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Edited by AceNoFace: 4/12/2015 7:16:17 PM

Exotic Weapon idea, Casimir "Fusion Pistol" [v2, Updated with stats]

[b]EDIT: I have revised my design idea and perk tree[/b]. I've been thinking of this weapon idea for a while, so I figured I'd share it. The weapon is named "Casimir," and it is an exotic "[b]fusion pistol[/b]." Casimir is an Exotic Hand Cannon that fits in your special weapon slot. However, that isn't what makes this weapon [i]unique[/i]. Casimir has the no [i]backpack perk[/i], which allows it's ammo reserves to continuously refill. It's exotic perk, [i]ZERO-POINT ENERGY[/i] allows the weapon to be charged and fire in the same manner as a fusion rifle; Casimir is two weapons in one! [b]How the perk works[/b] Firing Casimir normally (tapping your trigger) fires single rounds just like a normal Hand Cannon, but if you hold the trigger, Casimir will charge and fire all available rounds in reserve at once in a [i]fusion bolt[/i] fashion. [b]Fire rate and charge times[/b] Ammo will recharge one round every half second, meaning that the entire 10 round reserve will regen within [i]5 seconds[/i]. The single fire delay should be somewhere around Thorn speeds; trigger spam should be avoided. Holding the trigger will activate the charge mechanic, and the charge time will depend on the available rounds in reserve, [i].2 seconds per round[/i] (a max 10 round charge will take 2 seconds to fire). You aren't required to make a full charge to use the perk; you can release at any point and fire how many ever rounds have been charged in to the shot, meaning that using the charge mechanic for short charges may be more useful, but more difficult to time, than full charges. It should be noted that you can't hold charges; Casimir will fire as soon as you release the charge or if the charge reaches the end of your ammo reserve. [b]Perk trees[/b] The most notable perks on Casimir are it's [i]No Backpack[/i] and Exotic [i]ZERO-POINT ENERGY[/i] perks. Casimir also boasts the [i]Hip Fire[/i] perk, making it easier to fire out of sites. The middle tree includes the [i]Armor Piercing Rounds[/i],[i] Perfect Balance[/i], and [i]Snapshot[/i] Perks. I chose this set of perks because honestly most other perks effect reload speeds or ammo, which this weapon has no need for. [i]AP Rounds[/i] makes Casimir a good PVE choice for eliminating crowds of enemies, while [i]Perfect Balance[/i] and [i]Snapshot[/i] are more general perks that help in PVE and PVP. Using [i]Snapshot[/i] in PVP will allow users to easily snap between hip and ADS fire, making medium to long engagements easier. [b]EDIT: Regarding Fire rate and damage outputs[/b] I can see that the impact and quick regen speed would be an issue, so the impact would need to be a little lower. As far as ammo regen, this weapon is designed with the idea of being "Always ready," but that doesn't mean it shoots forever. Casimir can't regen while it is firing or charging a shot, and the regen doesn't restart until firing the weapon has made a complete stop. you cant just spam the trigger for infinite one shot clips. As far as the charge mechanic goes, it won't be firing the charge in the way a hand cannon fires, but in the manner of a fusion rifle. A charge won't laser beam multiple rounds at the same exact point, there will be spread applied just like in a fusion bolt. I suppose it would help to reduce the OP nature of this by making larger charges have slightly reduced impact to certain point, but not to the point where damage falloff makes higher charges do the same total damage as smaller charges by scale. [b]EDIT: NEW STAT INFO[/b] Here are some numbers so you can get a better feel for how this weapon would handle. ADS time .2 sec single fire delay .05 sec fire rate(semi auto fire) 164, 3~ rps, empty clip in 3~ sec rounds regen 1 every .5 sec, full clip regen 5~ sec PVE TTK 1-2 head 2-3 body for Reds, 3-5 head 4-6 body for Yellows PVP TTK 80dps on head 3tk on crit, 50dps on body 4tk on body Charge shot time .25 sec/every round in charge (full charge 2.5 sec) rounds in burst only do body damage, no possible crit PVP damage values- each round in burst hits for 40, for a max possible damage output of 400 damage, provided all rounds in burst hit target a perfect hit from a 6 round charge is a 1 hit Kill These are all soft numbers, I've done some research and based them off of other hand cannons. I also based the stats off of rare guns, not the exotics, to get a softer profile. As is right now though, if this gun were to be made, I believe it would be a downright monster.

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  • [quote]I've been thinking of this weapon idea for a while, so I figured I'd share it. The weapon is named "Casimir," and it is an exotic "fusion pistol." Casimir would be a Special weapon, meaning it would open your Primary for the potential to run two hand cannons on one loadout, a possibility that of this moment doesn't yet exist. The Idea behind this weapon is that by default it uses the No backpack perk, so the ammo reserves of Casimir regen on their own, similar to Ice Breaker, but at a quicker rate. It's exotic perk, *Zero-Point Energy*, allows you to hold the trigger and "charge" Casimir and fire your entire current ammo reserve in one burst, in the same manner as a fusion rifle. The strength of the burst and charge time is dependent on how many rounds you have in reserve. The stats of Casimir are pretty standard; the fire rate is kind of slow, but with Hair trigger you should be able to fire rounds at roughly double the ammo regen speed, meaning that the ammo regen speed won't be instant, but won't take as long as the Ice breaker either. It should be noted that charge times for the Zero-Point Energy perk will be half as long as how long it would take to regen the amount of ammo currently in reserve. This will mean that the maximum burst size (10 rounds) would take considerable time to charge. You aren't required to have a full ammo reserve to use the perk though, you can just release the charge whenever you are comfortable. It should be noted that unlike fusion rifles, if you do make a max charge, you can continue to hold the trigger to hold the charge, as the weapon will fire as soon as you release the trigger, not when Casimir reaches max charge. Gauging how many rounds are charged is shown by slots on the side of the weapon; Each marks a single charge, the Triangle at the end of the weapon being the max charge. The slots will have a dim glow to indicate your available ammo, and will glow bright for every stage of charging.[/quote]

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