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3/22/2015 12:28:01 PM

Flawinter's Lie OP or Nah?

It's hard to toss around the word or abbreviation "OP" properly in a game filled with so many cheap ways to get killed but many think Felwinter's Lie is this super OP shottie/sniper that ruins PVP. I do die by it often but since I prefer to stick with teammates it's rare to see Felwinter's go on a killing spree due to its poor ROF. So I ask: Is Felwinter's lie flawed and overpowered or balanced by its slow ROF? Thoughts?

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  • Biggest regret is not picking it up last iron banner ... I wasn't the biggest fan of shotguns but the playstyle trends in pvp forced me to learn how to use them on certain maps .. My KD went up immediately - I use secret handshake now .. Even though I don't have one Iam honestly tired of all the nerfs ..

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