Eris, Eris, what a name, a name for discord, a name for far locked posts where no living thing should dare to go. I like this name.
Let me give you a gift, eris. Let me tell you about the power in the coding of the ban hammer:
A mute or a report is a powerful weapon, but it removes acyclically. You see? It sends out harm and it takes nothing back. The program passes away into nothing. A ban-hemmer, though, a ban hammer is like a bridge, a crossing-point. The ban hammer binds poster to ninja. It binds viewed to hidden. And when the binding is done—the database remembers. When the report's alert has burnt away into disregard and dictionary items, the ban hammer goes on, hungrier and blunter.
Understand that this troll logic underpins His troll world, and you will see why the ban hammer has so much power there. Whenever in our reading we find ourselves in need of power—remember that the greatest authority here is a hammer made hard by months of use.
This is the world the trolls crave: a universe balanced by the edge of the blunted hammer.
Credit to Jcaf for the original idea of doing grimore parodies
Episode 2:
Click that sexy tag to see all of them
Eyes out!
Edit: episode 4 is live!
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