I am simply curious as to what the more popular reasons are for people who are against the use of cannabis.
So if you are against it, what is your reason?
Your lungs would be better off without it.
Define against. I don't really care if other people smoke it. I know it can help many people with certain medical conditions. Really not the worst thing in the world. That said I would never hang out with stoners. It's the mentality and lifestyle
Edited by The Arxfiend: 10/17/2015 11:35:03 AMWeed provides a similar effect to getting drunk. Not as bad, but still there.
1 person smoking it makes the smell go to nearby houses/places and it fills the air of that terrible smell
Why shouldn't I? Try to convince me.
Its illegal therefore i will not interact w/ it.
Second hand smoking but instead with weed
"Because I'm a hypocrite who believes propaganda spewed by politicians from the 50s and am against personal freedom" - said someone who watches Fox News.
I personally couldn't care less but I believe that the reason is because the government cannot get a profit from it
Edited by Figlemister627: 10/17/2015 11:43:45 AMI'm not, but people who smoke it every day are still at high risk to lung cancer. no matter how much better the smoke is for you then cig smoke, it's still smoke blackening your lungs that being said, the effects of long term alcohol use is much worse and if it is legal, weed should be too.
while I'm sure the health benefits are nice, I don't like it. I thought about trying it once, but then a bunch of Stoners moved in next door, and the smell was horrendous. I'm not against people smoking it, it's your life, but I don't think it's the amazing wonder-drug that Pro-Legalization propaganda makes it out to be.
Because its bad for you
I have a former friend who used to be a pretty fun guy, but over the past few years he has started smoking weed more and more frequently. He's at the point where he is legitimately high all the time. It's hurting his grades, he's wasting all of his money on it, and he smells like a junkyard dog (seriously it's rancid). I tried to convince him to cut down on it, but he just gets all worked up about me "judging him" and argues that because it does no physical harm to him it's not hurting him in any way. We don't talk much anymore but I still have to see him everyday. He is the main reason I will never touch marijuana.
I trim the weeds in my garden every week but I'm not against them
I like weed I'm not against.
I could go on about why I don't, but science and stuff then I seem like a paleskin dude in his basement who doesn't know how to debate 😂
I don't care what people do as long as they're happy and in not bothered then do what you want
Because I want to be different everyone riding the weed hype train and I'm like stop riding so much d. I mean it ain't all that for you to be riding that d so hard. Look like you need a saddle to make your d riding more comfortable
It kills my grass and makes my yard look terrible. Weed killer barely helps either!
Because it stinks, makes you look like shit and makes you chat a load of nonsensical bollocks that only other stoners care about
I'm not against weed. I burn weed in my bongs eveyday
Not so much against weed, as I am the stoners eating my Doritos.
Edited by JIMSTOPHESDEAD: 10/16/2015 10:05:12 PMI'm not. If you want to smoke, go ahead and smoke. You were given enough warnings. You can always get help if you want to stop. If it is the cause of your death, you knew that it could happen.
I just really hate the smell. Do you know how awful it is to be forced to sit beside a stoner for over an hour?
Everyone I know that smokes weed is an idiot. Every single one.