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4/8/2015 8:03:18 AM

That moment when you actually use Song of Flame...

And no one notices.

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  • Song of flame should be defAult.. Sunsinger needs a support buff

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    It would be nice if song of flame had a global reach. I tend to use radiant skin and with Viking funeral and rich o flame while using firebolt grenades: you can watch the whole world burn in front of you lol.

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  • Not ripping on Sunsinger, but a giant space bomb is a lot more noticeable, and even more effective. [spoiler]IMO![/spoiler]

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    Here for fun. - old

    I use it in vanguard roc all the time and my team NEVER notices. I don't know why I try

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  • Happens to me all the time... [b]#FacePalm[/b]

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  • the thing is, people should tell Fireteam members what they are doing nothing like being too focused on something and then realizing that someone is using a bonus like that when it's almost out just like Defender Titans that don't put weapons of light or blessing of light, makes no sense or they do, and instead of Weapons on Atheon they will have armor etc

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  • If I run sunsinger, at the lamps I always use song of flame and call out when I use it. Grenades for days.

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  • I've used it a few times and the usually response to it when I call it out is warlocks can do that lol

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  • Song of flame buffed gernade time by 83 percent.

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  • Bc it's hardly noticeable! Mystery solved!

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  • I only ever used it to cheese Templar. That's it. Other than that it's pointless. The recharges for allies aren't that quick and there's no other benefit. I'd sooner use radiant skin. That's awesome. SGA if you use radiant skin with apotheosis veil it's almost fireborn. Just activate when health is very low and bosh full health again with overshield.

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    • How has this game even being updated? They say it's a constantly evolving game but all they really have done is add options which should have been in the game in the first place I'm sorry but destiny plays on people's reward system in order to keep the player playing. That's a cheap way to extend a games life and just gives an excuse to say that the game has depth. Repost this if u don't give a -blam!- anymore!

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    • The moment i ever used it was when a boss could be easily pushed off

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    • This happens a lot for me.

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    • I used for several weeks a couple of months ago and except once on the Vex strike on Mars nobody noticed it or if they noticed they didn't take advantage of it. Even during nightfalls when team-mates were using mics and I told them I was using it. This was with me having HotPF equipped as well. I have pretty much switched to Radiant Skin now and I don't remember ever having a team-mate use SoF.

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    • For a support super it is a good idea, however I would suggest: It speeds up health & super generation rate x 2 It gives a mild overshield (stops 1 bullet) All grenades across fireteam gain solar burn ability. Guardians under it's effect hear an audio cue to let them know they have it.

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      • People always use fireborn

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      • Use the voice channel to explain the effect and announce when you are using it; emphasize that you want them to focus their grenades on a boss or to help clear adds. Whether people utilize it comes down to the quality of player's you have found-- the same person might as easily ignore orbs of light or a Defender's Ward of Dawn. Its either people who are ignorant of the games mechanics or who simply are willfully obtuse.

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      • Yeah it needs a buff. It should restore ppl's supers. That would be really cool

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        • Because it's effectively useless.

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