The Avengers: Destiny Edition
Hunter(Gunslinger) as Black Widow
Titan(Striker) as Hulk
Warlock(Voidwalker) as Thor
Titan(Defender) as Ironman
Hunter(Bladedancer) as Hawkeye
Warlock(Sunsinger) as Captain America
The Speaker as Nick Fury
Master Rahool as Agent Phil
SmoggyPluto as SmoggyPluto
Crota as Thanos
The Hive as the Shatari
Xur as Loki
Atheon as Ultron
Loki: Lord Thanos, I have given you all of the information I have on the Avengers of earth. Our armies...
Thanos: SILENCE FOOL! I am the bearer of the great sword. The army is mine alone.
Loki:(speaking to himself) I will just go to Stark's tower in disguise and offer the Avengers the great Gjallarhorn and after they defeat you the army will be mine. Better stock up on rocket launcher telemetries and heavy ammo synths.
Loki: Nothing I just sneezed.
Thanos: Oh! Well Oryx bless you.
Loki: ...ummm...Thanks
Meanwhile back at Stark's tower the Avengers are meeting with Fury.
Fury: Alright Avengers, we have a situation in downtown Manhattan. There seems to be a lost dog.
Captain: Ok Avengers assemble!!! Let's ge...
Fury: Nevermind that Team Smoggy's got it.
Ironman: Damn he's good
Hulk: Hulk always looked up to best hero. Hulk like strongest man. Hulk ok with second strongest.
Fury: Well he's going on a secret mission so he will be leaving us after he returns that dog.
Captain: Good! I could solo anything with my flare grenades.
So SmoggyPluto goes back to the Tower to get his orders on his new mission. The team bids him farewell and good luck.
SmoggyPluto: No luck needed for me. You see Lady Luck once asked me to blow her dice. So I blew...her up into pieces. With this bad boy right here!(as he pulls out a giant launcher with 3 barrels)
Ironman: is that a Gjallarhorn?
SmoggyPluto: it's Gjallarhorn Cerberus. Made it myself. Well good luck to you. YOU will needed.
Captain: what does that mean?
SmoggyPluto: I have no time to explain why I don't have time to explain *swoosh*
And Smoggy vanishes.
Next day a stranger shows up in the Avenger's HQ. The whole team assembles and surrounds the mysterious stranger.
Fury: Who are you and how did you get inside.
???: Ummm... the door was opened.
Fury: Oh yeah that's right. Ok strange looking suspicious stranger who we need to keep an eye on because you do in fact look mighty shady and should really be kicking you out but we're not how can we help you?
???: well I'm here actually to help you. You see Thanos is readying his armies to take over earth.
Fury: and how's are you gonna help us?
???: well I'm willing to sell your entire team of avengers Gjallarhorns for the low price of 17 strange coins.
Fury: REALLY?!?!?!
Ironman/Thor/hulk/Hawkeye: OH MY GODDD!!! YES!!!
Black Widow: ...
Captain: no thanks I'll earn mine.
???: well here they...ah shoot I forgot them.
Fury: well what are you selling???
???: No Land Beyond
Fury: Ok get out!
???: suit yourselves *swoosh* (stranger disappears)
Captain: Hehehe
Fury: Thanos has started his invasion!!!
Captain: Avengers Assemble!!! Meet me in orbit!
Meanwhile in orbit...
Hulk: why ship not moving?
Thor: ships are in auto pilot. It takes them a while to lock onto their coordinates.
Hawkeye: can you guys hear me now?
Captain: yeah I can hear you.
Hulk: hulk hears sissy knife guy.
Thor: I hear you.
Ironman: Hawkeye doesn't have any good weapons or full armor. I say we boot him.
Hawkeye: put down your shield and say it to my face. I'm working on getting my helmet. I never seem to get one tho.
Captain: can anybody hear black widow?
Everyone: nah
Black widow: ...
Captain: ok guys we're starting. Widow, Thor take center plate. Ironman, you and I take right. Hulk you solo left, SMASH! Hawkeye you're crossing the bridge. If can't get this done the first time we could always cheese it my super is ready.
Meanwhile trying to cross the Brooklyn bridge into Manhattan the avengers had a serious amount of wipes finally the Captain snaps!
Captain: ok guys lets cheese it.
Hawkeye gets across the bridge and kneels down in front of one of the support pillars hiding from the enemies who clearly saw him go there and once he turned invisible they could not notice the blue human outline in front of them so the decided to jump off. Everyone kills themselves and Captain self rez's.
Thor: ok remember this is on hard so we cannot be revived unless we beat this part.
Captain: I got this!
The Captain then pulls out a long sniper rifle from literally out of nowhere.
Ironman: is that No Land Beyond???
Captain: Yes it is! Best gun in the world.
Finally 4 hours later the last leviathan dies and everyone else revives.
Captain: and that's how it's done.
Ironman: you're an idiot. Where was your icebreaker?
Captain: not needed when I have the best gun in the world. But it was in my pocket.
After fighting waves after waves of Shatari the avengers finally reach Thanos.
Captain: ok team here it goes let's get rea...
Thanos falls and dies. A big explosion follows and a figure emerges out of the explosion itself.
Ironman: S-s-smoggy???
Captain: AH COME ON!!!
Hulk: (let's out a girly scream)
Thor: (faints)
Black widow: (starts dancing)
Hawkeye: nice moves Widow!
Black Widow: ah thanks man! I've been practicing(Widow replies in a deep manly voice)
Hawkeye: YOURE A MAN?!?!?!
Black Widow: yeah man what's up is there a problem?
Hawkeye: but you look like a woman!!!
Black Widow: yeah well I'm not!
SmoggyPluto: I could've told you that.
Captain: who cares if she's a man and I've fantasies about herhim. I thought you were on a secret mission!
SmoggyPluto: Yeah well I finished it.
Captain: What was it?
SmoggyPluto: Well I was fighting this guy named Ultron from the future but in the middle of the fight he got scared and attempted to send me to the past which is now so then I looked at my watch and told the time that I dare it to travel me without my consent so then time stopped and I stayed in the present which is the future and I killed Ultron. Then after I gave time permission to send me back here where I seen Thanos so I pulled out little ol Cerberus here and killed him. I figured I'd lend a hand.
Captain: I hate you!
SmoggyPluto: But Captain, I am your father!
Captain: NOOOOOOOO!!!
Fantastic Four Version:
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