What game series that is old would you like to see remade or have another game made of?
Mine would be SOCOM (ala S1/2/3)
And maybe Turok (before they ruined it) !
Portal Half-Life James Bond games (Goldeneye, 007 Legends, etc.) Left4Dead Titanfall (even though it's not a series, I want a good sequel) Borderlands Need for Speed
Edited by Red John Jr: 7/19/2015 1:28:05 AMCommand and Conquer
They need to revive the Star Wars The Force unleashed series. They set it up perfectly for a sequel , no matter which ending you choose .
Jak & Daxter
Chrono trigger
Edited by Given: 7/17/2015 4:22:01 PMHalo come back.. Any kind of fool could see there was something in everything about you ;-;
Tabula rasa (the mmo that lasted roughly a year back in 07/08)
Destroy all humans
Ace Combat .Hack Brothers In Arms Silent Hill
Red Dead Redemption
Road rash with online multiplayer would be epic.
Onimusha, socom, ace combat, siphon filter, probably some other ones. But these series definitely
Elder scrolls series
I already got my wish with Star Wars: Battlefront. KoToR is a close second.
Also another Conkers. That multiplayer on bad fur day was epic.
If i could have 1 it would be Medal of Honor Frontline. Landing on the beach on a next gen console would be awesome. I can still remember the planes flying over head. Such an epic moment for a PS2 game.
SOCOM. A remastered PS2 series would be perfect. Combined assault was my favorite.
Crash Bandicoot OG Sonic [b]Spyro[/b]
Blitz the league (and I'm from the UK and don't follow American football) but damn that game was awesome! Also def jam... Fantastic fighting game that I preferred over street fighter, tekken and mortal kombat but it didn't stick around long enough!
Monster Hunter - old
Halo, but 343 screwed it over... -
Crysis 2 & 3
Time splitters.
Star Wars: Republic Commando