I just got slapped by a level 30 dreg(Level 31 Hunter) and was one hit killed. I hit him first and expected him to die as I'm usually able to one hit melee dregs, but I only got his health down to 1/3. I'm usually careful about melee attacks with Lightswitch active, but wouldn't it be nice if [i]our[/i] melee attacks dealt more damage with this modifier active? Burns work both ways, so why not Lightswitch?
Edit: If you support this idea, then please create a thread on the same topic. Remember, the more threads there are like this, the more likely it is that Bungie will notice.
Edit #2: I can see how increased melee damage for players would make the nightfall easier if guardians could just go around and punch everything. But you still have to be careful. Imagine trying to melee a group of shanks or thrall with arc burn active. You wouldn't make it very far. So you still have to be careful and plan everything out.
Hell yes it should. You're a Gaurdian imbued with powers from the traveller and you are forging your destiny. And invisible enemies with a glitched jump distance can 300% melee YOU, but yer melee in light switch nitefalls is as effective as harsh language? Either have it both ways or nix that shit all together. This [b]isnt[/b] WoW. It's [b]not[/b] an MMO. It's a "shared world SHOOTER". Why Luke Smith has any input on creatures and their powers shouldn't be happening AT ALL. It's that WoW mentality that was applied to Destiny that had us RE-leveling weapons that Bungie agreed was a mistake and de-valuing raid gear by vendor gear to begin with like they agreed was a mistake.