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Edited by Charlemagne: 3/30/2015 1:36:31 PM

Banjo and Cattle: It's Not On Your End (It's Starting to Work Now)

I'm with Comcast and getting one or both of these


I'm not and I'm getting one or both of these


Just checking


Edit: [b]As of 8:30-9:30am this morning, the game is starting to work again for [i]some[/i] north-eastern (American) Comcast users. I'm guessing they've fixed their P2P services on their end. Sound off if it's working for you now![/b] We've been noticing a large increase in these two error codes. The common denominator is Comcast. How many of you are with them and getting these codes? The issue seems to have started some time around midday. PS players seem to be getting Cattle while Xbox is getting Banjo, however, both consoles seem to be able to get both. Sound off below. Edit: From what I can tell, Comcast's P2P services aren't functioning properly, but that's just speculation on my part. How many of you are east coast? Edit: Most if not all of you are on the north-east coast. It also seems to have started at midday for everyone. [url=]Cattle error code thread[/url] [url=]Banjo error code thread[/url] Edit: [b]As of 8:30-9:30am this morning, the game is starting to work again for [i]some [/i]north-eastern (American) Comcast users. I'm guessing they've fixed their P2P services on their end. Sound off if it's working for you now![/b]

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  • What about the midwest Xbox One players on Charter? I first saw this this morning.

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    • The same thing is happening with charter users in the St. Louis area. Read the help forums and you'll see a lot are experiencing it

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    • 1. Yes I have attempted all steps of the troubleshooting guide. I have quit the Destiny Applications on the Xbox Dashboard. I have signed in and out of my Xbox Live profile multiple times. I have hard reset my Xbox/Router/Modem over and over again. I have manually set the DNS servers on my Xbox, Router and Modem to both OpenDNS and Google's DNS servers neither worked. I am wired to my Xbox, I attempted bypassing my router and plugging straight into my Modem, did not resolve the error. In my 'Settings - Network' on my Xbox it lists my connection as wired and my NAT as open with all services are available. I have also DMZ'd my Xbox's static IP on my router to ensure that this isn't a NAT issue. I have no problem connecting and playing Titanfall. My 'Detailed Network Statistics' are listing 28ms Latency, 116.18Mbps Download, 12.98Mbps Upload, 0% Packet Loss and 1480 MTU. Testing both 'Test network connection' and 'Test multiplayer connection' displays the message 'It's All Good' 2. Xbox One (I have 3 consoles (Mine and 2 roommates), all 3 are having the same issue, error 'banjo') 3. This has been a constant error when attempting to log on to the Destiny servers, it happens after launching the game, 'Press A to Play' I press A, it says 'Connecting; in the bottom right, followed by 'Signing In' and then fails and displays error code 'banjo', again, same spot on all 3 consoles. Unable to log in or play. 4. ISP is Comcast, I'm in Northeastern Connecticut.

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      4 Replies
      • Must be on Crota's end.

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        2 Replies
        • Back up for me.........YES!!!!! I've done a lot of bitching here lately, but it's only because I friggin love this game, and don't like being denied access to it. Especially on my days off Cheers

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          3 Replies
          • [quote]Edit: [b]As of 8:30-9:30am this morning, the game is starting to work again for [i]some[/i] north-eastern (American) Comcast users. I'm guessing they've fixed their P2P services on their end. Sound off if it's working for you now![/b] We've been noticing a large increase in these two error codes. The common denominator is Comcast. How many of you are with them and getting these codes? The issue seems to have started some time around midday. PS players seem to be getting Cattle while Xbox is getting Banjo, however, both consoles seem to be able to get both. Sound off below. Edit: From what I can tell, Comcast's P2P services aren't functioning properly, but that's just speculation on my part. How many of you are east coast? Edit: Most if not all of you are on the north-east coast. It also seems to have started at midday for everyone. [url=]Cattle error code thread[/url] [url=]Banjo error code thread[/url] Edit: [b]As of 8:30-9:30am this morning, the game is starting to work again for [i]some [/i]north-eastern (American) Comcast users. I'm guessing they've fixed their P2P services on their end. Sound off if it's working for you now![/b][/quote] Just checked mine and it working thank you for the update

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            • Comcast ps4 cattle nj

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              • Thank you Charles senpai!

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                2 Replies
                • Edited by Quad_G_Moto: 3/30/2015 3:13:28 PM
                  I checked the Comcast connection at about 11 AM. It's working for me. Thanks for working on this.

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                • To begin with, I have faith in you Bungie. I used to play WoW before finally dropping it for destiny not long ago.. I've experienced many times where servers were down for hours so my patiants is very high. Now to answer your question. Yes, north-east, comcast. Around 3pm yesterday. My friend in the same city got on without any problems. He has comcast as well. Didn't ask about his router. I've been connected through wifi for almost 2 months without any problems. So i figured if I man handled my router into my room to get a Lan connection would fix the problem. No luck... ask blizzard on what would they do haha, I promised myself I wouldn't buy any other game and I tend to keep that promise. My fiancé used some space magic to get me this glacier white ps4 when it was sold out everywhere. It's why she's now my fiancé after all haha. Sorry, got carried away. Anyways don't have to worry about losing this guy. Good luck Bungie!

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                  3 Replies
                  • Thank you Charlemagne, thank you Mentors, and thank you Bungie! Means a lot having you guys involved. Again, thank you!

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                    • Edited by SCLord195: 3/30/2015 2:19:19 PM
                      Many thanks for involving us in problem solving and for the announcements. Is back up and running in PA. (10:20am)

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                      • Anyone in Boston up and running? I'm out in my ambulance and unable to check.

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                        4 Replies
                        • Edited by rugby49: 3/30/2015 1:32:26 PM
                          Back up in Connecticut. Interesting Comcast denied any error on their part. But my withdrawal symptoms have stopped. Just tried at 9:31 am and it worked,. Tried at around 9:00am and it did not work.

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                          • At work right now but I checked it at 5 am and it wasn't working here in central PA.

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                            • Now I just gotta wait to finish this 12 hour work day and I can finish that hard crota

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                              3 Replies
                              • Well, as of this morning, Destiny is working for me again... Just wanted to update you.

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                                • Error code cattle curse has been lifted :'D I can play again!! So damn happy!

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                                  • After spending all this time fuming, I remembered that I have a second ISDN connection through Verizon. (An arm twisted bundle with my business phone line.) I set it up and I'm now in Destiny.

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                                    • It is till going on. For people more knowledgeable than me, possibly the moderator, If this is Comcast throttling again (which they have been known to do) why can I still stream DishTV, play other online XBox One and PS4 games, log in to both systems without a problem and do everything except play Destiny. What is Destiny using for connection that other games are not. This certainly could be Comcast screwing around again. But to me. if they were, it would affect all services, especially streaming movies, and not just Destiny. Again I am Comcast and have their Blast Package in Connecticut. Have both PS4 and XBox One. The only game affected is Destiny. I should have added my error is only Banjo all the time.

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                                      2 Replies
                                      • [quote]We've been noticing a large increase in these two error codes. The common denominator is Comcast. How many of you are with them and getting these codes? The issue seems to have started some time around midday. PS players seem to be getting Cattle while Xbox is getting Banjo, however, both consoles seem to be able to get both. Sound off below. Edit: From what I can tell, Comcast's P2P services aren't functioning properly, but that's just speculation on my part. How many of you are east coast? Edit: Most if not all of you are on the north-east coast. It also seems to have started at midday for everyone. [url=]Cattle error code thread[/url] [url=]Banjo error code thread[/url][/quote] It's been 24 hours and I'm still getting banjo is this going to get fixed?

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                                        • Edited by Big Fase: 3/30/2015 12:22:26 PM
                                          I have been getting Cattle error codes since 1pm EDT yesterday. I called Comcast in NJ and they said that its not on their end. I've tried everything that you have listed for trouble shooting and nothing has worked... This is not the first, second or third time this has happened to me, seems like the problem is with you @bungie... These issues have only been getting worse and from what i'm reading in all the post below, the only choices I have are to switch my cable/internet provider or just trash Destiny... I've been a Comcast customer for over 20 years and i'm not switching... Just like most of your customers bungie, I have spent over a $100 on Destiny and can't play it, what a waste of money. Its been over 17 hours with no fix bungie, whats the deal....?

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                                          • Cattle Xbox One Northeastern MA Comcast Started at around 11:30am-12:00pm Sunday Every other online game I've tried works perfectly

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                                            • Edited by BLACKRAVEN013: 3/30/2015 1:00:22 PM
                                              Comcast, Banjo, Xbox One/ 360, east coast Banjo only, started at around 12 yesterday. I've tried resetting my connection and port forwarding and opening ports which made no difference. I also tried using WiFi instead of a Ethernet connection which also did not change anything. I even tried connecting on my Xbox 360 which still resulted in Banjo. Every other game works fine on both systems and there isn't any issues with my home network. After re installing Destiny and getting no change I used my Verizon phone to setup a hot spot and was able to connect. I would also like to add that all my issues with Banjo were sign in related, and not matchmaking or anything else.

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                                            • Comcast Northern Ma. Sunday afternoon PS4

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                                            • Edited by wizwar978: 3/30/2015 11:25:53 AM
                                              Well Its official as i hate to say it i have a Verizon cell phone i set up as hot spot and was able to get in not a problem. I also have Comcast and was on yesterday morning and then went to log back in later and haven't been able to ever since. I have tried all the testing and also set modem to bridge mode and nothing works on Comcast side. So either Comcast has something wrong with their connections or they didn't pay their bill to bungie so bungie shut them off. must be more than 30 days delinquent lol. I also live in Mass With PS4. keep getting Banjo error. Hopefully Bunjie isn't discriminating against Comcast New England lol Someone please just fix it

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