[b]An other explosion is heard from from the North of the Capitol. The explosion ravages the side of the building with a purple glow emitting from the fire. They Fanatics start to take pot shots at the Military wile there setting. A few shot connect to one of the soldiers. He drops in aggony, he begins to foam to at the mouth his eyes roll back his skins blisters from the point of connection from the Viper Pulse Rifle.[/b]
[b]The Capitol looks like a war. The Fanatics are still fighting hard using buildings to protect most of them. The others are out on the streets fighting back. There leader hacks into the City PA system. He addresses everyone on the field.[/b]
"Who am I, that is not to be known. Who we are, You know of us if you need us. The Capitol for to too long have mocked the slums. We are taking the fight back. We have several stations carefully selected, we been watching, waiting and learning. Today is the day we rise up. For Kholkihar!"
[b]You hear shout in back ground. 'FOR KHOLKIHAR!'[/b]
Building in the North:
*an alert appears on Freddy's computer, but he is not in the room not in the Empire at the moment...* *mortar teams begin setting up on the rooftops, EG marksman bots unload rounds into the Volgus forces below*