Oh I did but I thought the wolf looked cheesy so i didnt buy it lol got my first in january and my second a few weeks ago...stop wanting it and it will drop I promise
Lol. Im pretty sure destiny cant read my thoughts ☺
Oh and BTW if you have made it this far without ghorn you're a great player don't get me wrong ghorn is a great gun but the majority of ppl with it are only good bc they have it in lamest terms it's a crutch
Haha thanks☺
You're welcome but seriously if you ever see someone with a maxed out ghorn and they aren't raiding you do not wanna play with them I promise..
Yeah. Luckily i raid with my clan.
Same here and anybody that need ghorn for the raid automatically scrubified...I play with the same 20 or so guys any 331 maxed out launcher will do. Has tracking on it? Even better but not necessary.
Nope, I wanted Hawkmoon for a long time and it didn't ever drop for me. Every week, VOG chest [Shards + Energies every week] then deathsinger [Energies every week] then Crota [Usually a helmet or shards every week] then roc strikes [Nothin but blues every single strike I've ever done] I still had hope, but I lost that hope a few weeks back and considered giving up the game because the only thing I had left to do was to get hawkmoon and maybe level up my other characters, but last week it dropped. I got into some shit with my parents because I was so loud and happy
I know what you mean lol I'm just saying I stopped talking about mine and boom pulled mine out of vog hm exotic chest