I look here now and now and now many times, this page, this text...This is where I always choose to look. I put my eyes where I put my eyes before and where I will again and I look at the tags.
Great things bumping, rendered well with HD, lesser things not rising, waiting for me.
I always look here, resolute. Then go back to that page, there, where everything gets hate...
(The GIF isn't special here, certainly no better than any other GIF, but it's the view I know best.)
The silent avalanche begins. Trolls and hate. Falling chaos. Writers, as a rule, hate chaos.
Our readers report us from below, above, left, right, before, beyond. The processor - shattering. There are always the banned. Their names shift.
Sometimes I think I see myself among the banned.
But I am resolute.
[spoiler]credit to Jcaf8 for the original idea of doing these kind of grimore parodies[/spoiler]
Episode 3: https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/116327522/0/0
Episode 5: https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/116332603/0/0
Eyes out!
Shameless self bump.