So has anyone else received a nickname from their fireteam to shorten or mess with your gamertag? What are they? Howd ya get them?
Example: Most People call me Slinger or V.Z online (my gamertag is same is destiny forum name) To shorten it but an odd one ive been called in a VoG raid was Verizon, because i guy in the team couldnt figure it out during the raid (i dropped in at templar fight and he was pre occupied lol) and saw the vz, it stuck for the whole raid and anytime i was needed they called me Verizon.
I hope i get some good and funny stories guardians, so let me hear em.
Edit one:thank you for the replies and keep them coming, you've kept a house husband busy today (got sniped twice by hobgoblins during daily reading responses lol) and ive had some major lolz everyone read these responses because these guardians have been in similar or worse and it resulted in some hilarious nicknames.
Edit2: thanks for all the responses again, sorry i quit replying got caught up putting up a roof and now i dont think ill ever catch up lol
One guy called me Duck Dynasty.
Crucible lagg
My Old gamertag was Jack MeHofe I new a guy named: WETBAXWRK4CHEEP or something along those lines I swear I've seen Digital Menstration Filthy Sanchez
Saw someone called Booty President, clan leader of the Raiding Booties
Some guy on my friends list... just noticed the other day. 'inherbumiwillcum" lmfao.......
I've seen some good ones on Xbox live, there was: MoistGrandma, TaintDropper, TuckMySackBack, LordFapHammer & I'm sure there are more I'm forgetting. Back when Titanfall was new, I seen one named PhartBubble
My old gamer tag was "Mr. SmackaCracka" then I got into gta and whenever I entered a lobby I shouted WHY HELLO KIDDOS
My xbox gamer tag is BEZsmith so people call me pez or smitty
im either called: glitchcraft glitch glitchraft craft(once) Wait for it.... glitchfart (learn how to read)
I get Phillis
Every day I log on to destiny and go to the tower I always see this one guy called the 420 brownie
Bramd - old
Abrownbanana -
Ppl seem to call me raisin porn which is quite worrying lol
Mine xD
My buddies gamer tag was "BawlzMagee" everyone would just call him "Bawlz"
Gamer tag is username though one raid group read it as Penguin, after realizing their mistake they refused to stop calling me penguin.
Iv seen osamabinlaggin
Someone called me Am or 2K completely disregarding the Will
My gt is SAMMM89 but about 1/2 just call me sammey...
My favourite name I saw, was "ApophisSW" >egypt mythologie
My favorite so far was Stinkwink
I have constantly got "Tigger" or "Tiggles" as my friends call me. Haha, I wish my younger self actually knew how to pick names.
I'm DIAMONDPIG1122 and my friends call me either "pig" or "cop"