probably go down something like this. Let's only use the Dahl Corporation Forces vs Guardians for this example. -Dahl ships warp to Earth. -Scan planet for humanoid signs. -The Last City is discovered, and the ships move in. -Alert sounds through the Last City. -Guardians deployed. -Dahl bombards the Last City with their cannons. -Ground team deployed to mop up. -Result: Total loss of Guardian forces. Destruction and/or capture of The Last City by Dahl Corporation forces.
Destiny is not nearly as developed or as old as the Borderlands franchise. I don't see a full comparison yet to be seen.
Borderlands. It's unique, the weapons/grenades are waaaaaaay cooler and more abundant, there's actually a story unfolding as you play, there's item sharing, it's open world all the time not just in one part of the game, it's really really really funny, you can hold 4 guns at a time, you can reload while sprinting, no fall damage, the dlcs are actually worth the money especially the level caps (up to lvl 72!), tiny tinas assault on dragon keep is one of the best pieces of gaming I've ever played......the list goes on and on. Don't get me wrong, I love destiny, but it's not a complete game and I learned my lesson on that one. Borderlands is a full game and the dlcs make it even more full
Borderlands for that no fall damage gets my vote
Borderlands just has crazy powerful weapons, rapid fire rocket launchers, infinity pistols, etc.. its really over the top like that, part of why it was so fun.
Uh huh, the cabal solo, wait no the psion flayers solo by grabbing Elpis and crashing it into pandora.
DC universe ;). Because it is much more open than either of those games and offers more to do.
I just caught a vandal -blam!-ing a dreg in the ass in one of the caves.... Is this a glitch?
Borderlands has far more powerful weapons and character abilities.
Is there a neither option
I forget where the interview was, but the Borderlands crew was not happy about Destiny 'borrowing' some concepts. Rage tried to, and failed miserably. Borderlands had a set of humor and stuck with it. Destiny tries to be all serious, but then you have some of the weapon names: they don't fit. Both have you repeating everything all over, however, Borderlands has a lot more side quests. Granted, many are fetch or go kill X, but at least it seems like there was much more to do. I have a feeling the prison is simply the arena from boderlands. I guess we'll see next week.
Borderlands would win they would have way more weapons at their disposal.
Borderlands died presequel launch
Borderlands is fun has a lot more content and one of my fav games of all time...but destiny is motha -blam!-ing destiny...theirs a reason we go back on every day!
Destiny. As a huge Borderlands fan, I can say for certain that the Borderlands universe wouldn't stand a chance against the Destiny universe. With Destiny, you have: The Fallen, a race with several different factions all apparently extremely good at war even without any intel, even going so far as successfully invading the Hellmouth (although they [i]were[/i] stopped by Guardians, but that's besides the point). The Hive, a huge race of undead warriors with literal gods on their side. The Vex, an army of time-traveling, seemingly immortal death bots. And the Cabal, a brutal, war centric race that are capable of wiping out entire planets. Aside from the enemies, we have the Guardians, a massive group of very well trained soldiers with a wide range of skills and abilities. They have been by far the best line of defense Earth has ever seen. Now with Borderlands, you have: Hyperion, a super corrupt company with it's head so far up its own ass it likely couldn't be bothered to help anyone fight the Destiny universe. Dahl, a company apparently incompetent enough to allow a large portion of their military to break off, go batshit insane, and nearly destroy an entire colonized moon due to the ramblings of a particularly crazy woman. Jakobs, what appears to be the only competent company in the entirety of Borderlands, making very effective guns and not getting into any real trouble. Tourge, a company that, while it does make good weapons, has a kind of stupid CEO that will likely cause the company to fail at some point in the future. S&S Munitions, a company that gets put out of business by mere bandits cobbling together weapons with spare parts. Atlas, a company that goes under the moment Hyperion gains power. The the wildlife of Pandora + Elphis, which, while it could cause problems for the Destiny universe, probably won't be a big enough problem. The Eridians, an alien race shrouded in mystery (though from what we've seen, they seem extremely powerful). And finally, the Vault Hunters. While they're all incredibly effective warriors, their numbers pale in comparison to the Guardians. Overall, I feel that the Destiny universe has way too many advantages over the Borderlands universe for me to consider a win from Borderlands.
Destiny! I have both games, so I would know! Borderlands is awesome, but, even their top bosses including Jack wouldn't be nothing against Atheon and/or Crota, not to mention many of the lower end bosses!
Destiny has 2 Raid bosses. 2 LOL A drop in the bucket compared to how many Borderlands has!
Alot of you dont realize the big bad ass bosses in BL like crawmerax and rakk hive. Crawmerax could probably wipe out everything if he wanted too
There isn that much know About BL's universe.