I've been doing a lot of research.. And please hear me out. I hope I am posting this in the right place and I hope I get some feedback, but let me begin.
So this is an image (advertisement pre-release) for destiny.
Six people... Waiting for the Gatelord to come out? That's not in any mission.. is it? Nope, because it's going to be part of the raid we aren't finding.
Same area. Think about it. It could be something with Kabr's ghost, IN THE SAME AREA! Thoughts?
"The intelligence we call Zydron seems to exist in a liminal state, stretched between gates in the Vex network. It manifests as a physical being only when called. Warlock scholars believe that Gate Lords regulate traffic between Vex gates, and that their minds contain codes that might open the way into forbidden realms. An enormous amount of hope and anger has been spent on a particular debate - could we find a Vex gate that opens onto a place and time before the Collapse, and somehow forestall it?" From the Gate Lord, Zydron's Grimoire card.
Ishtar was the goddess of love, war, fertility, and sexuality. Besides the lions on her gate, her symbol is an eight-pointed star The lion was her symbol (detail of the Ishtar Gate). In the Babylonian pantheon, she "was the divine personification of the planet Venus". Ishtar SinK, Venus is where the Vault of Glass is. Too coincidental.
Also from wikipedia on Ishtar: "The gatekeeper hurried to tell Ereshkigal, the Queen of the Underworld. Ereshkigal told the gatekeeper to let Ishtar enter, but "according to the ancient decree". The gatekeeper let Ishtar into the underworld, opening one gate at a time. At each gate, Ishtar had to shed one article of clothing. When she finally passed the seventh gate, she was naked."
I believe that all of this means a lot more than we think it does. SEVEN gates?! Ishtar? Gatekeepers?! The darkness and the light? It's every single clue all rolled up in one, its TOO coincidental. We need to do more testing in the Gatelord area and scout out that area more while with a raid team. I would also suggest grabbing Kabr's ghost (look up how to find it on youtube, i think it's called the intrusion ghost) and we need to maybe start dismantling armor piece by piece and make sure we go through the teleport seven times.. That was a lot to type but please tell me what you think ..
READ THIS! Seems to similar and coincidental. Ishtar's journey to the underworld, it involves darkness, light, forgetting people (Kabr being alone), and a trial to prove yourself and take out the darkness. http://fairytalesoftheworld.com/quick-reads/ishtars-journey-into-the-underworld/
Someone respond to this so I can return please and thank you