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originally posted in: NHL PLAYOFFS VS NBA PLAYOFFS
4/23/2015 7:30:31 PM
Ive played both basketball and hockey, and even though hockey is pretty rough, basketball is way harsher and tiring in my opinion. Those cry babies are all more bad ass then you are.

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  • Yeah because running back and forth jumping is soooo terrible. Were you playing no contact hockey? Have you ever played a real contact sport and not one that insists you grind on other men's crotchs? I'm sorry seeing someone carried off the court for a leg cramp compared tou being nailed in the face with a puck and continure playing... Yeah sure you may get tired from running back and forth, but that doesn't make them any less of a baby. I grew up playing football and rugby, while no I never even considered following the persuit of a professional career in either, I know how a leg cramp feels, and I remember just getting up and finishing what I was doing. Sure it sucked the next few days but you man the f[b]u[/b]ck up and walk that shit off.

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  • Just saying that labron james is a big ass athletic mo facka like 265 6,5 or some shit, and id take a hockey puck to the face over a full speed charge from him anyday.

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  • LOL. That's some funny shit. There's too many logical reasons why that's the wrong choice.

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  • I bet you are fat.

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  • Shut up loser all u can do is but butter on toast but u can barely do that without calling ur mom for help

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  • Great comeback 10/10.

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