I got the Crux of Crota. I was so happy. Now I just need to level up my Eidolon Ally.
[spoiler]BUT THEN I GOT THE GJALLARHOOOOORRRRRRNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!! After almost 900 hours I finally got it. From the NORMAL VOG CHEST of all places![/spoiler]
UPDATE: It has been 1 day since I posted this. I now have a Nechrocasm, my Ghorn is 1 upgrade away from max, AND I GOT ANOTHER CRUX!!! My luck this week has been unbelievable.
Congrats to you. Get your wolfpack on. And don't underestimate the simple pleasures of cursed thrall explosions, including sound effect, from critical kills.
Both in one day? Nice!
Edited by Anxietyze: 4/15/2015 4:54:15 AMDude, same here. Crux from hard raid (of course) then I got the GJALLARHOOORN!! From the nightfall. RNGesus has blessed us both
That's how I got my first
Edited by 1rxnin: 4/15/2015 4:10:20 AMI got two in one day lol (crux's) And i just got my first Gjallarhorn too xD