Omnigul Enters The Devils Lair - Strike vs. Strike
Recently I posted a reply detailing how Atheon would go through the CE raid and how Crota would go through the VoG. I was requested to put strike bosses through other strikes. So here is my first attempt. I picked the last strike boss: [b]Omnigul[/b] to go through the first strike: [b]The devil's lair.[/b]
[b][u]Final Verdict (for the impatient):[/u][/b] [spoiler]Omnigul's fireteam wins. The Ogre has a good chance of being downed around the end of the spider tank encounter and during the middle of the Sepkis encounter. [/spoiler]
[b]At Spawn:[/b]
Omnigul spawns in at the rocket yard with:
[u]an ogre[/u] (not sure if the one she spawns in on her strike has a name)
[u]and a knight[/u]: that annoying boomer knight that spawns in behind the garage door, up on the ledge, during the last phase of the Omnigul strike. There is also a hallowed knight up there too during the heroic and nightfalls. I'm going to refer him as Dwight, the hallowed Knight. I apologize to all the Dwights reading this.
Omnigul leaves the ogre at spawn for the moment being as he is going to be useless until they get to the mesh wall. Omnigul and Dwight make their way, past the two Knights and two acolytes, towards the entrance to the building. They make it to the first hallway where they encounter the fallen fighting off the hive.
([u]Note:[/u] Since Omnigul's fireteam has entered the darkness zone, I'm going to assume that all the hive she encounters would be her enemies as well. I also assume fireteam revives are enabled like regular strikes.)
Even though Omnigul, with her arc shields, is susceptible to the fallen's weapons, they would barely do enough damage to take the shields down. The only problem would be the boomer further down the hall. Dwight comes in handy here. Just as he finishes of the few thrall, an Acolyte shoots Dwight triggering his wall of darkness. Omnigul, who made quick work of the two dregs and vandal, uses this as a cover while she takes out the opposing hive.
[b]The mesh wall:[/b]
Omnigul leaves Dwight (the Hallowed Knight) at the entrance of the encounter as she quietly makes her way to the far side next to the tanker where the hive spawn. She then uses her summoning ability to call that ogre she left behind at spawn. (Since you can join in on a strike all the way from orbit, it's only fair that Omnigul is allowed to summon her other fireteam members from outside the darkness zone). The ogre focuses down on the wizard. Her solar shield makes it impractical for Omnigul or Dwight to take her on. Dwight is best suited to use the confusion to walk up and take out the pair of vandals on the first metal arch and focus fire on the captain and dregs that are standing next to the console that must be hacked into. Omnigul agros and takes out the other pair of vandals on the ledge behind the console to keep them from sniping at Dwight.
[b]Hacking the mesh wall:[/b]
This is where having a dinkle-bot would come in handy. Luckily wizards are known for their intelligence and the experiments they conduct on captured ghosts. A mesh barrier is child's play. She could probably deactivate all three at once without tripping a single alarm. Alas, she made a rookie mistake and has to go through the long familiar process.
[b]First wave:[/b]
Omnigul is busy with the mesh wall. The ogre repositions himself so he has perfect line of site on the first group of captains, dregs, and vandals as they spawn. Dwight picks off the stragglers and helps with the arc shields.
Unless Hank spawns in, there is no problems here.
[b]Second Wave:[/b]
Not much change from the first wave's method.
Hank is still no where in sight so we are good.
[b]Final wave:[/b]
Omnigul has to stop hacking and contribute here. The Ogre makes quick work of the first wizard that spawns. Omnigul takes care of any fallen that spawn in. Her priority is to take out the sniper vandals first. The captains with their solar shrapnel launcher pose no threat to her. Dwight positions himself near the ogre and takes care of any runaway thralls and any fallen stragglers that managed to escape omnigul's arc blast spam. When the other two wizard come out, the ogre must agro them completely while taking down their shield. Dwight rotates to Omnigul to take agro off of her (from arc snipers). Omnigul helps to put in major DPS against the Wizards from afar to down them. Once Naksis spawns, Omnigul quickly rips of his shield. He'll probably teleport away but that's not a problem because the ogre has center stage and would keep a good line of sight on him. Dwight takes on sniper duty and Omnigul is running clean up. Once clear, Omnigul can finish up with the mesh wall hack and they can make their way to the spider tank leaving the ogre behind as he can't fit through the hallways. The captain and vandals waiting in the next room can be taken care of easily by Omnigul and the knight.
[b]Spider Tank:[/b] [spoiler]Ogre has a chance to go down here[/spoiler]
Dwight, the Hallowed Knight takes position under the bridge with the pipes. His goal for now is to clear the area in front of him and the area to the left of the spider tank where the two concrete pillars are. Omnigul goes to the spot where everyone with a black hammer loves sniping (on the roof of the farthest back building) she summons the ogre here. Omnigul then moves up to the concrete pillars. She should be safe there because wizards are also known for their incredible ability to spam their arc attacks then run and hide behind a pillar when their shield goes down. The ogre's job is to act like a black hammer user: focusing on the legs of the tank. Dwight's job is to agro the tank so that the tanks cannon doesn't fixate on the ogre. Omnigul's role is to DPS the spiders legs when she has the chance and to put in major DPS once the tank has its core vulnerable it also helps if she could safely agro the tank as well. Eventually the tank will set its cannon upon the ogre and once that happens it'll be ogre down. But if the knight and Omnigul is successful in keeping the tank busy, the ogre would survive long enough to hopefully take the tank out or at least weaken it enough for Omnigul to take out. I'm still confident that Omnigul and the ogre would have enough power to take out each leg before the spider has a chance to launch one of its rockets. After the encounter, the ogre would have to wait behind again.
[b]Sepiks Prime:[/b]
Positing the ogre would be hard. There is not many places safe for him. He can't fit under the platform and I don't think he fits in the entry room (the room is tall enough but I'm not sure it's wide enough). He can fit on the platform but he will die once Sepiks teleports to the area and hits him with his servitor attack (the vacuum technique). He can fit on the ground next to the lake where the fallen skiff drops off the waves of fallen. Either on the ground or the platform, he is a big target and will go down first. He will last a little bit longer on the ground out of reach of the servitor attack. The Dwight camps under the platform and rotates to the left room once Sepiks moves out of range. Omnigul can position herself anywhere on the platform as long as there is cover nearby. She shouldn't be too worried because she has arc shields and Sepiks does void damage. Dwight would have to do double duty to try and keep as many fallen off her shields as he can. With some time, Sepiks will go down without a fuss this is the easiest part of the strike. Sadly the ogre probably won't make it through to the end.
Another complete strategy is to go balls to the wall and steam roll straight through the encounter with everyone on the platform and not worry about a damn thing because they are all level 26 and Sepiks is only 8 but I'd like to assume that everyone would be the same level.
[b]Outcome:[/b] contrary to what I said before about Omnigul beating the Sepiks, there is no way she could win....she isn't a prime.
[spoiler]only a prime can defeat the fallen. I guess we are all primes.[/spoiler]
Let me know if you found this entertaining and want me to keep this as a series. I plan on continuing this Strike vs Strike in a fashion that would put the previous nightfall's boss through the current nightfall. The addition of modifiers would call for a need for better strategies and replacements in fireteam composition during select encounters making it a more interesting read like the Crota in VoG and Atheon in CE post.
Link: [url=]link[/url]
EDIT: to fix spelling and grammar.
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