There was a lot added, like the upgrade of weapons to 365, material exchange, new models for vendor gear, and the reef itself. What are you looking forward to?
I'm looking forward to dancing with our new vandal friend in the reef all the time
Edited by vonix200: 4/23/2015 2:59:28 PMGold postmaster And queens wrath
Knife juggling
I must say as of now destiny has been the best game I've played. Also the most hours of any. Thank you Bungie.
Trials of Osiris!💿💿💿💿💿
The exotic helmet, The Ram! [:<
Material exchange. Forget everything else. I have so many useless mats that I can finally get out of my inventory.
Material exchange, I needed that so bad
Edited by Munsonator89: 4/23/2015 7:46:08 AMThe over 65000 different ways to customize each guardian with max level gear. Finally everyone can be a special little snowflake. And that's not counting shaders, class items, or exotics.
Edited by ImHaha: 4/23/2015 2:39:14 PM[b]ALL OF IT[/b]
Edited by MJX: 4/23/2015 3:17:05 AMHouse of judgement and 365 vision of confluence and fatebringer
When they showed weapon rerolling, THE HYPE WAS REAL
I need that shank-slayer for nightfalls. And they have made a lot of the new vendor weapons look awesome.
The ships The weapon and armor designs Not losing weapon and armor progress when upgrading The reef Not all max level players looking the same All old weapons and armor upgradable Not needing xur to upgrade Material exchange More stuff to do
The ships look cool but then again they're just loading screens :( The thing that annoyed me was when the creative director said something like "all the vendors have new armour so each faction is more unique"-or words to that affect. Then DeeJ showed us New Monarchy's new Warlock Chest armour (which looked nice) and then a few seconds later when he went to Dead Orbit who had the SAME armour only with a black and white shader on it. Basically we've got more of the same going on here unfortunately.
The fallen vendor had like six new shades alone
Obtaining trinkets from slain Gods. - old
Best new thing in reef tower is new cryptarch -
The Ram exotic helmet!!!
Edited by o_SHADOWFAX_o: 4/23/2015 1:07:03 PMBEST THING REVEALED? DeeJ trying to put on his manly voice. It was like when Christian Bale over-did his Dark Knight voice. Other than that, all I saw was The Queens Bounty with a few new upgrades.
Few things like them shaders, and exotics we haven't properly seen yet
The reef ship looks AMAZING!!!!
Shards for motes. I have 700+ shards.
All of it.
Everything that the house of judgment sells and the ship from Petra
I agree. The Vandal NPC is cool. I'm looking forward to PoE. I know they haven't said much yet, but seeing what the Vandal had already gets me more excited. I like that we'll be able to earn materials to buy rotating stock, as well as get loot through drops. It's looking like HoW will flesh out the base game nicely. I think that's a good sign as we get ready to close out its first year.
Everything looks amazing