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Edited by Zoobz: 4/7/2015 12:43:33 AM

Why 31+ for VOG?

Just as it says why? Do people not remember beating this thing with 29s? Do people not understand a 30 does the same damage as a 32? In VOG And before you look, i have 3 32s i just laugh at people not letting 30s or even 29s into vog hard.... Get good. Edit: Okay right on. Glad most everyone agrees i just wasnt understanding the reasons Edit 2: forgot to say yes first thing i mainly look at is whose got vog weapons. Then i ask if they have done it before lol. Edit 3: if you ever need help with VOG or Crota. Or nightfalls add me Devohagen Edit 4: so many replies. Wow. Thanks. Ive only argued a few replies so far lol. Edit 5: 800 comments and trending! Seems to be people still unaware no extra damage by 32s in VOG is real. Thats too bad. I beat it today with 30s in the group in two portals... Edit 6: all im saying is people kicking out the 29s 30s are the real scrubs and n00bs. The only people i struggle to play with are squeakers Edit 7: if you think a 32 does more weapon damage then a 30 in vog you're a n00b and please just dont comment. Also wow 1000 replies.

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  • When we let 29s run the vault of glass, the vendor gear brought you to 28, showing that they have enough raid gear and experience to do it. Now the vendor gear brings you to 31, so there really isn't an excuse to be 28 or 29 anymore.

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    22 Replies
    • Because level 29s and 30s should have gear that gets them to 31, so if they are still 29 or 30 they are inexperienced Sometimes I play specifically to help inexperienced people, but sometimes i want it done fast

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    • When the lvl cap is 40 it's gonna be this "VoG hard fresh 40 only."

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    • Until Bungie fixes the glitches, lower levels simply make the game more difficult for everyone else. If you are a level 25, don't play the VOG on normal! You aren't doing enough damage to truly contribute to the team. Go play strikes and other things to get your level up instead!

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      10 Replies
      • Bump

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      • I'm okay with 29+ as long as they know what to do

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      • I'm not one to start raid teams anyway, so I never restrict who I play with, but there ARE benefits to being a higher level. Defense. Armor with 36 light always has more defense (not to mention Discipline, Intellect, and strength). I agree with lack of extra damage done (assuming maxed weapons, which most players that are newer level 29's or 30's don't have yet) but higher level will reduce damage taken, helping you stay alive. It's tough going in a raid with lower leveled players rocking blue heavys and specials. I love the challenge for me, but I can see where some people just want to get it done.

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        3 Replies
        • I think the reason for people wanting 32's is because now a days 30 means nothing, most likely really inexperienced players, but I do agree that it is stupid that people require level 31+ for level 30 things P.S. I got destiny after expansion so I don't know exactly how good being 30 or 29 was, but I've heard they must have been good

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          • You wont do more damage, but you will take less. That's probably why people do it. I agree with you tho. No reason to not take 29+. Especially if you have 31's or 32's on the team.

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          • Edited by JHarv: 4/3/2015 5:27:57 AM
            because people still dont know how this game works every week i run atheon, every week i hear some douchy kid make a comment about someone being level 30 instead of 31-32, and every week i tell them "once you hit the level of your enemy, any levels past that are completely irrelevant. being level 30 or 32, you take the exact same amount of damage and deal the exact same amount of damage to atheon and his merry minions" (i have bad maw and his merry midgets fresh in my head). and they all give you that stunned kid answer "duhhhhhh well yeah buttttttttt........" but what? but you're an idiot and just looking for something to complain about? and then that same guy goes ahead and dies to a supplicant.

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            22 Replies
            • This game works on weakest link in the chain. One time i was doing a nightfall, phogoth, and i was using a sniper rifle and two shoting every knight. I was level 31, my friend joined as a 28, and suddenly it was taking 3 shots, the first two leaving knights with about 5-10% health. So if you're raiding with 5 32's, and one 29, he's bringing everyone down substantially. That being said though, I'll run VoG with any level as long as they can start the mission at all, and crota. Just requires some focus fire

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              2 Replies
              • What system ?

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                • Because people are stupid, there is no modifier for being higher level than your target.

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                • Cause mfs got shiit to do

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                • I jumped into a fireteam the other day with a few buddies. We went to LFG to find two more players for VoG HM. One of my buddies was using his old VoG gear, and was level 30. I find a player who says he's 32, ghorn and Black Hammer and invite him. In pops this level 31 squeaker with unmaxed oversoul edict, unmaxed ghorn (no wolfpack) and 300 Black hammer. I say "wait man, I thought you were 32". In his unfathomably shrill tone, he blurts out "yeah I just need like 2 more shards. I got ghorn though!!!!!". Obviously I immediately regret adding him. I don't kick him though, because he's obviously done crota so it was possible he knew what he was doing. We make it to confluxes without a hitch, and start defending mid. Squeaker and my level 30 buddy go to the right side together. *Guardian down* "WHAT THE -blam!- DUDE, WHY IS THIS LEVEL 30 NOOB OVER HERE WITH ME. HE JUST MADE ME DIE! I'M NOT GOING TO CARRY THIS GUY. KICK THIS DOUCHEBAG!" I did kick someone, but it wasn't the level 30. I honestly lean both ways on this. After TDB, most of the time level 30 equates to a player with un-upgraded vendor gear. If my old raid team still played, it wouldn't be a problem to carry an 1800 grimoire level 30 with non-max weapons through the raid. Since most of them quit, I have to run it with random LFG kids. No way am I allowing that level 30 into a team that I know nothing about in the first place. If I run an LFG raid, most of the time I just want it to be over ASAP. On the other hand if a 2600 grimoire level 30 joins and has VoG weapons and is simply playing his alt, I have no issue with it. Bottom line is, if you're just jumping into raiding try normal mode until you get decent VoG weapons and learn the mechanics.

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                • Just to make you all laugh a bit; I was looking to run VoG on normal yesterday to carry/teach my little brother about it. The only group posted on lfg was looking for all 32s; for normal.

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                • Bump. Some people really need to read this and understand this is meant for lvl 27+ to get some raid gear. Nice post.

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                • System?

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                  8 Replies
                  • Their all christmas noobs mate, they think they know the game but if they got it after TDB then they know nothing I remember the good old days completing hard with a full team of 29s I would let a 27 join as we can carry them

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                  • Well, you see. There's the skilled, then there's people that are special....

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                  • I actually like it when people on lfg and the like post something stupid like: "HM VAULT 32 ONLY MAX GALLY PREFERRED". Why? Because I don't want to raid with people like that. The level thing is bad enough, but requiring gally, especially in the vault, is a whole other level of stupid. They're probably going to fire rockets at Atheon or are the dumb asses who'll mis-time a rocket at the Templar. Speaking of, I've been in many groups who've taken the HM Templar down no problem without a single rocket. Some people will dismiss this attitude as "wanting experienced people" or whatever. I can understand that, but you come across as a giant ignorant ass.

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                  • Even worse is when they want 31+ for normal...

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                  • I can't stand when people say they look for VOG weapons, oracle disruptor does 10% more damage too oracles, 10% damage of a 300 max weapon is 30 meaning a maxed 331 weapon does the tiniest bit more damage! And if your not running super good advice and black hammer with weapons you need to try it!

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                    10 Replies
                    • Real talk man. BKs trying & failing to compensate for themselves lol

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                    • My guess is by now there is no reason a person should be less than that

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                    • My group has actually started the opposite. We make each other put our old vog gear on and play at 30. I almost forgot how nice the vog gear looks.

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